Monday, July 25, 2011

Harry Potter and The Deathly Hollows 2, The Game, Monga, Devil's Backbone

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows 2: Well I didn't like the film itself but having loved the books and knowing the story helped me along. Also the experience was fabulous since I was in this huge mall theater all by myself. This was also my first 3D experince and while I think this is a good way to view cartoon or CGI films, it doesn't do much for the scenes acted by actual human actors.

The Game: That one was out and out bad, all kinds of wrong but I do love Abhishek and he was so good looking in it (his performance however was very very bad)

Monga: I liked it well enough. I may even rewatch it since whatever the shortcomings, that one had heart and it showed. Besides, Ethan Ruan, I love you :)

Devil's Backbone: This is by far the best film I have seen this weekend. It has a great story and it is very well told. I love how Guillermo Del Toro uses the special effects. They are only there to enhance the story and the film gave me nightmares (but this is a good thing)

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