Wednesday, October 8, 2014


Saki is a drama I have chosen because there was not much else and because the story of an evil woman destroying everyone around her seemed attractive. Nakama Yukie is not a favorite actor but I thought she'll be able to handle the part and I was not wrong.

First off I was pleasantly surprised with the art direction. Especiall Saki's apartment was so good. I love looking at food and Saki cooks a special food item after completing one of her evil tasks. And her go to dish after destroying yet another enemy is a slice of deliciously marbled Kobe beef. Her cutlary and her china (I loved the tea cups especially) are first rate and everything she cooked looked delicious. I also loved her room full of books. I want that apartment.

I liked the three major songs and their repetition never bothered me.


It is revealed towards the later episodes that the whole thing is an eleborate revenge on people who Saki thought caused her mother's death. The ending to me was ambigious since Saki ended up being pregnant with a boy but I don't understand whose baby that was. The only one she had sex with was the lawyer.

I had a better time with this than I thought I would have.

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