Monday, October 20, 2014

The Eiger Sanction

The Eiger Sanction seemed like a good choice to clean out the funk left by The Ballad of Jack and Rose. And it was. I love Trevanian (from whose novel the film was adapted) and I need to read Shibumi again (God I have read that one so many times).

This one not only stars Clint but also directed by him. And I loved it despite its faults. I like climbing (though not a professional climber, at least I have climbed Mount Fuji  and even came down on the same day) and it was fun to watch the actors(or their stunt doubles whatever). The music was good (as it always is in Clint films) and Clint looked very handsome.

Yeah it is not very female friendly but at least two prominent female characters were smart and capable - but Clint of course outsmarts and out runs them.

All in all this may not be everyone's cup of tea but if you like Clint and/or climbing then this one will make you happy. 

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