Monday, December 26, 2011

Hong Gil Dong - End, Mission Impossible IV-Ghost Protocol, Morning Glory

I'm very happy with Hong Gil Dong altogether - Here is what I wrote at a forum:

ome thoughs I have

* Kang Ji Hwan is a superb actor but I don't think he is a "star" - I didn't like his voice in the series either (I like deep bass toned voices in men) which brings me to

*Jang Geun Seok - not as good an actor (yet) but he has something special, definitely. I also love his voice and his mismatched eyes. The performance itself was lacklustre at first but it considerably got better at the end.

* Sung YuRi - I love that woman. Her character couldn't be any different than the one I saw her act in Snow Queen but she nailed it. I liked it that she was able to drama, comedy and melo equally well. She is also very pretty.

* What was with Lady Noh's lipstick? I wanted to wipe it off in every scene.

* It is the first time in my drama viewing history that I wanted the second male lead to get the girl. The Chang Whi character was someone I liked better than our hero Hong Gil Dong (I think the way he makes his living probably had a lot to do with my not liking him) also despite the fact that Kang Ji Hwan is a much much much better actor, I really like Jang Geun Seuk more - despite his nto so good wig and guyliner.

* This drama made me laugh, cry and get excited at all the right scenes. Thanks to everyone who made it so :)

I have also seen Mission Impossible IV-Ghost Protocol and I liked it a lot. Great action scenes which the film is all about anyway - so one readily forgets the dumb plot and bad jokes.

I have also loved Morning Glory mainly because I do like Rachel McAddams a lot. The woman has charm and she is a very good actor too. I wonder why she is not in rom coms.

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