Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Baker King Kim Tak Gu - and one left from the catching up

Last night was Episodes 17-18 of Baker King Kim Tak Gu and once again I was in tears by the end of the 18th episode. Tak Gu is such a kind hearted character and I like him so much that when one of the baddies hurt him, it is as if I'm the one who is hurt. I really hope this drama ends on a good note for our Tak Gu or I'll suffer more than withdrawal symptoms.

Meanwhile I have finished Kader'in Peşinde and started Barbara Cartland's The Unpredictable Bride and just as expected from an unashamed Cartland fan, I'm loving it.

I realised one of the TV dramas I have watched and forgot to add in the last post was And I Love Her and it probably was because I didn't like it at all. The male lead looked like he was in junior high (but his character was in university) and the female lead was a total weirdo - and in a bad way- I think they were going for a Long Vacation type thing but it didn't work (I LOVE Long Vacation btw)

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