Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Tales of the Otori: Brilliance of the Moon, The Ghost Writer, Dum Maro Dum

I'm currently reading the third book of The Tales of the Otori: Brilliance of the Moon and I'm loving each page. The odd thing is that some of the excitement of reading the first book sort of waned but I can't decide whether it is because the story is not as exciting or because I'm used to it so some of the shine fell off. Either way this is not the first time I feel like this and there are very few exceptions one of them being Harry Potter, that one got better with each book and the ending was the high point.

Meanwhile I have watched

Dum Maro Dum which was not good and

The Ghost Writer which I liked a lot. And not because Ewan McGregor is starring. I liked the filming, the close up shots, the uncluttered sets and cinematography.

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