Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Lord of the Flies - End, Love In the Time of Cholera and Nobuta Wo Produce Eps. 4-8

Lord of the Flies ended very quickly since I actually kept on reading it while getting a pedicure and while waiting for the nail polish to dry. It is an excellent book.

Now I have started Gabriel Garcia Marquez's Love in the Time of Cholera which started very very good. Unlike popular opinion I don't really care for Gabriel Garcia Marquez's novels (a lot of people I know consider 100 Years of Solitude their favorite novel, it was definitely very good but didn't appeal to me as strongly it did to the rest of the world's readers. This one though started with an interesting death and keeps getting interesting as I read it. It seems that purchasing the price pack (which included 100 Years of Solitude, Love in the Time of Cholera and another book Memories of My Melancholy Whores).

And Nobuta keeps going on awesome, I was very very close to marathoning the remaining two episodes but decided to save them for tonight insaallah. I gave up hoping for a happy ending but wish at least for a definite one (I don't really care for ambigious endings in general)

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