Monday, October 27, 2014

Brideshead Revisited

Brideshead Revisited is a novel I heard about from time to time. Well I like English literature so it is unavoidable that I would want to read it. Anyway I got it from a secondhand bookshop on line (hence the ugly cover) and started it.
At first I didn't think I'd like it because it started with war (well more like British troops being order to here and there in England and dismantling and rebuilding their headquarters). Anyway it quickly turned into stories of rich people with first world problems. Well further in, I thought I wouldn't like it since novels of ennui seldom entertain me but the prose of Evelyn Waugh charmed me into the book. His style is such that I'd probably have it if I were talented and have written a novel. The way he builds the sentences and tells about the characters feel cluttered. Well normally I'm not a fan of clutter in prose (or cinematography) but there are exceptions to every rule I suppose since in the end I quite enjoyed this novel despite the fact that nothing happens in there is interesting or engaging. I felt sympathy for the author's style and it affected me. Well I'm not going to look a gift horse in the mouth and declare this one a win as far as I'm concerned.

Meanwhile based on the hideous cover I think someone adapted this novel into a film. Why???? Nothing happens in there what did they actually film? I may check that one out just to see how they messed it up.  Because unless one is Wong Kar Wai or Tsai Ming Liang or Hong Sang Soo I simply don't see how one would manage to film this one. 

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