Friday, December 2, 2011

Queen of No Marriage Eps 10-11-12

Well predictably Senior had a very good reason to dump Wu Shang. And predictably our wonderful hero Lucas is the one who made things right between the couple. They are united now but Wu Shang is still interested in Lucas and wants to keep him in her life. Lucas though is in pain since he likes Wu Shang a lot and ready to embrace her at the first hint of a green light from her. Alas I can understand Wu Shang, the man is 8 years younger than her. No matter he is georgeous, no matter he is one of the most good and honest guys ever, no matter he is equally interested in her - in the end he is 8 years younger. So she doesn't give him any encouragement. She seems to be pretty happy with Senior now that she knows he didn't dump her and is still crazy in love with her. But they haven't had sex yet and for some reason she keeps thinking Lucas...

Meanwhile Lucas quit his job as an assistant to Wu Shang. And after her brilliant luck of being ex and current girlfriend of Senior she is back at the news. I understand Jia Jia will be in some kind of trouble regarding the men who harrassed her in front of the bike shop (she is so sweet to agree to model to get a discount on bike repair price. She loves Lucas but I still don't like her).

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