Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Sherlock Holmes 2

Well it was entertaining to me since I like Guy Ritchie's directing style (except Revolver and that Madonna one) - well I still think Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels is the best film in his filmography. Why did he make Sherlock and Watson gays in the closet? Seriously that was so in your face and it overshadowed everything else (i.e the plot) I do like the two female leads though and I always have soft spot for Robert Downey Jr. All in all I don't consider it a waste of time and was entertained (but not as much as I was in MI Ghost Protocol)

Monday, December 26, 2011

Hong Gil Dong - End, Mission Impossible IV-Ghost Protocol, Morning Glory

I'm very happy with Hong Gil Dong altogether - Here is what I wrote at a forum:

ome thoughs I have

* Kang Ji Hwan is a superb actor but I don't think he is a "star" - I didn't like his voice in the series either (I like deep bass toned voices in men) which brings me to

*Jang Geun Seok - not as good an actor (yet) but he has something special, definitely. I also love his voice and his mismatched eyes. The performance itself was lacklustre at first but it considerably got better at the end.

* Sung YuRi - I love that woman. Her character couldn't be any different than the one I saw her act in Snow Queen but she nailed it. I liked it that she was able to drama, comedy and melo equally well. She is also very pretty.

* What was with Lady Noh's lipstick? I wanted to wipe it off in every scene.

* It is the first time in my drama viewing history that I wanted the second male lead to get the girl. The Chang Whi character was someone I liked better than our hero Hong Gil Dong (I think the way he makes his living probably had a lot to do with my not liking him) also despite the fact that Kang Ji Hwan is a much much much better actor, I really like Jang Geun Seuk more - despite his nto so good wig and guyliner.

* This drama made me laugh, cry and get excited at all the right scenes. Thanks to everyone who made it so :)

I have also seen Mission Impossible IV-Ghost Protocol and I liked it a lot. Great action scenes which the film is all about anyway - so one readily forgets the dumb plot and bad jokes.

I have also loved Morning Glory mainly because I do like Rachel McAddams a lot. The woman has charm and she is a very good actor too. I wonder why she is not in rom coms.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Hong Gil Dong Eps.13-14-15-16

Yes I have started to do 4 episodes a night now and it gets better and better with each episode. Fast, furious, funny and heartbreaking at the same time. This is such a good show and I’m enjoying it very much. I have watched four episodes last night. And what happened at the end of episose 16? My prince has thrown himself in front of an arrow meant for Hong GilDong. He is such a good man and I hope that Lady Noh’s stupid and cruel actions will not harm him any further. I also would love Yinok and the Prince come together.

I do love Hong Gil Dong but his fate is a sorrowful one. He has got to be a hero but he can’t keep the woman he loves – actually he can, if they would want to go to an unknown country and live together but I doubt that either character will consider this alternative. I wonder how Yinok would react when she finds out

Meanwhile 1Q84 is also going great. It is hard to put down.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Şarkını Söylediğin Zaman - End, Hong GilDong 11-12, 1Q84

Şarkını Söylediğin Zaman (lit.traslation When You Sing Your Song) ended the way I thought it was going to end but it suprised me with how bitter the portions in the mother's diary were. I felt really sad about it too. Luckily the book itself ended on a high (if a bit odd) note.

I started 1Q84 and immediately drawn to Murakami's world as I always do. His books are so good to me and I love the man so much just because he is writing them. I'm only in the first pages but already loving it.

Hong GilDong continues to awe with its goodness. I'm simply loving it, crying, laughing and going crazy with excitement over what's going on. Also madly shipping The Prince and Yinok. Sorry Hong GilDong I love you but she is not for you.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Hong GilDong 9-10

Oh GilDong is becoming such a hero and a very good man but I find myself drawn to the Prince who is allowing more innocent sacrifices but also becoming aware of how badly this will affect him. Yinok's good heart is influencing him and that evil Lady Noh asks the illegal slave trader to take Yinok with him to China. But never fear I think Hong GilDong is going to save her (the cliffhanger was that he pulls her to hide from the slave trader's men but closing her eyes with his hands to avoid her knowing that he is alive (I don't think he will succeed).

Meanwhile Sarkını Söylediğin Zaman is getting stronger and more bitter as we have access to the thoughts of the female lead's mother. She is a flawed human but also very sympathetic and I feel so sad for her. Poor thing.

Now I'm thinking to finally start 1Q89 since I'm drifting away slowly from Westeros...

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

A Feast for Crows - End, Wall Street:Money Never Sleeps, Sen Şarkını Söylediğin Zaman, Hong Gil Dong (Ep 8)

A Feast for Crows unfortunately has ended. And with a cliffhanger too. I'm so eager to read the rest of the books. And before starting 1Q89 I have decided to take a breather and read something light to take me out of Westeros and Dragons etc.

Şarkını Söylediğin Zaman is not a bad book despite the fact the the prose is a bit generic and the story is predictable (well she is the daughter of the women he loved in Uni)but I like it well enough. Love always appeals to me.

I have watched (and inexplicable cried during viewing) Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps. It is not as good as Wall Street and to be honest felt a bit silly but I watched it till the end.

And then I have started Hong Gil Dong That one is a drama to my own heart. I have cried, I have laughed and I have fallen in love alternately between Hong Gil Dong (because he is a great character and the actor Kang Ji Hwan is so good) and The Prince (I LOVE Jang Geun Seuk's voice and he looks so good brooding. His performance is not very good but he has a certain panache that makes it endearing). So far poor Hong GilDong has suffered the consequenses of being a bastard in Joseon area. His father discourages him from advancing himself despite the fact that he is much more talented, capable, hard working and intelligent than his own legitimate son. His shifu (a Buddist monk) is a weird man and despite the fact that he has thought him great martial arts and principles he sort of leaves him to his own devices to find his own way.

He loves Yinok who loves him back but unknown to either of them Yinok is a noble's daughter and probably the OTP of The Prince (whose mother and friends and family was killed by Hong GilDong's father to support the current King - who ironically is the illegitimate son of the late king- The Prince has the responsibility to take the throne and to end the not so competenet ruling of the current King, whose acting drove him semi-mad). The court lady The Prince's mother gave The Prince -to take care for and protect- is vengeful bitch whose only purpose is to see The Prince crowned and she doesn't care how many innocent lives were sacrificed.

In episode 8 Hong GilDong was willingly killed (dying to save the innocent) but instead of dying he lived saved by the gang of thieves. Yinok doesn't believe he is dead and keeps looking for him. So after he successfully robs the corrupt ministers and distributes everything he stole among the families of the innocents killed, he devices a plan to make Yinok believe that he is dead. He kept the pouch she has given him and it was bloodied when the arrow that was meant to kill him hit his chest. So the Monk shows this pouch to Yinok telling her that Hong is dead. Yinok falls on the ground sobbing in pain and Hong GilDong watches her from a far. Suffering as she suffers but believing in that this is the best thing for her. She is very loyal and reckless and he doesn't want her to live the life of a thief. Oh poor Hong Gil Dong I love you. And not only he is a hero but he also made the Prince think by asking him a very simple question "Why do you have to be King?". I think that Prince will make a far better leader and will improve the conditions of his people and he should have told this to Hong GilDong but for some reason he never thought about it. Maybe it is because he is more focused on revenge. He saw his mother dying in flames in order to save him.

Ahhh Hong GilDong I know you'll break my heart but you also make me very happy. You are a great drama :) Thank God.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A Feast for Crows

Ok I was not going to read this one as I read the others (more like eating them rather than reading them) but even though the characters are different and we get the point of view of characters such as disgusting Cercei, I can't drop it off. No Jon or oddly Daenerys in this one but I like Brienne and her noble quest, I like how Jamie is slowly turning into a better man and I love Sam and Maester Aemon's quest (Jon shipped him off the wall since he too carries the blood of a King and a Dragon King at that and if Mellisandre finds this out she'd surely sacrifice him) I think Sam is born to be a Maester. Arya is still in Braavos doing God knows what and I do feel sorry for her (how can I not?) but she is not a particular fave of mine. I don't care for Sansa either but also feel sorry for her. I'm VERY curious about Bran I'm almost halfway and there is no word on what he is doing.

No watching TV, no watching films or dramas I'm just buried in the land of Westeros and enjoying the game of thrones played in it.

Monday, December 12, 2011

A Storm of Swords End, A Feast for Crows, Mighty Aphrodite

Mighty Aphrodite I liked it better this time, probably because I could actually understand it (God I was so young the first time I saw it) Well I do like Woody Allen. What can I do?

A Storm of Swords has ended on a high note. My beloved Jon is chosen to be the Commander of the Wall (and by a huge majority of votes at that). But Tyrion, my second fave character, went to the dark side after Jamie confessed to him that his first love Tysha really truly loved him and she was not a whore (his father made Jamie lie). Well first Tyrion told Jamie that he killed Joffrey (he didn't) and then he went and shot his father while the said father was taking a dump. I'm very very sorry that this character went bad. I loved the fact that he remained good despite his physical handicaps and the fact that 95% of the people around him treated badly. He just couldn't take it.

Jon on the other hand resisted all temptation (even refused to be Lord of Winterfell, something he really wanted) and I loved him even more for it.

Shockingly Jon Arryn was killed by his wife!!! And PB was behing it all!!! What a cunning and evil men. Then he killed Lysa just like that and threw the blame on the singer who witnessed all these. I wonder what he will do to Sansa.

Now I have started A Feast for the Crows right away but so far it is Jamie (I do like how this character is going from pure evil - incestious child murderer- to actually suffering and turning into something that resembles a human being.

So far no Jon but we read Samwell (as he is going to Citadel to become a Maester) about how he started being the Lord Commander and even his first actions are protective and just. I just hope that we get to read more about him and that he won't die.

I don't really care for Arya that much (she sailed to Braavos for some reason). But very very curious about Bran.

Friday, December 9, 2011

A Storm of Swords

All my systems are focused on A Storm of Swords which keeps me on my toes with suprise after suprise (Catelyn and Rob DEAD!!, Tyrion blamed for Joffrey's MURDER!!, Arya hanging out with the HOUND!!!) and I think I can't relax until I finish this one. What a ride.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Queen of No Marriage - End

Well I didn't much care for this one. I have found that I don't like the way Taiwanese mix serious and silly and their shows become boring after a while. All in all Ethan Ruan is good, I liked the leading lady but I don't think I'll return to this one anytime soon.

Well A Storm of Swords on the other hand is excellent. Truly I'm amazed how much I like it.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Queen of No Marriage - Only Three More Episodes Left

Well, Wu Shang handled the business of Lucas being framed really well. Investigated everyone and finally came out with the truth. I also loved how Lucas came back to live with his father (his dad critisising the way he cut cabbage but he lets it go, apologising and telling his father that he will try to do better - I should be like Lucas!). Also it is good that Senior finally woke up and decided not to marry Wu Shang. And finally at the end of episode 18, Wu Shang and Lucas are united. I assume the last three episoded will focus on the age difference and how they will deal with it in the society (though neither of them really care about public opinion that much).

A Storm of Swords is going great. I wonder what will Sansa do when she finds out that her marriage is not going to be with Willas but with Tyrion. My second fave character in the books is Tyrion.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Queen of No Marriage Eps 10-11-12

Well predictably Senior had a very good reason to dump Wu Shang. And predictably our wonderful hero Lucas is the one who made things right between the couple. They are united now but Wu Shang is still interested in Lucas and wants to keep him in her life. Lucas though is in pain since he likes Wu Shang a lot and ready to embrace her at the first hint of a green light from her. Alas I can understand Wu Shang, the man is 8 years younger than her. No matter he is georgeous, no matter he is one of the most good and honest guys ever, no matter he is equally interested in her - in the end he is 8 years younger. So she doesn't give him any encouragement. She seems to be pretty happy with Senior now that she knows he didn't dump her and is still crazy in love with her. But they haven't had sex yet and for some reason she keeps thinking Lucas...

Meanwhile Lucas quit his job as an assistant to Wu Shang. And after her brilliant luck of being ex and current girlfriend of Senior she is back at the news. I understand Jia Jia will be in some kind of trouble regarding the men who harrassed her in front of the bike shop (she is so sweet to agree to model to get a discount on bike repair price. She loves Lucas but I still don't like her).

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Queen of No Marriage Eps 7,8 & 9

Unfortunately Queen of No Marriage is slowly going down with silliness. The concerns etc. are real but the situations are not so. Snake bite? I actually fell asleep watching episode 8.

Ethan however continues to be awesome and I like the leading lady better and better.

The secondary lead, Senior who dumped Wu Shang 6 years ago is back. Just when Lucas and Wu Shang are getting together (well he arrived at the reunion to save her from kissing statue of David's manparts - yeah silliness but I think he means when he said he has feelings for her, and it was such a bad kiss. They had much better in the earlier episodes) She thinks Lucas is putting on a show to thank her for finding the answer to his hyacinth question but goes along. Just then Senior shows up. Ugh. I don't like that man even if he had a good reason to dump Wu Shang without any explanation. I'm all for team Lucas :)

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Queen of No Marriage Eps 3-6

This title really is hillarious. I can actually call myself the queen of no marriage.

Anyway I continue to like the show. Its message is good. The potential villain is suitably physco and Ethan Ruan is just adorable, sexy and so good looking. I like how the female lead is not that pretty.

We have not found out that Jia Jia is sister of Lucas's ex girlfriend who died in his arms (the only time Ethan fails in acting is those type of "nooooooo" scenes) Meanwhile the person who dumped our heroine 6 years ago is planning to return to Taiwan for a renuion of the Mountain Climbing Club. Our heroine needs to bring somebody who is better than her ex so she is combining a magazine assignment on the dating scene of the single people with her personal life and now will go on blind dates. Lucas is not happy about it (oh Lucas you are so perfect) meanwhile Jia Jia is definitely crushing on Lucas big time - and I don't blame her really- but Lucas's best friend told her that she has no chance since she is actually the sister of his dead ex.

The lack of kissing scenes (there was only one accidental kiss) is a bit frustrating. I hope they will remedy that in the upcoming episodes. At the risk of sounding pervy, Ethan is a great on screen kisser.

Meanwhile Storm of Swords is going really good. Jon is still alive.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Catching Up Addendum

Of course the dramas

I have finished Best Love/Greatest Love and no suprises there I LOVED it. Dokko Jin is a great rom com male lead. Seemingly arrogant and cold hearted but in reality very kind, good and romantic. In this drama they made him also a bit childish too and it worked since Cha Seung Won (aka hotness personified) worked wonders with this character. All in all very satisfying since the focus was on the male lead (which is very very rare in the rom coms I remember) and everything worked very very well.

Now I have started Queen of No Marriage and three episodes in I'm once again under the influence of Ethan Ruan. He is so handsome but also his performance in this one is suprisingly good (based on You Are My Destiny and Monga I didn't think he is much of an actor). I like the female lead too. She is not terribly pretty but she has a certain presence I like. And they burn the screen together (already had a french kiss and a tumble in bed - gotta love Taiwanese shows, these are unheard of in the first three episodes in Korea) I hope this will keep on being good.

Catching Up

After my lovely lovely vacation in Hawaii, I need to catch up with things. The main reason I keep this blog is to record no?

Films on the flights (it was a 15 hour flight to and from LA :) ) and 5 hours each to from Hawaii.

The films that stayed with me

X-Men First Class What can I do? I love James Mc Avoy. The other guy was also a good actor, much more charismatic and very successful as the conflicted villain but I do love my shrimp Mc Avoy and his is the performance that stayed with me in this nice film.

Just Go With It Adam Sandler, yet another guy I love without no apparent reason. He just looks like he is a very nice person. Anyway this film was made better by its location (Hawaii - heh).

Life As We Know It Katherine Heigl plays the same women she played in all of her lame ass rom coms (I only liked this character in Knocked Up since she was nicely paired with Seth Rogen's - it didn't work in the rest of the film (21 Dresses, The Ugly Truth etc.) Same annoying woman you can't understand why the lead men fall for. Not a very good thing when you aspire to be the rom com actor. There is a reason why Julia Roberts and Meg Ryan were so good at it. It was not just the men who like them it was us too. Isobel in Grey's Anatomy was such a great part for Heigl. Too bad it didn't work out.
Monte Carlo Yeah I can't believe it either but I not only watched it to the end but I sort of liked it too (eewwww)
Horrible Bosses
I was not all that.

The films I have started but couldn't finish since they were boring: Hanna, Water for Elephants, Unknown...

I have read Passing Under Heaven by Justin Hill which I liked and then I had this brill idea to start Game of Thrones. Yeah after knowing how time consuming, expensive fantasy genre is. And most of the time the books are not really worth it. Alas I'm hooked now and I have finished Clash of Kings and currently reading A Storm of Swords. My favorite character is John Snow but against my better judgement I can't help but like Tyrion too.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Midnight Meat Train, Chaser

I forgot to add Midnight Meat Train to the list in the former post. I actually didn't think it was bad, just a tad predictable and not very well acted. But it had the clean cinematography I liked so I enjoyed it more than I would have.

Chaser Koreans know how to do it right when it comes to tight bloody thrillers. They are always very well acted and I do like the fact you don't know what is going to happen (as opposed to say, US films). This one is a good example to that - but stay away if you are squeamish - not as bloody as I Saw The Devil but it is bloody.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Passing Under Heaven, The Tales by Brothers Grimm, Karate Kid (remake), Blink - The Thorn Birds - End

The Thorn Birds was good to the last drop.

I have then started to read The Tales by Brothers Grimm and I enjoyed it very much. Since it is actually story format I stopped right after Cinderella (great story). Now I started Passing Under Heaven by Justin Hill and to my suprise I'm actually enjoying it very very much. I was so down after the second hand book fair since I couldn't find many books but this is two in two!

I also watched

Karate Kid (remake) it was not as bad as I thought it would be. It was long but I enjoyed the ride. The original was not much better but it had more sentimental value I guess. I prefer the original.

Blink this is probably the only film I really liked Madeline Stowe in.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Age of Innocence

The Age of Innocence I like this film in this third viewing. Everyone in it is great but the real star of the film is costumes and set design. Seriously with all the good acting going on the costumes and props were what I really focus on every time. I need to read this novel sometime. It is an interesting story. But I have to say as far as the Wharton adaptations go, I prefer The House of Mirth.

Meanwhile The Thorn Birds is AMAZING. Halfway to the book and I'm still in love.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Do The Right Thing, Rise

Do The Right Thing I liked this film very much. It had something to say and had an interesting way to say it. Now I don't like Rosie Perez and the shots with her were a bit pervy and seemed to put in there just to attract attention to the film but other than that I have no complaints.

Rise This film was boring but I got stuck with it since it had that tidy cinematography I like to watch. Lucy Liu's performance was good too.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Shadow of Your Smile - End, The Thorn Birds, Selena

Shadow of Your Smile ended very nicely. I love the good characters in Mary Higgins Clark's novels. They are so proper and nice.

I have started The Thorn Birds by Colleen McCullough and I'm loving it. I have not finished the first chapter yet but I'm on that particular wonderful high when one starts a good book :)

Not much for films/dramas this weekend.

I'm following the Turkish drama called "Adını Feriha Koydum" (lit.translation "I Have Named Her/You Feriha". I love it despite the fact that it is the age old cliché of poor girl and rich boy. This one is a not a rom com though (Turkish dramas rarely are) and the fact that poor girl is actually a scholarship student in one of the fancier universities in Istanbul - a smart beautiful girl whose only fault is she is the daughter of a building superintendent and that her mother is a house cleaner. The rich guy is one with divorced parents not received enough paternal love. He is a bit of a playboy. He liked her because she was so different from the girls but she just couldn't confess her poor background to him. And it got harder and harder after they fall in love. He found out about her in second season and thinks that she lied to her because she wanted to con a rich sucker to get out of her miserable life (This is so not true!!!!) It doesn't help that he is not friends with the psyco girl who is obssessed with him and keep feeding him lies about poor Feriha.

Anyhow the last episode was again very exciting. Feriha's trials didn't stop but at least now she doesn't have to lie anymore.

Other than that I have rewatched Selena and liked it even better this second time. Jennifer Lopez is amazing in the title role. I cried again for the real life singer who was murdered at 23 years old.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Singham, Minority Report

Singham was a dissapointment since I expected it to be similar to Wanted in energy but it was not.

Minority Report - second viewing I enjoyed better. Spielberg is a very good director.

Shadow of Your Smile is going great. I'm sorry that it will end soon.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Vineyard Man, Zindegi Na Milegi Dobara, Sex And The City 2, Eclipse, Life of Pi - End, Shadow of Your Smile

God it has been so long ok here it is

Sex and The City 2 - it was bad. BAD.

Zindegi Na Milegi Dobara - I liked it very much. Abhay Deol is a cutie while Hrithik Roshan and Farhan Akthar do nothing for me.

Eclipse - ok this is getting more ridicilious with each film. I'm eager for Breaking Dawn. Seriously, that film is going to be one hillarity fest based on what I have seen so far.

The Vineyard Man - After a long search on line I managed to find a legit version of this K-drama. I was expecting something light that would be a nice passtime. But somewhere along the way I have found that I invested to the lead character. Shed unexpected tears and was very very happy with the ending.

I have finished Life of Pi and enjoyed it very very much (I don't know why I have this prejudice about the popular books) now I have started Mary Higgings Clark's Shadow of Your Smile. As expected I'm loving it. MHC formula never gets old for me. I love how her good characters behave and dress. Anyway I'm enoying this one so much that I can't even guess the twist.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Marry Me Mary - End, The Murder Room-End, Life of Pi

Ok I have finally, after much stalling, finished Marry Me Mary whose only redeeming qualities are the acting talent and the cuteness of its lead couple. Cuteness however can only take you to some distance in drama viewing and that distance was not very far in Marry Me Mary.

Jang Geun Suk is adorable though and I love his manly voice.

Now I need to check up more books of PD James - isn't it lovely when you discover a writer that you like very much.

And currently reading Yann Mantel's much acclaimed Life of Pi which turned out to be really good. Ok I will admit to approach cautiously to the novels everyone loves. I have not read Sophie's World or The Alchemist yet. But once in a while you find treasures like Harry Potter novels. And this one turned out to be a worthy read. I'm halfway through and already bitten most of my nails.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

My Name is Kim Sam Soon - End, The Three Muskeeters - End, Rewatches and a New Book

Please Teach Me English This was adorable the first time I saw it and it is still adorable. Jang Hyuk is a dynamo and Lee Na Yong is consistently good. Also this film is probably the only Korean film where the caucasian actor is actually giving a good performance.

Libera Me This film is silly to the core. Filled with lots of WTF moments and plotholes. The film's only advantage is the hot hot HOT cast.

Rear Window I loved it. James Stewart and Grace Kelly are wonderful but of course the real star of the film is the director. One of Hitchcock's finest films.

I have started reading The Murder Room by P.D James. This is one of the books I have purchased last year at the second hand book fair. I have not heard of this writer before but I do love her now. She is not Ruth Rendell but has a certain honesty about her - not as cruel as Ruth's - which I really like in fiction. I love English writers.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Secret Garden End - My Name is Kim Sam Soon

Secret Garden was oh so good for 16-17 episodes and then it went quickly downhill with episodes acting as filler. Nevertheless Hyun Bin is adorable - my current dream man - and Ha Ji Won is vastly entertaining. I loved the secondary couple too!

Not suprisingly I needed to keep watching Hyun Bin so instead of starting Marry Me Mary, I keep on watching My Name is Kim Sam Soon which is very entertaining but I wish there was a kissing scene in every episode. Yeah Hyun Bin is that good an onscreen kisser.

Meanwhile The Three Musketeers is slowly coming to an end and I'm sad. It is a very good novel.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Secret Garden IV, V, VI

Secret Garden gets better and better with each episode. Now they had a body swap and this was caused by Ra im's father!!!!! Of course these two don't know the cause and they tried to kiss it out - heh. Joo Won maybe an asshole but I like his honesty and I think it is very important since I'll for one believe him when he admits his love to Ra Im.

Poor action school Sunbae, I hope that he'll find an OTP too! I'm thinking Oska and Seul will reunite since it is obvious that they love each other. I also think Oska is hot (and I LOVE it when the lead guy and the secondary guy are both hot - I had the similar experience in What Happened in Bali)

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Secret Garden Episodes I, II, III

I'm in love with this drama. The male character Kim Joo Won is claustrophobic (and he may have more illnesses we don't know yet) and kind of a jerk where women are concerned but at the same time he is refreshingly honest and kind (at least to Ra im) Gil Ra Im is a stuntwoman who is poor but very good at her job and more importantly she likes her job. Theirs is a terrific first meeting and he keeps trying to help her out but not really knowing how and she keeps misunderstanding him. Oh but there is UST and such an intense one. Side characters are Oska who is an aging Hallyu star, capricious and spoiled but carries a torch for his first love who is Seul now after Joo Won to get married to him but I think she still has feelings for Oska. She is after a good marriage though and the more Joo Won refuses him the more determined she becomes. And there is also the stunt manager guy who is a kind of oppa for Ra Im, obviously in love with her but treats her as an employee/sister and protects her from a far with no intention of revealing his feelings. Yes, we have two secondary men for the price of one.

I can't wait for the evening to come and watch more. Loving, simply loving this.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Chandni, My Name is Kim Sam Soon

Last night I have finished Chandni which I sort of enjoyed but not enough to watch it in one go (I have started last night and fell asleep at some point about 3/4 of it) Anyway I do love Rishi and Sridevi.

I also started re watching MNIKSS since I'm learning Korean and I thought it would be nice to keep hearing the language. Except I don't understand anything yet and would be lost without subtitles. However I'm enjoying this even more than I did the first time I watched it. Kim Soon Ah is adorable and so funny, Hyun Bin is not on top of his game - he is not a comedy actor really - but he looks good enough and this is Kim Soon Ah's show anyway. I laughed out more than once.

The Three Musketeers is proving to be very very good entertainment. I do like the English translation and enjoying the novel.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Social Network, Çınar Ağacı

The Social Network I liked it very much since it showed how a good direction can switch things around when everything else is nothing special. The story is very interesting.

Çınar Ağacı (literal translation: Plane Tree) This one was a weepy (about an old lady who is put to an old people's home by her four children, and her adorable grandson) and I wept.

Friday, September 2, 2011

God It has been ages!

The end of Ramadan holidays etc. and I stop posting (really how lazy one can be?) but of course I have not stopped watching and reading thank God.

Baker King Kim Tak Gu has ended with a bang and caused me to suffer from serious withdrawal symptoms, thank God for

What Happened in Bali which is the show with the most messed up characters ever. I know a lot of people love this one and I agree with them. I ended up marathoning the last 7 episodes. Seriously this show is not that good if you look at it objectively since everyone in it (including the side characters) are miserable, cunning and dishonest. Nothing good ever happens but

* Perfect casting - Ha Ji Won is that girl who is not liked by Moms - regardless of their social, economical status - that girl has the snake eyes and I seriously like her alot. The side characters, the secondary girl, moms & dads, best friends etc. were all fit to their roles.

* Eye candy for women and gays. And I'm talking serious eye candy here. On one corner we have So Ji Sub, not really known for his acting talents (but the guy angsts well, I'll give him that) but he is oh so pretty to look at. And he is the one who got all the shower of angst scenes. On the other corner we have Jo In Sung. Great looking man who can also act and wisely chose to ham it up for Bali. He is so adorable and I love that he has his own teeth (not capped like the rest of the cast)

* The hillarious fashion and style (seriously the haircuts of the two male leads are enough entertainment on their own but poor Jo In Sung's outfits were also hillarious)

* Neverending WTFs and continuity mistakes - not that they marr the show mind you since this is not one where you'll care for either character, they are hillariously entertaining.

All in all I recommend this show. As I said nothing happy every happens in it and all the characters are miserable but so much pretty and decent writing have their pull.

Currently watching Byakuyakou which is probably a very good book but these series are not making me happy. It is too weird a subject and there are some terrible things done by the two main leads but the show opted telling them instead of showing them (or it maybe the Malaysian copy I own, I don't know) and this affected the impact in my opinion.

I have finished Rottweiler by Ruth Rendell which was very good and started The Three Musketeers - I have read it ages ago in Turkish. Now I'm reading the English translation and easily caught up with the very entertaining prose of Mr.Dumas.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Baker King Kim Tak Gu Episodes 19-20, The Unpredictable Bride - End, Eroinle Dans

Oh Tak Gu is breaking my heart. The man can't catch a break. I wanted to shake Yu Kyung and tell her that the road she takes is no good - wake up and remain with Tak Gu who loves you, revenge is silly and hating people will just cause you go bad inside.

I truly identify with Tak Gu - being able to forgive easily and doesn't suffer any grudge especially after some goodness shown to me, optimistic and hopefull. So everything that is happening to Tak Gu somehow affects me and now the poor guy is not only suffering from the shock of seeing Yu Kyung together with Ma Jun (spawn of evil) and having caught a cold from falling asleep on the bakery floor but the stupid auntie and Mi Sun (the girl) fed him Ma Jun's poison thinking it is cold medicine (to give credit to MaJun he did run there to stop it but since he is the one who procured the dreaded poison in the first place, I'm not going to think better of him). Well at least his father survived the assasination attempt and safely united with Tak Gu's mother. I just hope he'll be able to meet his mother.

Meanwhile I have finished The Unpredictable Bride, which was predictably adorable, and going to start Canan Tan's Alevden Küle Eroinle Dans (literal translation is From Flame to Ash Dance With Heroin) well my excuse is that it was very very cheap and I'm currently fasting and planning to read it on the treadmill during lunch break (I just go with 3.something and try not to tire myself) and on the shuttle to/from work so something that wouldn't tax me but keep me amused is what I need to read. Also this writers has a lot of fans in here. I have read one of her books and it was one of those nice generic fiction with an easily flowing story. Let's see how this on will work out.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Baker King Kim Tak Gu - and one left from the catching up

Last night was Episodes 17-18 of Baker King Kim Tak Gu and once again I was in tears by the end of the 18th episode. Tak Gu is such a kind hearted character and I like him so much that when one of the baddies hurt him, it is as if I'm the one who is hurt. I really hope this drama ends on a good note for our Tak Gu or I'll suffer more than withdrawal symptoms.

Meanwhile I have finished Kader'in Peşinde and started Barbara Cartland's The Unpredictable Bride and just as expected from an unashamed Cartland fan, I'm loving it.

I realised one of the TV dramas I have watched and forgot to add in the last post was And I Love Her and it probably was because I didn't like it at all. The male lead looked like he was in junior high (but his character was in university) and the female lead was a total weirdo - and in a bad way- I think they were going for a Long Vacation type thing but it didn't work (I LOVE Long Vacation btw)

Monday, August 15, 2011

Catching Up a Bit

I was away from the net for the past two weeks and now I'll try to catch up. It won't be so hard I guess since I mainly watched K-Dramas and didn't read many books.

The Rise of the Planet of the Apes It was good. Very entertaining and engaging.

Salt I liked it better than I would have if it starred a male hero. Angelina, despite not being a very good actor has ample on screen presence and she handles action scenes well.

The Princess And the Frog Well, I watched it to the end.

The Romantics It was not a very good film, I actually watched it more out of curiosity (just how bad an actor Katie Holmes is?) than real interest.

Blades of Blood That film is bad, even Cha Seung Won -looking real good in period costume- was not able to save it.

You Again Now I really like Kristen Bell but she is not a rom com actor, just like with Katherine Heigl, I can't sympathise with her for some reason.

These are films that I can think of off the top of my head now. I'll update if I remember more.

Now on to the dramas

I have finished You Are Beautiful and despite not liking Park Shin Hye one single bit, I loved the drama. Hong sisters' humour agrees with me.

Currently watching Baker King Kim Tak Gu and it is total makjang and full of stupid story telling devices (such as flashback to a minute ago) but for some reason I love it. Cried lots during episode 16 last night. Tak Gu is such a lovable character and he has such a kind heart and the villains are so so bad that I do understand how this show had stellar ratings when it was airing.

Books wise I was not very active (I'm fasting and spend all my vacation stuck next to my mother who doesn't read much nowadays) finished

Nine Dragons which was an average Michael Connely novel but since Bosch was in Hong Kong this time I enjoyed reading about places I have been to.

Five Go in a Caravan Enid Blyton I love you and I think every child should read your books (how I loved them as a kid and it is a great suprise to see that I love them still - maybe even more so)

Currently reading

Kader'in Peşinde (literal translation Chasing Kader - Kader is a female name also means Destiny) I like Mehmet Murat Somer's transvestite detective who is a club manager and also a computer programmer/hacker. The novel is full of wit and action. Enjoying it a lot and I'm sad that I'm almost at the end.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Secret ended up being a feat for my eyes since I do love Cha Seung Won but other than that (and him) there was not anything remarkable in it.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Harry Potter and The Deathly Hollows 2, The Game, Monga, Devil's Backbone

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows 2: Well I didn't like the film itself but having loved the books and knowing the story helped me along. Also the experience was fabulous since I was in this huge mall theater all by myself. This was also my first 3D experince and while I think this is a good way to view cartoon or CGI films, it doesn't do much for the scenes acted by actual human actors.

The Game: That one was out and out bad, all kinds of wrong but I do love Abhishek and he was so good looking in it (his performance however was very very bad)

Monga: I liked it well enough. I may even rewatch it since whatever the shortcomings, that one had heart and it showed. Besides, Ethan Ruan, I love you :)

Devil's Backbone: This is by far the best film I have seen this weekend. It has a great story and it is very well told. I love how Guillermo Del Toro uses the special effects. They are only there to enhance the story and the film gave me nightmares (but this is a good thing)

Friday, July 22, 2011

Turning Angel - End, Iskender

I have finally finished Turning Angel which started really good but then turned into preaching about good old Southern values and beauty of USA etc. hence sour.

I'm planning to start Iskender by Elif Shafak. Yesterday I went ahead and bought it (along with a pair of lovely pink slipper type shoes - purchased by using free credit card points :) )

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

If You Are The One 2

Well this one was more melodramatic with a funeral insterted in and I shed tears and tears but overall this is not my type of film, exquisite vistas and locations aside.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

If You Are The One

This film is not a fluffy romantic comedy - I fully expected it to be-. Instead it is a painful drama with some well done comedy bits scattered through it. Suprisingly it doens't end up being a bad film but I'd much prefer a rom com. I'm happy with it but it was very sad at the same time.

Turning Angel is going great, I have absolutely no idea who the murderer is!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Don't Go Breaking My Heart

Last night I watched the HK romcom from Johnnie To, Don't Go Breaking My Heart and I enjoyed it very much despite the fact that I don't agree with the ending at all. Louis Koo was handsome and the rythm and flow of the film was perfect.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Pride And Prejudice (2005), Turning Angel

Last night I have watched Pride and Prejudice (2005) again. I wonder why this adaptation has so many fans when clearly BBC one is still the best out there. First it is not really possible to cram the novel into a film format so director Joe Wright wisely chose to cut what is not essential to the plot and I agree with him on that but at the same time I can't help but think the story half baked. I wouldn't care so much about the characters if I have not read the novel.

I also don't really like Kiera Knightley as Elizabeth Bennet. She is a fine actor and very pretty but somehow her Elizabeth came off as mean and mocking (generally being the person she critisizes others to be)

I also started reading Turning Angel by Greg Isles and so far it is going great. There is something about stories in Southern areas of USA.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

I'm Number Four-End, Detective Dee and The Mystery of the Phantom Flame

Last night I have watched Detective Dee and the Mystery of the Phantom Flame which was an OK film, not bad but nothing special.

I also finished I'm Number Four at the shuttle while coming to work. It was an easy read and that is the best thing I can say about it.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

True Blood Season 3 - End, Love In The Time of Cholera - End, I'm Number Four

I have finished True Blood Season 3 last night and it was a blast. I really like these series but also realise that they are not going in a good direction. Anyway looks like I'll stick to them and not just for eye candy.

Love In The Time of Cholera is a good book and I liked it, on the other hand while I admire GGM's prose, it is not for me. I don't feel a connection.

And even though I was not going to buy any new books, I purchased I'm Number Four on a whim and it was the wrong book to follow up Marquez. The prose seem like it is written by a kid or something.

Monday, July 11, 2011

What's Up Fox? - End, True Blood Season 3

I liked What's Up Fox? a lot. It was not marathoning material (the last time I marathoned was City Hall I think???) but really enjoyable.

I'm watching True Blood season 3 and despite the fact that it is turning out to be an Anita Blake novel I like it very very much.

Friday, July 1, 2011

What's Up Fox? Eps.1 & 2

I really like this drama despite the vulgar jokes.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Tanu Weds Manu

It has been strange since the start of the week. I wanted to watch 7 Khoon Maaf but it was so bad that I actually fell asleep and the next night I wanted to watch An Affair (which I have seen about 5 times now I guess) and I fell asleep during viewing. I thought that this was caused by my waking up every morning at 06:00 o'clock to run (heh - I'm a bit proud of this) but last night I gave

Tanu Weds Manu a chance and not only I have finished the film without a yawn, I even watched some of the making of docu. It is not a good film by any means but it was entertaining.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Tatta Hitotsu No Koi, How to Train Your Dragon, Toy Story 3

This weekend was animation for films and Japanese for dramas.

Toy Story 3 I liked it so much that I have actually shed tears over the characters. Great sequel

How to Train Your Dragon I liked this one a lot too. I cried while watching this too! But not as much as Toy Story 3.

Tatta Hitotsu No Koi Another winner after Nobuta Wo Produce. Kame was adorably cute and a good actor and despite the fact that the female lead couldn't really cry well (the same girl in Hotaru no Hikari) I liked this love story very much. The best thing about it was how they treated the age old story. Everthing was very realistic and without any melodrama (well not everything, the fight scenes were laughably bad - but that is my only pet peeve). But the writing was very good and the direction excellent. I cried (again and again almost in each episode). Nevertheless it will not appeal to one who doesn't care for young love. Otherwise I'll recommend with a clean conscience.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Lord of the Flies - End, Love In the Time of Cholera and Nobuta Wo Produce Eps. 4-8

Lord of the Flies ended very quickly since I actually kept on reading it while getting a pedicure and while waiting for the nail polish to dry. It is an excellent book.

Now I have started Gabriel Garcia Marquez's Love in the Time of Cholera which started very very good. Unlike popular opinion I don't really care for Gabriel Garcia Marquez's novels (a lot of people I know consider 100 Years of Solitude their favorite novel, it was definitely very good but didn't appeal to me as strongly it did to the rest of the world's readers. This one though started with an interesting death and keeps getting interesting as I read it. It seems that purchasing the price pack (which included 100 Years of Solitude, Love in the Time of Cholera and another book Memories of My Melancholy Whores).

And Nobuta keeps going on awesome, I was very very close to marathoning the remaining two episodes but decided to save them for tonight insaallah. I gave up hoping for a happy ending but wish at least for a definite one (I don't really care for ambigious endings in general)

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Nobuta Wo Produce - First Four Episodes

I loved it so far. Shuji is, not suprisingly, my favorite character (I almost never suffer from secondary male syndrome since started being honest to myself) because he has a kind heart and not averse to critisism about himself. Furthermore he listens to it and thinks about it.
Akira is supposed to be cool character but I disliked him for some reason (not because he is the secondary male but maybe because he is usually drunk and unnecessarily affectionate). Nobuta is a character I can't understand, I can identify with her goodness but they way she seems to give up and her seeming indifference to being damaged puzzles me.

Of course being introduced to Shuji, she starts to change, as she does and I want them to be together and experience that sweet high school love but the drama has a serious tone and being told by Shuji's voice, so I'm not really hopeful for those two walking into the sunset hand in hand with Akira being a happy cheabol son (I didn't really like him but I still would like him to be happy)

Monday, June 20, 2011

Last Night At Chateau Marmont- End, Lord of the Flies

The weekend was active and I only managed to watch season finale of The Good Wife (I love this show) and some episodes of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit - last season I think.

But I have finished Last Night at Chateau Marmont and I liked it much better than I thought I would in the beginning.

Lord of the Flies I have read I think twice before but at an apparently early age since even though I remember some horrible scenes in it, overall I feel like I have started a new book and a good one at that.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Thelma and Louise

I liked it even more so in this second viewing. Great story and a fab ending.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Tales of the Otori - End, The English Patient, Last Night At Chateu Marmont

I loved loved loved Tales of the Otori. Not only it was good prose but the descriptions of the costumes and surroundings were also very much to my taste.

I have started Last Night At Chateu Marmont by Lauren Weisberger. I like her prose and despite the fact none of her other books are as good as Devil Wears Prada, they are at least entertaining.

Last night I have watched The English Patient and I liked it better the second time. The acting, the music, the cinematography are all so so good.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Tales of the Otori: Brilliance of the Moon, The Ghost Writer, Dum Maro Dum

I'm currently reading the third book of The Tales of the Otori: Brilliance of the Moon and I'm loving each page. The odd thing is that some of the excitement of reading the first book sort of waned but I can't decide whether it is because the story is not as exciting or because I'm used to it so some of the shine fell off. Either way this is not the first time I feel like this and there are very few exceptions one of them being Harry Potter, that one got better with each book and the ending was the high point.

Meanwhile I have watched

Dum Maro Dum which was not good and

The Ghost Writer which I liked a lot. And not because Ewan McGregor is starring. I liked the filming, the close up shots, the uncluttered sets and cinematography.

Thursday, June 9, 2011


Silk: this film didn't leave any impression but since some parts of it were in Japan, it sort of connected nicely with Across The Nightingale Floor, which gets better and better as I read.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Revenge of the Sith, Nicholas Nickleby- End, Tales of the Otori Book 1 - Accross the Nightingale Floor

Revenge of the Sith was actually better than I remembered. Liked all the actors and it was suitable dark and tied nicely with the remaining films. I do love Ewan McGregor and Hayden Christiansen was not bad either. Natalie Portman was luminous but they didn't have much of a chemistry with Hayden.

Nicholas Nickleby finally ended and I was in tears of joy. Well nothing really beats a happy ending and Mr.Dickens was obliging after all the misery he has put us through since his villains are truly evil characters and it was great to see the good guys triumph over them.

Now I have started the first book of the Tales of the Otori and predictably I'm loving it. She made a great fictional world but so much of Japanese culture & history are incorporated in it. So far, so very good.

Meanwhile I have decided to learn Korean.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Mişs Potter

It was a decent enough film. Rene Zellweger is a decent actor and I do like Ewan McGregor (although his role was not that much). I liked the film in the end but it sure didn't carve much of an impression.

Monday, June 6, 2011

My Girlfriend is A Gumiho - End

Last night I have finished My Girlfriend is a Gumiho and I ended up really loving it. Never thought I'd shed so many tears in the last episode since there were emotional scenes earlier and I watched them normally, my usual reacting was laughing at the funny bits. This ended up being a good purchase.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

My Girlfriend is a Gumiho Still

I have finished episode three last night and I'm definitely enjoying it. Light and funny it was probably just what I needed. I doubt that it will turn into an obsession though.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

My Girlfriend is a Gumiho, Viewing FAIL:Man From Nowhere

Last night I was so eager to watch Man From Nowhere but just about halfway through the film I realised that my dvd was faulty. And even though I didn't think I was terribly into the film, it was suprisingly dissapointing. And the stupid thing is expensive so I'll not be immediately replacing him. FAIL :(

Then to cheer myself up I started to watch Korean TV Drama My Girlfriend is a Gumiho and it did the job very well, before I know it I was laughing out loud and even managed to stop in the first quarter of Episode 2 (if it was love at first sight between me and the drama then I would have watched all the three episodes and be a zombie today at work)

Monday, May 30, 2011

My Teacher Mr.Kim, I Saw The Devil, Ghost House and ...ING

My Teacher Mr.Kim continued to be just as awesome in the second viewing while Ghost House didn't entertain me as much as it did the first time. I need to get new Cha Seung Won films :)

Suprisingly enough a Korean film was showing in theaters in Istanbul (outside of festival circuit that is) and it is Kim Jee Won's I Saw the Devil. Amazing film really and imho one of the director's best (I think I have seen all his films). Especially the first 15 minutes were so good. I wonder if I can rewatch is since it was gory but also heartbreaking, but I sure am happy that I saw this one.

..ing was as good as I remembered it to be. Amazing really how good a melodrama that film is. But Hong Kong version was slightly cut - not enough to annoy me but the thing is that I'm amazed I actually remembered so much of that film.

Nicholas Nickleby continues to be entertaining. I'm suprised at how vicious the satire in it is.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Crossing Hennessy

This Ivy Ho film really was no suprise since I purchased it after reading a very detailed, spoiler filled review. However this is one of those films that knowing what happens doesn't matter in the least bit. Not exactly a slice of love but it is a story where our protagonists are rather ordinary. I loved the unlikely lead pair Jackie Cheung and Tang Wei. I only watched Tang Wei in Lust Caution and never thought she'd look adorably ordinary like this. Jackie I like well enough even when he overacts and in this film he doesn't. This was a good one, another WIN purchase :)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Reign of Assassins

I loved it. Clean, uncluttered cinematography, great sets and props but more importantly a good story with romance, revenge and action in it. And to top all these the cast was excellent altogether. I really enjoyed myself and wanted more :)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Confessions, Eye for Eye

Confessions is a film I was eager to watch. And even though the story didn't dissapoint, the MV style of direction didn't really agree with me. As far as I'm concerned what made the film was the actors. Everyone was so good, it is not easy to come across a solid cast like this.

Eye for Eye Now it is a decent film, not great but I do like Cha Seung Won and he looked so good in it. Amazingly good. Yeah this is a bit of a shallow opinion but this is all I can offer.

Meanwhile I'm into Nicholas Nickleby but not as much as, A Tale of Two Cities. Dickens is a gifter writer but his humour is not to my taste sometimes and the characters are suffering so much... I hope there are better days for all of them.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Hunger Games - End

I have finished The Hunger Games last night and loved every bit of it. I'm almost scared to purchase the next of the triology, I hope it will be just as good but I can't figure how it's going to be.

Meanwhile oddly I stopped watching films for some days. Did Duplicity turn me off that bad? I think this is more because I keep waiting for my package from Hong Kong and it doesn't arrive :(

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Duplicity, Betrayed, The Hunger Games

I can't believe the only film I have watched since Descent is Duplicity. And what a bore this film is. Seriously one expects more from a romantic caper starring Julia Roberst and Clive Owen. Fail.

My orders for Betrayed (yeah I like to punish myself, or I got trashy tastes I don't know why I order this) and The Hunger Games arrived so I took a break from Nicholas Nickleby and read Betrayed (which was more of the same and I don't plan on following these series unless I somehow get them extremely cheap or free of charge) and started The Hunger Games which I loved. Katniss is a great teen hero and it is good story telling (I actually cried twice during and I didn't even finish it yet)

Thursday, May 12, 2011

The Descent

Last night despite being so tired and needing sleep (especially after celebrating my sister's b-day) I decided to give The Descent a chance and certainly don't regret it. I liked the film very much. The dynamics between the women and how they are all capable and fight back instead of just screaming. I like how the whole thing was filmed too. The location was dark but somehow the film was well lit and we are able to see what's going on.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Fated to Love You - End

Last night I have finished watching Fated to Love you and I ended up liking the series. Especially the happiest ending possible for all the characters. The second half beginning in Shanghai was not necessary though.

Suprisingly the scene that made me cry rivers were the meeting of two siblings Anna and Dylan. I really like how understated but full of feeling it was. Cun Xi and Xin Yi are adorable but after a while their antics were just not as funny as the ones in the first half of the show.

In the end I think this is worth a watch and highly likely a rewatch. Especially the kissing scenes, Ethan Ruan is a good on screen kisser.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Still Fated to Love You

Fated to Love You is starting a bit sour towards the end. When Xin Yi had to abort the child it was a big suprise for me and now the Shanghai period left a bitter taste. Sun Xi is good and kind but Xin Yi is treating him with contempt and while I understand why, I can't help but love the old kind hearted Xin Yi best and dislike Elaine because she acts stupid and bitter.

Now we are getting clues as to why Anna maybe long lost sister of Dylan and I hope that it is so. Those two can repair their broken hearts with some sibling TLC.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Marked-End, Nicholas Nickleby

I have finished Marked and once again thanked J.K Rowling for writing good books for children and teens.
Marked is an easy read and certainly trying to give good messages to teens (its intended market, and I just like to read any kind of book) but it had that certain self congratulary air which is also condescending (a good example of another book with that attitude is Eat, Pray, Love).

Now I have started Nicholas Nickleby by Charles Dickens and I'm loving it. He is such a gifted writer.

Meanwhile Fated to Love you is an ongoing delight. I laugh, I cry and am having a ball.

Monday, May 2, 2011

The Brightest Star in the Sky - End, Fated to Love You, Marked

Sunday night I have stayed late and finished The Brightest Star in the Sky, oh Marian Keyes, I love you - never change.

I have started a teen novel called Marked. It is not very good and have that self loving tone but somehow I'm interested and I keep going on. This type of American stories appeal to me for some reason.

I started to watch Fated to Love You which is the highest rating drama in Taiwan TV history. Two episodes in and I'm not into it despite always loving the poor girl/rich boy story line. Maybe it is the commercial break markings (how come they are there in the dvd?) at least the subtitles are very good. I'm planning on watching three more episodes to see whether I'll like it or not (Last Scandal of My Life didn't excite me for the first three eps. but then I LOVED it)

Friday, April 29, 2011

Hotaru no Hikari - End

Yes, after two sleepless nights (it is always like this - after coming home from swimming and walking, I promised I'll only watch two episodes and then of course watched four, and last night guests arrive so I sat with them and again had to finish the whole thing) I have finished Hotaru no Hikari and I loved loved loved it. Except the ending. Not that it was bad, I actually liked the reasoning and how Hotaru seemed to mature without losing any of her adorable quirks. What I would have liked is some skinship and a very good kiss between Hotaru and Buchoo, the show denied me this opting for a natural reunion. Well you can't always get what you want.

The most suprising thing about Hotaru no Hikari for me is that how I laughed watching it. I'm not really a laughing when watching things sort of person, and Japanese humour certainly doesn't appeal to me but with Hotaru I was laughing a lot (while feeling a bit weird). So this ended up being a very good purchase.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Hotaru no Hikari and The Brightest Star In The Sky

Last night I started watching a Japanese TV drama called Hotaru no Hikari and I should thank the person who recommended this on net because it is beautiful. One of my favorite storylines is being forced to live in the same house (no wonder Full House and Long Vacation are fave dramas of mine) and this one is so hillarious and well done.

Hotaru is a 20 something office lady in Tokyo. Hers is a low level job at a hip design firm and she seems to enjoy it a lot. She looks very prim and proper, tidy and fashionable. But as soon as she steps in her house she wears tracking suits and cute t-shirts and does her hair in a strange comfy looking but not very pretty way. She is untidy and likes to drink beer straight from the can (apparently this is some sort of a social faux pas in Japanese society) so she fits right into the type that Japan named Himono Onna - a driep up woman who long gave up feminine charms and hope/try to have a relationship. Oh she also talks with a stray cat who visits her little garden from time to time.

Her life is turned upside down with the arrival of the son of her landlord. This thirty something man who is recently separated from his wife is unfortunately her manager at the office. He is a tidy individual who likes nice things such as expensive cheese and wine and can even cook a decent looking schnitzel (at least it looked that way from where I was standing). He first couldn't understand the ways of Hotaru and thought that she was doing these to get him out of the house. But later in the first episode found out that this is Hotaru's life style and she is happy the way she is. So since he doesn't see her as a woman (or considers her a dried up woman) he agrees to share the house with her.

To mix things up a bit arrives a new hot designer Matoko who actually likes Hotaru. But the one who loves Matoko is Yuka - a girl everyone, even Hotaru admires and likes. Yuka is loved by another guy (Kagane) at the office. Looks wise Yuka and Matoko are very compatible but Matoko is head over heels over Hotaru. And Hotaru likes him right back but those two cannot really communicate. Matoko actually kissed Hotaru while she fell asleep on a chair he designed (seriously there is something wrong with Matoko). Hotaru thinks that it was a spur of the moment thing and since Matoko is so cool and she not so much (despite being well liked by everyone) she can't belive Matoko likes her back.

At the end of Ep.3 Yuka and Hotaru declared war at eachother over Matoko (and poor Buchoo's wife has returned all his love letters back at him).

Usually Japanese humour doesn't really appeal to me. I like their melodramas and dramas but when it comes to comedy I don't really laugh at their jokes. Hotaru is very different in that aspect. I laugh out loud at Hotaru's antics and find her weird way adorable. This ended up being a good purchase so far and I hope that it will give me a happy ending.

Meanwhile I have started to read The Brightest Star in the Sky by Marian Keyes. I love her and this book started out so well.

Monster in the Box was not as good as other Ruth Rendell's I have read but even so I have stopped everything to read the last chapter.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

It Has Been AGES

Yes, after blogger was banned in Turkey (due to some idiots showing some football - what else?- clips that belong to a pay TV channel) I stopped writing in this blog for some reason. But I shouldn't stop should I? Even though I'm not really good at it, I started to enjoy writing.

Anway, I'm currently reading Monster in a Box by Ruth Rendell and even though I love her, this book is not really that good. But it is still better than most. Some things I have read meanwhile as far as I can remember them:

Lorna Doone - for some reason to read this took ages, I enjoyed it though and even shed some tears in the end.

Funda - This Turkish melodramatic novel is very short and not very good. I liked it but not that much. The title of the novel means shrub/thicket and given as a name to a baby boy (to commemorate a sweet moment between the couple, involved the smell of the shubbery - yeah we Turks are a bit weird like that). Interestingly, the popularity of the novel caused a lot of baby girls to be named Funda and now it is a common female name in Turkish (we Turks are really weird)

Body Rides Richard Laymon, nasty, dirty and exciting as always. I really can't explain why I love his trashy thriller/horror novels but I sure do. This should be filed under guilty pleasure.

Some films

Last Tango in Paris I suprisingly liked it. Brando is a good actor but the film definitely earns it reputation.

Lamhe - I liked this one a lot too and I thought I wouldn't because Anil Kapoor and his nostrils are in it. Well Sridevi was so adorable and I liked the story so much that nothing really mattered.

Friday, February 25, 2011


I liked it very much. Entertaining in that particularly over the top way. I'm still feeling under the weather (and coughing like mad) and the film put me in a good mood.

Meanwhile I'm enjoying Lorna Doone more than I thought I would.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Band Baaja Baaraat

I liked it a lot. The actors looked like real people. The plot was nice and I'm a sucker for romcoms. I just wish they didn't steal that scene from When Harry Met Sally (no, not that scene).

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Various Films, In The Dark - End, Lorna Doone

I have been very ill these last four days. I have watched (and rewatched) some films and finished a book in the meantime.

The Last Song I don't see the appeal of Miley Cyrus. The film was only so so. I bet the book was better. I have cried so much though, probably due to being ill.

Paul Blart:Mall Cop It was that type of unnecessary film. I only watched it since I literally didn't have the willpower to change the remote. I cried during this too.

Red Eye This rewatch wasn't bad at all. I liked the film just the same.

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time I enjoyed this more than I thought I would. Of course it was silly but I was entertained.

No One Killed Jessica Now this film, I liked a lot. The real life story was interesting and well told. The message is universal. The two lead actors were great. I'm a fan of Rani Mukherji and it was simply joyous to watch her on screen. Vida Balan is again very good but she doesn't have the spark of Rani.

I have also finished In The Dark and started R.D Blackwell's Lorna Doone, I don't really know much about this book except that it is 1800's English literature - which is sort of enough for me - and I enjoyed the first chapter and looking forward to read more.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Texas Chain Saw Massacre, Uydurukçu-End, In The Dark

After falling asleep during Death Bell, I rewatched Texas Chain Saw Massacre to prove myself that I'm not as jaded as this yet. And it worked, TCSM is a great film, not just in horror genre but as cinema in general. Wonderful storytelling, economic script, great art direction and nice acting. And it still made me cringe and look away (not due to goriness).

I have finished Uydurukçu which was only so so (so a fail as far as I'm concerned) and started Richard Laymon's In The Dark. Now I love Raymon and I don't particularly feel guilty about it. His prose is lively. Descriptions spot on and the horniness doesn't bother me that much. In this one our heroine is enticed to play a game with a freak who calls himself MOG (Master of Games) by receiving 50 and 100 USD respectively first by deciding to play, second by finding the first clue. Now she has to "horse around at midnight" and based on other Laymon novels I have read I see gore and perversion coming.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Death Bell

Death Bell was really bad, so bad I fell asleep towards the end and had to rewatch the last third of the film. Fail.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Touristas, Yiğit Karaahmet'in Şahane Hayatı - End, Uydurukçu

Touristas was not bad, it was not very good either. At least it didn't put me to sleep.

I liked Yiğit Karaahmet'in Şahane Hayatı. The guy has a nice prose and I'm eager to read more of him (too bad he is not currently writing anywhere but that mean blog of his).

I have started a book of short stories written by another columnist, Onur Baştürk. The book is titled "Uydurukçu" which I find suprisingly hard to translate. It means a person who makes things up, but it is closer to "liar" than a "storyteller". Anyway this guy doesn't have a nice prose. The book is weak but it is an entertaining read due to its subject matter. The first two stories were about rich people and their fantasies. The second one was specifically about swingers. And it is very detailed. It is an alien, and to be honest not a very attractive world to me but I intend to finish it despite the non talented writing. The guy did better in his column.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Ruins

I liked the book and despite the fact that the book was so much better than the film, I enjoyed the film as well solely because of the beautiful cinematography. I do have a fondness for clean looking films (clean in the sense of non cluttered) and The Ruins certainly was that. The light, the set, the actors were all well filmed. I shouldn't complain about the screenplay since it was written by the same guy who wrote the novel. In the end The Ruins was good timepass but not much more. I recommend the book if one is into horror genre.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Groundhog Day, Shirley - End, Yiğit Karaahmet'in Şahane Hayatı

Last week my uncle (my mother's brother) has passed away suddenly. It was a shock to everyone and I hope that he'll find peace in the after life. I was really sad but even more than that I was afraid that my mother would become ill due to shock and sadness. Thank God it didn't happen.

On weekend I have watched Groundhog Day and found it an OK film but not as good as many film lovers make it to be. I do like Bill Murray but I don't love him. Andy McDowell was a delight though. She looks so lovely.

And I have finished Shirley yesterday. It was a suprise that it ended the best way possible. Caroline and Robert - Shirley and Louis. The prose was realistic and dramatic but not very romantic. The strongest the novel was when Caroline and her mother is united.

I have started to read Yiğit Karaahmet's "Yiğit Karaahmet'in Şahane Hayatı" lit. translation The Fantastic Life of Yiğit Karaahmet. I didn't realise that it was a compliation of his essays in the daily national newspaper. I do like his style and his viciousness (especially because it is directed just as strongly towards himself as to others).
I had to stop myself from reading his gossip blog which was really fun, gay heavy and brutal. I needed to stop because it was so mean and being mean is not included in my numerous faults and I didn't like always feeling guilty when reading it.
Anyway the book is going great, a blast from the past. His prose is very good, smart and entertaining.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Orphanage

Wow! I recently purchased some horror films (a collegue mentioned about one and suddenly it occurred to me that I didn't watch any these days) so I started with The Orphanage and it turned out to be such a beautiful film with a very good story and perfect performances. I loved it.

Meanwhile it turned out that Mrs. Pryor was Caroline's mother and Robert's brother Louise was actually Shirley's tutor. And it is obvious that Shirley is in love with Louis. So Robert will marry Caroline and Louise will marry Shirley - and I'll go back to being 10 - heh. I really like the book much better now. I even cried during reading.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Sexy Beast

I have watched Sexy Beast on Sunday and liked it very very much. I was never interested in it despite loving Ray Winstone (great actor) and I was happily suprised. It is a small story but very well told and my -very- minor complaint would be the dream/hallucination sequences.

I continue reading and loving Shirley and still team Caroline.

Friday, February 4, 2011

The Talented Mr.Ripley

I watched his last night and this second viewing made me appreciate the film. I didn't like it when I first saw except Jude Law but this time I was very into the story and thought it a fine, well made film. I remember reading the novel (Turkish translation) ages ago and not really liking it that much. Maybe I should give it another try.

Meanwhile Shirley is great. It is not Jane Eyre but I'm enjoying Ms.C. Bronte's prose very very much. I hope it will have a happy ending but two friends in love with the same man? One will end up not getting him. I'm definitely team Caroline.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

La Reine Margot

La Reine Margot was just not my type of film. It was a fast forwarded story and despite the fact that the set design and costumes were great along with most of the performances, it just was not really enough to satisfy me. Isabelle Adjani is very beautiful in the film. And Vincent Perez has full frontal nudity (which didn't do anything to me since he is definitely not my type of man)

Monday, January 31, 2011


Here is what I watched:
Sunday Very entertaining, I even laughed out loud a few times during it.
London Dreams It was fail. The two leads were too old but sadly that was not the only problem. The film had no dil.
Storm Riders II (Storm Warriors) What were they thinking? The action scenes were similar to 300 with no innovation. The actors were all posing and the story barely touched. Nic Tse in a small role was the only bright spot.
Last Chance Harvey Suprisingly -considering that I don't really like Dustin Hoffman, I had a good time watching it. Cried lots and suitably touched.
Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion I love this film. And I never get tired of watching it.

Evil Under The Sun ended well and I have started Shirley by Charlotte Bronte, which is going on good but it is not a book I can't stop reading.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Last night I have gone to food shopping and checked the bargain bin out at the supermarket for dvds. I have purchased "Love at the Time of Cholera" for a colleague who told me one time that she liked it a lot. And got Pathology for myself thinking that it is very cheap. And that was a sick sick little film with the only redeeming quality being the set design. Everything in it was sucky. But I watched it to the end and it was just as bad as the rest of the film.

The good news is that I'm loving Evil Under The Sun, it turned out to be one Christie novel I don't remember reading before and I'm loving the setting, the characters and Poirot!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Vanity Fair - End, Love in a Puff, Evil Under The Sun

I have finished Vanity Fair (and it ended differently from the film, the authors was not as sympathetic as the director).

Started reading Evil Under The Sun by Agatha Christie and enjoying it very much.

Finally watched Love in A Puff and liked it a lot. Everyone felt so real life like in the film. I liked the love story too. It seemed absurd but somehow believable.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Persuasion (again)

This time I have re watched Persuasion BBC 1995 and think it the superior version. Also while looking for the dvd I have realised that the shelves of the closet I keep my dvds in were broken. I had to take the shelves down, put some of the dvds back in the (now useless) closet and wondered how on earth will I store all these?

Anyway the film was worth it. I like how the actors look less like models more like people and the costumes and sets look a lot better (obviously this film had the bigger budget) the actors were better too.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


The Persuasion in question is the BBC 2007 adaptation I have taken quite on a whim from the discount bin at the supermarket yesterday evening. I enjoyed it a lot and thinking to watch BBC 1995 adaptation tonight again just to see which one I liked better (not much has remained from that one I'm afraid except that Ciaran Hinds made a very good Captain Wentworth).

The other night I have watched Almodovar's All About My Mother again and I liked it much much better the second time. I usually like Almodovar's sincerity (and his Tie Me Up Tie Me Down is one of my all time fave films) but in this one it seemed to come deeper from the core. Everything in it was excellent and I wouldn't change a thing.

Vanity Fair is still going strong and I'm still loving it.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Vanity Fair still, Stool Pidgeon, Merlin Season II

I'm still reading and enjoying Vanity Fair, seriously this book is very very good.

I have watched Dante Lam's Stool Pidgeon and even though I liked it and Nic Tse was so very good, I cannot really like Nick Cheung, mainly because he is not a good actor.

Finally second season of Merlin is here and started with a bang, our heroes are facing Evil Morgana (but they don't know she is evil yet) and the episode ended with a cliffhanger (yeah even in King Arthur's tale there are cliff hangers :) )

I also rewated 28 Days starring Sandra Bullock and I still cry at this film even though there is nothing really there to cry for. It was engaging at least.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Back in New Year

I'm hoping not to let this die, so here goes :

Finished K-drama The Last Scandal of My Life and suprisingly liked it. Suprisingly because the first two episodes were not really good. I stuck to it though and amply rewarded in return. Cried, laughed and loved the lead couple.

Currently reading Thackeray's Vanity Fair. What a delight it turned out to be! The thing is that I watched the film adaptation directed by Mira Nair and even though it was faithful to the story (so far at least) she has made a heavy, bleak film (one I liked); the book on the other hand is light with mischievous, slightly mean and on spot observations. I'm chuckling while reading it. It was a mistake to keep this in "to read" pile for so long.