Monday, December 12, 2011

A Storm of Swords End, A Feast for Crows, Mighty Aphrodite

Mighty Aphrodite I liked it better this time, probably because I could actually understand it (God I was so young the first time I saw it) Well I do like Woody Allen. What can I do?

A Storm of Swords has ended on a high note. My beloved Jon is chosen to be the Commander of the Wall (and by a huge majority of votes at that). But Tyrion, my second fave character, went to the dark side after Jamie confessed to him that his first love Tysha really truly loved him and she was not a whore (his father made Jamie lie). Well first Tyrion told Jamie that he killed Joffrey (he didn't) and then he went and shot his father while the said father was taking a dump. I'm very very sorry that this character went bad. I loved the fact that he remained good despite his physical handicaps and the fact that 95% of the people around him treated badly. He just couldn't take it.

Jon on the other hand resisted all temptation (even refused to be Lord of Winterfell, something he really wanted) and I loved him even more for it.

Shockingly Jon Arryn was killed by his wife!!! And PB was behing it all!!! What a cunning and evil men. Then he killed Lysa just like that and threw the blame on the singer who witnessed all these. I wonder what he will do to Sansa.

Now I have started A Feast for the Crows right away but so far it is Jamie (I do like how this character is going from pure evil - incestious child murderer- to actually suffering and turning into something that resembles a human being.

So far no Jon but we read Samwell (as he is going to Citadel to become a Maester) about how he started being the Lord Commander and even his first actions are protective and just. I just hope that we get to read more about him and that he won't die.

I don't really care for Arya that much (she sailed to Braavos for some reason). But very very curious about Bran.

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