Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Vineyard Man, Zindegi Na Milegi Dobara, Sex And The City 2, Eclipse, Life of Pi - End, Shadow of Your Smile

God it has been so long ok here it is

Sex and The City 2 - it was bad. BAD.

Zindegi Na Milegi Dobara - I liked it very much. Abhay Deol is a cutie while Hrithik Roshan and Farhan Akthar do nothing for me.

Eclipse - ok this is getting more ridicilious with each film. I'm eager for Breaking Dawn. Seriously, that film is going to be one hillarity fest based on what I have seen so far.

The Vineyard Man - After a long search on line I managed to find a legit version of this K-drama. I was expecting something light that would be a nice passtime. But somewhere along the way I have found that I invested to the lead character. Shed unexpected tears and was very very happy with the ending.

I have finished Life of Pi and enjoyed it very very much (I don't know why I have this prejudice about the popular books) now I have started Mary Higgings Clark's Shadow of Your Smile. As expected I'm loving it. MHC formula never gets old for me. I love how her good characters behave and dress. Anyway I'm enoying this one so much that I can't even guess the twist.

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