Thursday, August 18, 2011

Baker King Kim Tak Gu Episodes 19-20, The Unpredictable Bride - End, Eroinle Dans

Oh Tak Gu is breaking my heart. The man can't catch a break. I wanted to shake Yu Kyung and tell her that the road she takes is no good - wake up and remain with Tak Gu who loves you, revenge is silly and hating people will just cause you go bad inside.

I truly identify with Tak Gu - being able to forgive easily and doesn't suffer any grudge especially after some goodness shown to me, optimistic and hopefull. So everything that is happening to Tak Gu somehow affects me and now the poor guy is not only suffering from the shock of seeing Yu Kyung together with Ma Jun (spawn of evil) and having caught a cold from falling asleep on the bakery floor but the stupid auntie and Mi Sun (the girl) fed him Ma Jun's poison thinking it is cold medicine (to give credit to MaJun he did run there to stop it but since he is the one who procured the dreaded poison in the first place, I'm not going to think better of him). Well at least his father survived the assasination attempt and safely united with Tak Gu's mother. I just hope he'll be able to meet his mother.

Meanwhile I have finished The Unpredictable Bride, which was predictably adorable, and going to start Canan Tan's Alevden Küle Eroinle Dans (literal translation is From Flame to Ash Dance With Heroin) well my excuse is that it was very very cheap and I'm currently fasting and planning to read it on the treadmill during lunch break (I just go with 3.something and try not to tire myself) and on the shuttle to/from work so something that wouldn't tax me but keep me amused is what I need to read. Also this writers has a lot of fans in here. I have read one of her books and it was one of those nice generic fiction with an easily flowing story. Let's see how this on will work out.

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