Monday, October 27, 2014

500 Days of Summer

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500 Days of Summer Of course I had heard about this one and I love Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Also Zoey Deschanel and her usual manic pixie dream girl she perfected in New Girl does not really annoy me. But for some reason this film never was in my 'to watch' list. And when it showed up on Digidvd I decided it was time. And I liked it very very much. First off this was a different LA than the one I visited and loved. It was almost like an east coast town. Even the train scenes were not utilised the 'view' as much as other films would have done. Secondly I loved both leads and their performances. JGL is likable and kind of wonderful and ZD was great.

This film tells the story of how a relationship starts, develops and ends. Kind of like One Fine Spring Day but told differently. I like both films and enjoyed watching everyone being happy in the end. Also liked JGL's wardrobe and his sneakers. 

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