Monday, October 13, 2014


Bridesmaids I have heard good things about this one when it came out but for some reason never really felt like seeking it out. It was included in a "buy one get one free" campain so I got it. Suprisingly I liked it a lot. Despite not being that crazy about Kirsten Wiig. The writing was good, the issues were real life like (hyperised a bit for fiction but I didn't mind) and I like the male lead Chris O'Dowd ever since IT Crowd.

The film is about this woman in her thirties whose business had gone down (she had to close her bakery shop) and working as a sales clerk at a jewellery store (only because the owner owes her mother a favour), has horrible roommates and is having one of those "only sexual" relationships with a great looking guy who is a total jerk. Her best friend from childhood is a cool lady and they have fun together. And then she gets engaged and asks her to be her maid of honour. However there is another recent best friend in her life, the -second - wife of her fiancé's boss and she is not only very good looking but also rich and has good taste. There is rivalary between the new bff and old bff (these were the most hyperised versions and they were hillarious).

The other bridesmaids have issues too but they are mostly comic relief. The film is mostly about the best ff who feels threatened with everything and starts to blame everyone else around her life for things going bad.

This is obviously a chick flick. I don't think a man would enjoy it as much. Recommended. 

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