Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A Feast for Crows

Ok I was not going to read this one as I read the others (more like eating them rather than reading them) but even though the characters are different and we get the point of view of characters such as disgusting Cercei, I can't drop it off. No Jon or oddly Daenerys in this one but I like Brienne and her noble quest, I like how Jamie is slowly turning into a better man and I love Sam and Maester Aemon's quest (Jon shipped him off the wall since he too carries the blood of a King and a Dragon King at that and if Mellisandre finds this out she'd surely sacrifice him) I think Sam is born to be a Maester. Arya is still in Braavos doing God knows what and I do feel sorry for her (how can I not?) but she is not a particular fave of mine. I don't care for Sansa either but also feel sorry for her. I'm VERY curious about Bran I'm almost halfway and there is no word on what he is doing.

No watching TV, no watching films or dramas I'm just buried in the land of Westeros and enjoying the game of thrones played in it.

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