Monday, October 13, 2014

The Hunt (Jagten)

The Hunt (Jagten)  This one was recommended to me by a colleague years ago. And now that it is slightly cheaper than it used to (it didn't end up in the bargain bin though) I thought I'd give it a try. It is not surprising that I liked it.

It tells a different story and tells it well. The visuals are very good with close up shots and expert mise en scene. Although here I'm going to say that this doesn't have that "clean" cinematography that I usually like. But other than that it was great looking.

Mad Mikkelsen (an actor I never warmed up to) is Lucas, a kindergarten teacher (who works there only after the school he was working was closed down) is accused of sexually abusing a kid there. Now we know right from the start that the guy is innocent and we get to watch the stages of his being blamed. It was really scary how easily a man's good name can go down and also one thinks whether one would behave differently if you are the nursery manager.

I highly recommend this film and I will seek out more of from this director, Thomas Vinterberg. 

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