Thursday, October 30, 2014

Bag of Bones

Bag of Bones is responsible from my low film viewing count since I crawled into the bed with it everynight wishing to keep on reading and not wanting it to end. Yeah it is one of those good Stephen King novels. I actually was not aware that I have not read it. It was reviewed at a horror film site I frequent and I have read all the spoilers and everything and realised that I never actually read this one. Now it is remedied and I loved it to bits.

This one is a ghost story and our protagonist is a writer. I enjoyed everything about it and the spoilers didn't matter at all. There is nothing like a good book. 

Grudge Match

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Grudge Match was on dvdigi and it was that kind of day (a bank holiday in the middle of the week), so I said why not? I'm not a fan of Stallone's scary reconstructed face but I liked him in the first Rocky and the first Rambo. And I love Robert De Niro and think him a great actor who actually has aged well even if he doesn't choose his projects well but then again does he need to? Anyway this is one of those not so well chosen projects but I liked it a lot. First of the cast is good. I like old Alan Alda, I liked John Bernthal, and don't remember seeing him in anything else.

This is one of those films in which the characters find what they are looking for (lost love, family affection) and I ended up not only liking it but also shedding a few tears over it.

Of course it is not Ryu Seung Wan's Crying Fist (another film where you root for both of the opponents and want them both to succeed and tear your heart out during the final game. This one is light and frothy and you just know that everything's going to be alright.

I understand this film was not a success when it was released but I ended up liking it a lot. 

The Fountain

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Despite liking Darren Aronofsky films very much, I was never really interested in The Fountain (and The Wrestler). But seeing it as an option on Dvdigi, I decided to give it a shot. Apparently the actors are important to me since I don't really care for Hugh Jackman except when he is Wolverine and Rachel Weisz is not one of my favorites either. And I remembered that the film was a huge box office flop.

Now that I have watched it, I actually ended up liking it very much. Yes even Hugh Jackman and Rachel Weisz since good directors usually can make an actor act better. This film is an interesting mix of high budget and personal. The budget it mostly used in computer generated effects which looked great since there were not many sets and not a lot of cast. It seems personal since the story is told in a way that the story teller thinks everyone would understand everything as they watched. I'm probably off the mark but I understood and felt as I watched the story of a man who tries to save his beloved wife from death in three different times and places. The above photo is an examply of lush visuals that are not only for us to look in awe but serve the story too. Hugh Jackman was so good and Rachel Weisz (actually a decent actor, one of those I don't know why I don't like) never looked better. I felt for the man and the question of life and death busied my mind throughout and afterwards the viewing.

It is certainly ambitious and not very viewer friendly but one of those films that will grab you if you are on the correct wavelength. Thank God I was.  

Monday, October 27, 2014

Match Point

Match Point is a film I have watched in theater years ago with my sister. SPOILER! Our protagonist, who is actually the villain of the film gets away with everything in the end. And by everything I mean two murders (one of a pregnant woman) and lying and cheating his way into wealth and privilidge.

Ok I can't help it, I love Woody Allen's films. Even the not so well liked ones such as Everyone Says I Love You. This one is not an exception. Despite the presence of Jonathan Rhys Meyers. This actor has this way of making his eyes intense which does not work in his favour as far as I'm concerned, he is the caucasian female version of Shin Se Kyung. He used to be nice actor, I remember him fondly in Bend in Like Beckham. I don't know what happened to him. He stars as Henry VIII in The Tudors and that is one of the reasons I was not particularly interested in the show because they showcased the whole intense eye thing in the trailers (brrrr, such a turn off ).
Scarlett Johanson is one of the successes as far as the unreasonable dislike of actors goes. I used to dislike her and her bovine features and for some reason didn't like her at all. Well Woody Allen changed this too. Not in Match Point but I liked her in Barcelona Barcelona and have liked her since, even films in which I didn't like her the first time I watched them, I like her now. Very good no? I wish this could happen to every actor who can act.

One minor thing about this one. Costume department didn't do a good job. The shirts JRM wore in the film were too big for him. Now he is a little guy (yeah Henry VIII and him?? Well, I'll have to get over it) but the least they could do was get him some shirts that actually fit after he became rich and was able to afford them. 

Brideshead Revisited

Brideshead Revisited is a novel I heard about from time to time. Well I like English literature so it is unavoidable that I would want to read it. Anyway I got it from a secondhand bookshop on line (hence the ugly cover) and started it.
At first I didn't think I'd like it because it started with war (well more like British troops being order to here and there in England and dismantling and rebuilding their headquarters). Anyway it quickly turned into stories of rich people with first world problems. Well further in, I thought I wouldn't like it since novels of ennui seldom entertain me but the prose of Evelyn Waugh charmed me into the book. His style is such that I'd probably have it if I were talented and have written a novel. The way he builds the sentences and tells about the characters feel cluttered. Well normally I'm not a fan of clutter in prose (or cinematography) but there are exceptions to every rule I suppose since in the end I quite enjoyed this novel despite the fact that nothing happens in there is interesting or engaging. I felt sympathy for the author's style and it affected me. Well I'm not going to look a gift horse in the mouth and declare this one a win as far as I'm concerned.

Meanwhile based on the hideous cover I think someone adapted this novel into a film. Why???? Nothing happens in there what did they actually film? I may check that one out just to see how they messed it up.  Because unless one is Wong Kar Wai or Tsai Ming Liang or Hong Sang Soo I simply don't see how one would manage to film this one. 

Salmon Fishing in The Yemen

Salmon Fishing in Yemen was a film whose trailer I have watched on another dvd and decided to give a chance since Ewan McGregor is starring in it. Also Emily Blunt whose appeal escapes me but she doesn't harm anything as far as I'm concerned. Now I was not aware that this is directed by Lasse Hallström whose films leave me feeling as if something is unfinished. And I didn't like his adaptation of Chocolat (well I didn't like the novel that much either but it was still a lot better than the film).

Anyhow without any preconseption, I seem to like this one. Ewan McGregor was excellent as the island man (that particular male specimen belongs to the British isles) and he didn't even look that handsome (but of course dreamy anyway). Emily Blunt got the same reaction from me* and I even cried. Now I can't imagine how good the book is and want to give it a try if it comes out my way.

Of course I didn't pay this amount for this dvd, it was half off.

* It is very strange how people's features are pleasing to some and not so pleasing to others. Ms.Blunt is a perfectly pretty woman who is a decent actor and for some reason I can't like her. And I'm not a 'love to hate' person except villanious characters in fiction. Strange...

500 Days of Summer

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500 Days of Summer Of course I had heard about this one and I love Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Also Zoey Deschanel and her usual manic pixie dream girl she perfected in New Girl does not really annoy me. But for some reason this film never was in my 'to watch' list. And when it showed up on Digidvd I decided it was time. And I liked it very very much. First off this was a different LA than the one I visited and loved. It was almost like an east coast town. Even the train scenes were not utilised the 'view' as much as other films would have done. Secondly I loved both leads and their performances. JGL is likable and kind of wonderful and ZD was great.

This film tells the story of how a relationship starts, develops and ends. Kind of like One Fine Spring Day but told differently. I like both films and enjoyed watching everyone being happy in the end. Also liked JGL's wardrobe and his sneakers. 


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Frank was sitting at Digidvd and since it starred Michael Fassbender, albeit with the fake head shown in the photo, I have decided to give it a go. Well it was a weird little film not to my taste at all. One can't win them all now, can one? This is one of those lottary funded films that usually turn out well for me. This one though I watched and watched and kept on being uninterested. Michael Fassbender was really good though.

SPOILER:  The man is a wonderful crier. Almost on the level of Korean actors in that regard.  


Cell is one of the Stephen King novels that reminds me of the old (in my opinion) better ones. Read by Campbell Scott (as an actor I don't care for him, as a book reader I'm in love with him) this was one great ride and I didn't want it to end. Also the ending is one of those open to interpretation ones that some people may not care for. I decided it should be a happy (well as happy as can be) one. 

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Wolf of Wall Street

The Wolf of Wall Street  Now this dvd came with a bit of adventure. I purchased it on line and it came with the right cover but with an "Dubbed in Turkish Only" dvd inside. So I sent it back and it came back like it was supposed to be but with an added novel. I thought the company was apologising in a very sweet way but alas they sent me someone else's book order by mistake. So thank God I was able to sent it back to them - to be sent to the original owner-.

The film is really a good one. It was hillarious and I laughed out loud at many places, my favorite is Jordan at the stairs of the club house. Leonardo was so good.

It is pretty much people doing bad things and in the end the wolf somehow gets away with it and ends up being a motivational speaker (in the film and in real life). That seemed like a bummer but life works out that way sometimes and why not films. Maybe I'll watch Match Point tonight to see another villain get away with doing bad things.

All in all this is highly recommended if you are not disturbed by nudity. I don't understand why DiCaprio didn't get an Oscar for this. Seriously he was very very good.

Monday, October 20, 2014

The Eiger Sanction

The Eiger Sanction seemed like a good choice to clean out the funk left by The Ballad of Jack and Rose. And it was. I love Trevanian (from whose novel the film was adapted) and I need to read Shibumi again (God I have read that one so many times).

This one not only stars Clint but also directed by him. And I loved it despite its faults. I like climbing (though not a professional climber, at least I have climbed Mount Fuji  and even came down on the same day) and it was fun to watch the actors(or their stunt doubles whatever). The music was good (as it always is in Clint films) and Clint looked very handsome.

Yeah it is not very female friendly but at least two prominent female characters were smart and capable - but Clint of course outsmarts and out runs them.

All in all this may not be everyone's cup of tea but if you like Clint and/or climbing then this one will make you happy. 

The Ballad of Jack and Rose

The Ballad of Jack and Rose I only got this one because it was in the bargain bin and I kind of like Daniel Day Lewis. You can always count on the man to give a perfect performance. This film was not an exception. He was simply perfect. Catherine Keener (another actor I really like and think is under rated) matched him scene by scene and Camilla Belle was not bad either. In fact the cast was good. The cinematography was alright. But in the end I couldn't appreciate the film.

Daniel Day Lewis is Jack, a disillusioned hippy who is financially independent and refuses to give up his ideals even when the commune he used to live is no more. He lives a naturalistic life with his daughter Rose who is a teenager in love with her dad. Their relationship is a weird one since Jack seems to be in love with her too. It was really scary to watch since Jack fights his urges and seeks to remedy the situation by bringing in his girlfriend (she is more like a fuck buddy) and her two teen sons to live with them. Jack is kind of stupid here since he raised Rose in a sort of isolated -by choice- world where their peace is ongoing (and only to be broken by housing construction going on nearby) and despite the fact that Jack has a serious heart disease, Rose is totally happy with being home schooled (well not like was following a curriculum or anything but he was teaching her stuff) and doing gardening and living organically without TV etc.
She is waiting for her Dad to open up to her and make their feelings physical since she is at that age where her hormones are raging and she doesn't really know anyone else (one gardener comes along but their contact is limited to flowers and plants). Jack, while trying to protect her and raise her right, caused her to fall in love with him since there is literally no one else around.


The new roommates prove to be problematic and Rose tries to "get even" with her dad. Anyway yadda yadda yadda and finally Jack admits to his feelings and they even kiss but he immediately breaks it up and then dies and Rose first decides to die with him but gives up on the idea and became a gardener two years later.

This one was really a bummer film. And the kind where it is very bleak but effective either. It just left a bad taste in my mouth.

A Fistful of Dollars

A Fistful of Dollars It was a mellow Sunday, started with picking olives from the two trees in our backyard and then lazing about which brought to mind Sundays of my childhood. There was one national TV channel (B&W) and there were always western films on Sundays. And they were my father's favorite. So I wanted to play a tribute and since western (especially old westerns) is not my favorite genre, I decided to watch a spagetti western, in fact the film that started this term. A Fistful of Dollars is a remake of excellent Yojimbo and I had a ball with it. First off, I love Clint and he was great in this one. Also there was dubbing which brought a nostalgic air to the whole thing. And I love the close up shots, long takes and real looking faces of the actors. All in all, this one is something I'd probably rewatch.


7500 made me happy to see it on DVDigi. The background of the story is a long distance flight (from LA to Tokyo) and I love flying. I feel so comfortable on a plane (I don't know how I'd feel if I ever get to try business class or first class) that the setting was great. However I didn't like the rest of it and was never scared. It is a twist film so stay away from spoilers if you intend to watch it. 

Anna Karenina

Oh I wish I have not deleted Anna Karenina from my phone before I took a sceen cap. The lady on the cover looked so similar to the description of Anna in the novel.

I don't think there is much else left to say about this one. This novel is one of the best novels (past and now). The characters, their interactions, descriptions of the surroundings (both urban and rural) are all masterful and brings the pure joy of art into the reader's soul. This time I was especially impressed with how Levin (he is one of my literary crushes, men you can't find in real life) SPOILER     came into faith. It is towards the end of the novel and one of the best passages to describe how it is to believe.

From the first time I have read it, I have found Kitty and Levin's story more interesting than Anna and Vronsky's. This time again I felt it. It is just that these characters are so unlikable, people I'd not want to sit and chat with, that their relationship didn't feel as powerful and interesting as Kitty and Levin's. However it is Tolstoy's power of pen that I have cried so much during Anna and Seretsa's reunion.

All in all this is a must read for anyone who can read.

The Perfect Sense

The Perfect Sense  I only chose this film because of the lead pair. I love Eva Green (she looks so Charlotte Rampling) her appearance, especially her face, appeals to me. And I love Ewan McGregor. He is one of my all time faves. And it is about two people who fall in love.

So what went wrong with this viewing? First off it was too real looking. I had to turn away from the intimate scenes because they looked, well, so intimate. I felt uncomfortable. The chemistry was too real. Anyway the story is actually a science fiction one where people start to lose their sense starting with the sense of smell, followed by taste, followed by hearing and finally sight. Meanwhile an epidemic expert and a chef (whose specialty is fish).

Anway this one didn't appeal to me and ended up being a downer.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Eleanor and Park

Eleanor and Park  I admit feeling the pull of this one the first time I saw it on amazon, probably due to the Korean connection but didn't want to pay full price for it. So I waited and waited and months later, I purchased it with my bonus points :) And I should have paid full price for it since I loved it. This book literally took me away from where I was standing and placed me in its story. Rainbow Rowell may have an unusual name but she knows how to get you, get you good. Tears were shed and I think this one is a keeper.

Also to give an idea of its pull; it does not have the same first impact as The Hunger Games and it doesn't have the melodrama of The Fault In Our Stars but this is a long distance runner. I'm sure I want to read this one again. 

The Likeness

The Likeness   No Jagten didn't turn me off film (or maybe it did?) it is just that I have been lucky to come across novels that made me want to curl up and read them and do nothing else (best with this are cups of warm tea with honey and sunflower seeds -seeds still in the shells-).

The Likeness is the second novel by Tana French. I really liked the first one In The Woods and this one follows up one of the characters in the first one. Cassie Maddox is still suffering from the after effects of the case that was told in the first one.

This is one of those novels that slowly pulls you in and then you don't want to stop reading.

Also the four/five academics in this one reminded me of Donna Tart's The Secret History (in a good way of course).

There was a little teaser for the third novel called The Secret Place which the hero is yet another character from the second book. I think I'm hooked. 

Monday, October 13, 2014

The Hunt (Jagten)

The Hunt (Jagten)  This one was recommended to me by a colleague years ago. And now that it is slightly cheaper than it used to (it didn't end up in the bargain bin though) I thought I'd give it a try. It is not surprising that I liked it.

It tells a different story and tells it well. The visuals are very good with close up shots and expert mise en scene. Although here I'm going to say that this doesn't have that "clean" cinematography that I usually like. But other than that it was great looking.

Mad Mikkelsen (an actor I never warmed up to) is Lucas, a kindergarten teacher (who works there only after the school he was working was closed down) is accused of sexually abusing a kid there. Now we know right from the start that the guy is innocent and we get to watch the stages of his being blamed. It was really scary how easily a man's good name can go down and also one thinks whether one would behave differently if you are the nursery manager.

I highly recommend this film and I will seek out more of from this director, Thomas Vinterberg. 

Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues

Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues will work for you if you like the first film. I watched it because there was not a better alternative on digidvd (I actually fell asleep when watching Sleepy Hollow, I think it is time to face the fact that I don't like Tim Burton films much) and it was a decent time pass that made me laugh a few times (didn't really worked for me that well). 


Bridesmaids I have heard good things about this one when it came out but for some reason never really felt like seeking it out. It was included in a "buy one get one free" campain so I got it. Suprisingly I liked it a lot. Despite not being that crazy about Kirsten Wiig. The writing was good, the issues were real life like (hyperised a bit for fiction but I didn't mind) and I like the male lead Chris O'Dowd ever since IT Crowd.

The film is about this woman in her thirties whose business had gone down (she had to close her bakery shop) and working as a sales clerk at a jewellery store (only because the owner owes her mother a favour), has horrible roommates and is having one of those "only sexual" relationships with a great looking guy who is a total jerk. Her best friend from childhood is a cool lady and they have fun together. And then she gets engaged and asks her to be her maid of honour. However there is another recent best friend in her life, the -second - wife of her fiancé's boss and she is not only very good looking but also rich and has good taste. There is rivalary between the new bff and old bff (these were the most hyperised versions and they were hillarious).

The other bridesmaids have issues too but they are mostly comic relief. The film is mostly about the best ff who feels threatened with everything and starts to blame everyone else around her life for things going bad.

This is obviously a chick flick. I don't think a man would enjoy it as much. Recommended. 

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Gone Girl (the film)

This Saturday I was at the theatre very happy with anticipation. I loved the novel and I like David Fincher and I like Ben Affleck and I don't dislike Rosamund Pike (who was the best looking Jane Bennet I have seen on film) and so the film started.

First off this is as good a book adaptation as can be. The script is written by the author herself and most of the time the mood was also right. Of course David Fincher is a master director and I like his clean cinematography and the way he presents a story. Also Ben Affleck was excellent as Nick Dunne. Of course it seems like easy casting but the guy is a good actor (and it annoys me that I have to argue this) and he gave a top notch performance.

Rosmund Pike on the other hand didn't really fit the role. Her performance was simply too icy. Amy is an all American girl, the cool girl next door. Her being a psychopath is safely hidden under a brilliant exterior. Ms.Pike seemed to wear it outside. I think Reese Witherspoon would make an excellent Amy. Oh well...

All in all I like the way the film was crafted and enjoyed watching the events unfold but as usual the book is much better and I can't help but feel sorry for the people who have not read it and just watched the film.

10 Things I Hate About You

10 Things I Hate About You is one of the more successful Shakespeare adaptations to modern life. It is The Taming of the Shrew and I like it very much. The soundtrack, the actors and the overall mood of the film is entertaining and has strong, sensitive female leads. This second viewing was just as entertaining as the first one. The only problem as far as I'm concerned is that Julia Stiles and Heath Ledger don't have romantic chemistry. But it is not that big a problem since this film is not really about romance. 

Friday, October 10, 2014

The Valley of Amazement

The Valley of Amazement is another one of Amy Tan novels. I love this author and her The Joy Luck Club was so good that I have no problem grabbing any one of her novels knowing that I'll have a good story. This one is no exception. Apparently it is her most researched book and the background is the courtesan houses in Shanghai before the first world war.

The story is about two women (mother and daughter) and it is a large scaled one. We start with the daughter and how she ends up being a courtesan and how she gets out of it. At the first 16 years she lives with her mother who owns a courtesan house. Then they involuntarily separate and we continue with the daughter. Then at some point we return to the mother but to the time before she becomes a madam and we get to read about how she got pregnant and chose her path in life.

It was a good read and I've shed a few tears in the end but I didn't like it as much as her other novels (I have read them all). So I'll recommend if you have read and liked her but it may not be a good starting point to read this writer.

Love And Other Drugs

Love And Other Drugs Well, I didn't see this one coming. I heard about it when it came out but was in no hurry to seek it out, thinking I'd catch it on TV sometime. And I did, the end of it when in U.S.A some time (can't remember which city) but chose not to complete since I wanted to watch from the beginning. Well I got the dvd and expected the usual rom com. It was different, more genuine and I liked the characters and their interactions so much that I have found myself in tears at the end. And I actually needed a tissue by the time it was over.

The story is about a womaniser drug sales rep and a woman who is at the early stages of Parkinson's disease. She is only 26 though and she used to be painter. These two start having sex without any other expectations but of course start to fall in love (as usually happens). The conflict here is her disease and how it will render her helpless at the later stages of it. Her partner would need to care for her. He loves her and at first thought he'll be able to obtain a cure but there is none and when she realised that he is not up for the not so brignt future, she breaks up with him. More like releases him of guilt of breaking up with her. I liked the no bullshit approach of the characters. The way they see right through each other. And how the nice guy in him comes out as he starts to like her more and more.

The two leads were amazing. Jake Gylenhaal is an actor I like but not actively follow. Anne Hathaway is someone I always liked (never got how people came to love to hate her so much at some point). She is a great actor and they have amazing chemistry and were able to empower each other's performances, it was a delight to watch them. There were a lot of close up shots to their expressive faces. Just the way I like it.

Also this one started off with steamy intimate scenes and developed into emotional ones and  how it progressed was pleasing to me. All in all, it is a keeper as far as I'm concerned and I liked it so much that I wanted to watch it right after it ended. God I love when this happens. 

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Forgetting Sarah Marshall

Photo credit:

Forgetting Sarah Marshall is a film I have been curious about but never get the chance to watch on TV. And now I know why. I actually purchased the dvd for it since I like the main trio of actors and love Kunis' rom com personna (she was exactly the same girl in Friends With Benefits). Kirsten Bell is awesome too and there is Hawaii (which is the best place on earth as far as I'm concerned). Jason Segel wrote the film and he is starring as Peter, who got dumped by Sarah Marshall (Kirsten Bell). He meets Rachel in Hawaii and in the end finds happiness :)

This is one of those from male point of view rom coms. I liked it very much and thought that some scenes were hillarious and laughed out loud which is rare for me.

Russel Brand is not someone I like and there is not a specific reason for it. He is very funny in the film though.

As for why this film is not shown on TV I think it has to do with the full frontal nudity from Jason Segel (who is well endowed but to be honest I didn't like it. Nowhere near the Mr.Fassbender in aesthetics) which is in one of the earlier scenes and kept getting repeated throughout the scene.

Anyway this is recommended if you like rom coms or comedies. Or Hawaii (even if it was just in Turtle Bay Resort in Oahu).

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


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42 was on TV and I had nothing better to do so I watched it despite still not figuring out how the baseball is played (it is a shame on me, after all these films).
Predictably I shed tears and liked the overall story of how a man dislikes racism in baseball and decides to do something about it. He recruits a black player to the major league and people learn to deal with that. Racism is something scary and sports seem to be a good point to start to get rid of it. People care about their teams and if a player makes them win they get used to him/her even if he/she is blue.

All in all it was a good passtime that afternoon but I won't go out of my way to watch it again.


Saki is a drama I have chosen because there was not much else and because the story of an evil woman destroying everyone around her seemed attractive. Nakama Yukie is not a favorite actor but I thought she'll be able to handle the part and I was not wrong.

First off I was pleasantly surprised with the art direction. Especiall Saki's apartment was so good. I love looking at food and Saki cooks a special food item after completing one of her evil tasks. And her go to dish after destroying yet another enemy is a slice of deliciously marbled Kobe beef. Her cutlary and her china (I loved the tea cups especially) are first rate and everything she cooked looked delicious. I also loved her room full of books. I want that apartment.

I liked the three major songs and their repetition never bothered me.


It is revealed towards the later episodes that the whole thing is an eleborate revenge on people who Saki thought caused her mother's death. The ending to me was ambigious since Saki ended up being pregnant with a boy but I don't understand whose baby that was. The only one she had sex with was the lawyer.

I had a better time with this than I thought I would have.


Shiri is the first S.Korean film I have watched. And made fell in love with the country's cinema. Starring two of my favorite S.Korean actors Song Kang Ho (in the sidekick role here but currently one of the most loved stars in the country) and Han Suk Kyu (now kicking ass in historical TV dramas). The female lead is Kim Yun Jin. Choi Min Sik is the villain and he is a great actor but one I can never warm up to for some reason.

Spoilers from hereon:

The story is about a North Korean sniper sent to S.Korea and later on in her career there took on an undercover job. The big reveal of the film is that she had a plastic surgery and became the girlfriend and then fiancé of a S.Korean agent who is on the hunt for the sniper. A part of the N.Korean army rebelled against the peace policies with S.Korea and sent an elite force to bomb away a friendly football game where the leaders of the two countries will be present.

It is an action film with a whodunnit, a melodrama and a love story combined together. Acted in the perfect tone and I don't know how many times I have watched it (I think four) and I still cry in the end.

This is still very good after all these years and I highly recommend. 

A Nightmare on Elm Street

A Nightmare on Elm Street I realised I never watched it so gave it a try. And I fell asleep towards the end. It is not bad but it didn't work for me, at all. 

Thursday, October 2, 2014

King of Ambition

King of Ambition -whose photo is again sideways and refuses to rotate for some reason- is a drama I only picked up because there was not anything else I wanted to watch. I don't really care for Kwon Sang Woo and despite the fact that Soo Ae is a good actress, she seems type cast. And the show's writer was accused of plagiarism twice. The first time he was released from the charges since two people can think of a similar plot (The drama was being compared to Nice Guy) otherwise the writers of Nice Guy may have had to pay hefty fees to writers of Turkish melodrama writers. The second time he was accused of plagirising another writer. I didn't really read these stories since I was not interested in the show as it aired.

But I was pleasantly surprised. Having no expectations, I delved into the unexpected makjang pool of: a despicable villain whose ambitions in life causes unhappiness, no tragedy, in every life connected to hers, family secrets, twin brothers not knowing they exist and more. And I loved it.

First off, a good villain who you love to hate is a good thing to have in a revenge drama. Joo Dae Hae is such a villain. And the best thing is that her ambitions and how they way she became who she is explained in detail. Of course she is evil but this character has the chance to be acted by a good actress and this caused me to feel sorry for her more than I care to admit.

Our hero is the good guy. I love good guys. The better than man, the more I fall for him (but this is of course valid if the good guy is the hero, the secondary guys are almost always good guys). And Kwon Sang Woo reminded me what I ilked him at the beginning and why I disliked him after watching Running Wild. The man is a melodrama actor. When he tries to go mad with anger and lash out, he can't do it. He can't to comedy either. But he CAN do drama and he is a master of tears. Ok here it is, I have cried and cried during this show. I even surprised myself.

There is an idol called U-Know (I think the Korean name will be Un Ho) as the secondary guy and I'm sorry to say that he was not up to it. His plastic surgeried face disturbed me among actors who had their natural faces and the poor kid had to chance against Soo Ae (who is a good actor but not really a generous one, she'll steal the screen if she can and with him she always could). That doesn't mean I didn't cry when he
SPOILER died, horribly. Evil Joo Dae Hae, why did you let him die?????

Anyway the show ended in a satisfactory manner and I shed even more tears.

This is not only melo but worse, makjang melo and if you are into that, I can happily recommend.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


Koloni Jean - Christophe Grangé'nin okuduÄŸum ilk romanı. Roman bana bir iÅŸ arkadaşım tarafından ödünç verildi. Heyecanlı ve sürükleyici bir konusu vardı. En sonunda kahramanlarımızın başına bir ÅŸey gelecek diye baya bir endiÅŸelenmeye bile baÅŸladım. Sonuçta (umuyorum) Fransızca orjinalinden Türkçe tercüme fena deÄŸildi. Tabi nerede o eski Fransızca tercümeler. Neyse roman içinde aşırı ÅŸiddet vs. barındırdığı için herkese önermiyorum ama bu tip uçuk polisiyeleri seviyorsanız bence bir deneyin. John Burdett ayarında diyebilirim. Åžimdilik Jo Nesbo'dan bir tık aÅŸağıda Mösyö Grangé benim için. 

Ocean's 11

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Ocean's 11 is one of those OK Soderbergh films. The first time I watched it on theater I was surprised that there was not a single one among the hotties in the film that I fancied. They are all good actors and did their jobs well but you'd think that among 11 men there would be one that'd appeal to me. Anyway this viewing at home was more mellow and since then I have actually been to Vegas I was able to like it more. Bellagio is a beautiful hotel and it is nicely filmed here. Anyway it is also a heist film and your point of view is the of the thieves. My sister always says that it is not good side with the thieves and I think she is right. Even though you still don't want them to get caught.

One exception to this was The Town (directed and starred by Ben Affleck, now here is a guy I would not throw out of bed - and he is a very good actor too) in which I cared for the characters but I never sided with them. I liked the film.

Saving Mr.Banks

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Saving Mr.Banks was recommended to me by my manager at work and it sounds like the sort of film I'd enjoy. There is Emma Thompson and Tom Hanks two of my all time favorite actors. Their popularity do not marr their talent in my eyes. Both are top notch in the film (as expected) and since I have actually seen Mary Poppins - the film Walt Disney is trying to adapt from a novel written by P.L Travers - the story's fictional "making of" segments appealed to me. I have never check the director though. I had the idea that this is just another generic director. Well maybe it is but Mr.Hancock apparently also directed The Blind Side, one of my all time weepy faves and Saving Mr.Banks also made me cry buckets. I was not expecting a family melodrama and even though my two least fave leads (Colin Farrel and Ruth Wilson) were starring in the family drama sections.

This one for me is a keeper for the excellent acting and the melodrama that completely suits to my tastes.