Monday, December 5, 2011

Queen of No Marriage - Only Three More Episodes Left

Well, Wu Shang handled the business of Lucas being framed really well. Investigated everyone and finally came out with the truth. I also loved how Lucas came back to live with his father (his dad critisising the way he cut cabbage but he lets it go, apologising and telling his father that he will try to do better - I should be like Lucas!). Also it is good that Senior finally woke up and decided not to marry Wu Shang. And finally at the end of episode 18, Wu Shang and Lucas are united. I assume the last three episoded will focus on the age difference and how they will deal with it in the society (though neither of them really care about public opinion that much).

A Storm of Swords is going great. I wonder what will Sansa do when she finds out that her marriage is not going to be with Willas but with Tyrion. My second fave character in the books is Tyrion.

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