Monday, January 10, 2011

Vanity Fair still, Stool Pidgeon, Merlin Season II

I'm still reading and enjoying Vanity Fair, seriously this book is very very good.

I have watched Dante Lam's Stool Pidgeon and even though I liked it and Nic Tse was so very good, I cannot really like Nick Cheung, mainly because he is not a good actor.

Finally second season of Merlin is here and started with a bang, our heroes are facing Evil Morgana (but they don't know she is evil yet) and the episode ended with a cliffhanger (yeah even in King Arthur's tale there are cliff hangers :) )

I also rewated 28 Days starring Sandra Bullock and I still cry at this film even though there is nothing really there to cry for. It was engaging at least.

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