Sunday, October 12, 2014

Gone Girl (the film)

This Saturday I was at the theatre very happy with anticipation. I loved the novel and I like David Fincher and I like Ben Affleck and I don't dislike Rosamund Pike (who was the best looking Jane Bennet I have seen on film) and so the film started.

First off this is as good a book adaptation as can be. The script is written by the author herself and most of the time the mood was also right. Of course David Fincher is a master director and I like his clean cinematography and the way he presents a story. Also Ben Affleck was excellent as Nick Dunne. Of course it seems like easy casting but the guy is a good actor (and it annoys me that I have to argue this) and he gave a top notch performance.

Rosmund Pike on the other hand didn't really fit the role. Her performance was simply too icy. Amy is an all American girl, the cool girl next door. Her being a psychopath is safely hidden under a brilliant exterior. Ms.Pike seemed to wear it outside. I think Reese Witherspoon would make an excellent Amy. Oh well...

All in all I like the way the film was crafted and enjoyed watching the events unfold but as usual the book is much better and I can't help but feel sorry for the people who have not read it and just watched the film.

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