Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Touristas, Yiğit Karaahmet'in Şahane Hayatı - End, Uydurukçu

Touristas was not bad, it was not very good either. At least it didn't put me to sleep.

I liked Yiğit Karaahmet'in Şahane Hayatı. The guy has a nice prose and I'm eager to read more of him (too bad he is not currently writing anywhere but that mean blog of his).

I have started a book of short stories written by another columnist, Onur Baştürk. The book is titled "Uydurukçu" which I find suprisingly hard to translate. It means a person who makes things up, but it is closer to "liar" than a "storyteller". Anyway this guy doesn't have a nice prose. The book is weak but it is an entertaining read due to its subject matter. The first two stories were about rich people and their fantasies. The second one was specifically about swingers. And it is very detailed. It is an alien, and to be honest not a very attractive world to me but I intend to finish it despite the non talented writing. The guy did better in his column.

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