Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Marry Me Mary - End, The Murder Room-End, Life of Pi

Ok I have finally, after much stalling, finished Marry Me Mary whose only redeeming qualities are the acting talent and the cuteness of its lead couple. Cuteness however can only take you to some distance in drama viewing and that distance was not very far in Marry Me Mary.

Jang Geun Suk is adorable though and I love his manly voice.

Now I need to check up more books of PD James - isn't it lovely when you discover a writer that you like very much.

And currently reading Yann Mantel's much acclaimed Life of Pi which turned out to be really good. Ok I will admit to approach cautiously to the novels everyone loves. I have not read Sophie's World or The Alchemist yet. But once in a while you find treasures like Harry Potter novels. And this one turned out to be a worthy read. I'm halfway through and already bitten most of my nails.

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