Friday, July 15, 2011

Pride And Prejudice (2005), Turning Angel

Last night I have watched Pride and Prejudice (2005) again. I wonder why this adaptation has so many fans when clearly BBC one is still the best out there. First it is not really possible to cram the novel into a film format so director Joe Wright wisely chose to cut what is not essential to the plot and I agree with him on that but at the same time I can't help but think the story half baked. I wouldn't care so much about the characters if I have not read the novel.

I also don't really like Kiera Knightley as Elizabeth Bennet. She is a fine actor and very pretty but somehow her Elizabeth came off as mean and mocking (generally being the person she critisizes others to be)

I also started reading Turning Angel by Greg Isles and so far it is going great. There is something about stories in Southern areas of USA.

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