Monday, May 30, 2011

My Teacher Mr.Kim, I Saw The Devil, Ghost House and ...ING

My Teacher Mr.Kim continued to be just as awesome in the second viewing while Ghost House didn't entertain me as much as it did the first time. I need to get new Cha Seung Won films :)

Suprisingly enough a Korean film was showing in theaters in Istanbul (outside of festival circuit that is) and it is Kim Jee Won's I Saw the Devil. Amazing film really and imho one of the director's best (I think I have seen all his films). Especially the first 15 minutes were so good. I wonder if I can rewatch is since it was gory but also heartbreaking, but I sure am happy that I saw this one. was as good as I remembered it to be. Amazing really how good a melodrama that film is. But Hong Kong version was slightly cut - not enough to annoy me but the thing is that I'm amazed I actually remembered so much of that film.

Nicholas Nickleby continues to be entertaining. I'm suprised at how vicious the satire in it is.

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