Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Catching Up Addendum

Of course the dramas

I have finished Best Love/Greatest Love and no suprises there I LOVED it. Dokko Jin is a great rom com male lead. Seemingly arrogant and cold hearted but in reality very kind, good and romantic. In this drama they made him also a bit childish too and it worked since Cha Seung Won (aka hotness personified) worked wonders with this character. All in all very satisfying since the focus was on the male lead (which is very very rare in the rom coms I remember) and everything worked very very well.

Now I have started Queen of No Marriage and three episodes in I'm once again under the influence of Ethan Ruan. He is so handsome but also his performance in this one is suprisingly good (based on You Are My Destiny and Monga I didn't think he is much of an actor). I like the female lead too. She is not terribly pretty but she has a certain presence I like. And they burn the screen together (already had a french kiss and a tumble in bed - gotta love Taiwanese shows, these are unheard of in the first three episodes in Korea) I hope this will keep on being good.

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