Friday, February 18, 2011

Texas Chain Saw Massacre, Uydurukçu-End, In The Dark

After falling asleep during Death Bell, I rewatched Texas Chain Saw Massacre to prove myself that I'm not as jaded as this yet. And it worked, TCSM is a great film, not just in horror genre but as cinema in general. Wonderful storytelling, economic script, great art direction and nice acting. And it still made me cringe and look away (not due to goriness).

I have finished Uydurukçu which was only so so (so a fail as far as I'm concerned) and started Richard Laymon's In The Dark. Now I love Raymon and I don't particularly feel guilty about it. His prose is lively. Descriptions spot on and the horniness doesn't bother me that much. In this one our heroine is enticed to play a game with a freak who calls himself MOG (Master of Games) by receiving 50 and 100 USD respectively first by deciding to play, second by finding the first clue. Now she has to "horse around at midnight" and based on other Laymon novels I have read I see gore and perversion coming.

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