Monday, February 14, 2011

Groundhog Day, Shirley - End, Yiğit Karaahmet'in Şahane Hayatı

Last week my uncle (my mother's brother) has passed away suddenly. It was a shock to everyone and I hope that he'll find peace in the after life. I was really sad but even more than that I was afraid that my mother would become ill due to shock and sadness. Thank God it didn't happen.

On weekend I have watched Groundhog Day and found it an OK film but not as good as many film lovers make it to be. I do like Bill Murray but I don't love him. Andy McDowell was a delight though. She looks so lovely.

And I have finished Shirley yesterday. It was a suprise that it ended the best way possible. Caroline and Robert - Shirley and Louis. The prose was realistic and dramatic but not very romantic. The strongest the novel was when Caroline and her mother is united.

I have started to read Yiğit Karaahmet's "Yiğit Karaahmet'in Şahane Hayatı" lit. translation The Fantastic Life of Yiğit Karaahmet. I didn't realise that it was a compliation of his essays in the daily national newspaper. I do like his style and his viciousness (especially because it is directed just as strongly towards himself as to others).
I had to stop myself from reading his gossip blog which was really fun, gay heavy and brutal. I needed to stop because it was so mean and being mean is not included in my numerous faults and I didn't like always feeling guilty when reading it.
Anyway the book is going great, a blast from the past. His prose is very good, smart and entertaining.

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