Monday, January 31, 2011


Here is what I watched:
Sunday Very entertaining, I even laughed out loud a few times during it.
London Dreams It was fail. The two leads were too old but sadly that was not the only problem. The film had no dil.
Storm Riders II (Storm Warriors) What were they thinking? The action scenes were similar to 300 with no innovation. The actors were all posing and the story barely touched. Nic Tse in a small role was the only bright spot.
Last Chance Harvey Suprisingly -considering that I don't really like Dustin Hoffman, I had a good time watching it. Cried lots and suitably touched.
Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion I love this film. And I never get tired of watching it.

Evil Under The Sun ended well and I have started Shirley by Charlotte Bronte, which is going on good but it is not a book I can't stop reading.

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