Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Hong GilDong 9-10

Oh GilDong is becoming such a hero and a very good man but I find myself drawn to the Prince who is allowing more innocent sacrifices but also becoming aware of how badly this will affect him. Yinok's good heart is influencing him and that evil Lady Noh asks the illegal slave trader to take Yinok with him to China. But never fear I think Hong GilDong is going to save her (the cliffhanger was that he pulls her to hide from the slave trader's men but closing her eyes with his hands to avoid her knowing that he is alive (I don't think he will succeed).

Meanwhile Sarkını Söylediğin Zaman is getting stronger and more bitter as we have access to the thoughts of the female lead's mother. She is a flawed human but also very sympathetic and I feel so sad for her. Poor thing.

Now I'm thinking to finally start 1Q89 since I'm drifting away slowly from Westeros...

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