Friday, September 2, 2011

God It has been ages!

The end of Ramadan holidays etc. and I stop posting (really how lazy one can be?) but of course I have not stopped watching and reading thank God.

Baker King Kim Tak Gu has ended with a bang and caused me to suffer from serious withdrawal symptoms, thank God for

What Happened in Bali which is the show with the most messed up characters ever. I know a lot of people love this one and I agree with them. I ended up marathoning the last 7 episodes. Seriously this show is not that good if you look at it objectively since everyone in it (including the side characters) are miserable, cunning and dishonest. Nothing good ever happens but

* Perfect casting - Ha Ji Won is that girl who is not liked by Moms - regardless of their social, economical status - that girl has the snake eyes and I seriously like her alot. The side characters, the secondary girl, moms & dads, best friends etc. were all fit to their roles.

* Eye candy for women and gays. And I'm talking serious eye candy here. On one corner we have So Ji Sub, not really known for his acting talents (but the guy angsts well, I'll give him that) but he is oh so pretty to look at. And he is the one who got all the shower of angst scenes. On the other corner we have Jo In Sung. Great looking man who can also act and wisely chose to ham it up for Bali. He is so adorable and I love that he has his own teeth (not capped like the rest of the cast)

* The hillarious fashion and style (seriously the haircuts of the two male leads are enough entertainment on their own but poor Jo In Sung's outfits were also hillarious)

* Neverending WTFs and continuity mistakes - not that they marr the show mind you since this is not one where you'll care for either character, they are hillariously entertaining.

All in all I recommend this show. As I said nothing happy every happens in it and all the characters are miserable but so much pretty and decent writing have their pull.

Currently watching Byakuyakou which is probably a very good book but these series are not making me happy. It is too weird a subject and there are some terrible things done by the two main leads but the show opted telling them instead of showing them (or it maybe the Malaysian copy I own, I don't know) and this affected the impact in my opinion.

I have finished Rottweiler by Ruth Rendell which was very good and started The Three Musketeers - I have read it ages ago in Turkish. Now I'm reading the English translation and easily caught up with the very entertaining prose of Mr.Dumas.

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