Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Various Films, In The Dark - End, Lorna Doone

I have been very ill these last four days. I have watched (and rewatched) some films and finished a book in the meantime.

The Last Song I don't see the appeal of Miley Cyrus. The film was only so so. I bet the book was better. I have cried so much though, probably due to being ill.

Paul Blart:Mall Cop It was that type of unnecessary film. I only watched it since I literally didn't have the willpower to change the remote. I cried during this too.

Red Eye This rewatch wasn't bad at all. I liked the film just the same.

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time I enjoyed this more than I thought I would. Of course it was silly but I was entertained.

No One Killed Jessica Now this film, I liked a lot. The real life story was interesting and well told. The message is universal. The two lead actors were great. I'm a fan of Rani Mukherji and it was simply joyous to watch her on screen. Vida Balan is again very good but she doesn't have the spark of Rani.

I have also finished In The Dark and started R.D Blackwell's Lorna Doone, I don't really know much about this book except that it is 1800's English literature - which is sort of enough for me - and I enjoyed the first chapter and looking forward to read more.

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