Thursday, October 9, 2014

Forgetting Sarah Marshall

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Forgetting Sarah Marshall is a film I have been curious about but never get the chance to watch on TV. And now I know why. I actually purchased the dvd for it since I like the main trio of actors and love Kunis' rom com personna (she was exactly the same girl in Friends With Benefits). Kirsten Bell is awesome too and there is Hawaii (which is the best place on earth as far as I'm concerned). Jason Segel wrote the film and he is starring as Peter, who got dumped by Sarah Marshall (Kirsten Bell). He meets Rachel in Hawaii and in the end finds happiness :)

This is one of those from male point of view rom coms. I liked it very much and thought that some scenes were hillarious and laughed out loud which is rare for me.

Russel Brand is not someone I like and there is not a specific reason for it. He is very funny in the film though.

As for why this film is not shown on TV I think it has to do with the full frontal nudity from Jason Segel (who is well endowed but to be honest I didn't like it. Nowhere near the Mr.Fassbender in aesthetics) which is in one of the earlier scenes and kept getting repeated throughout the scene.

Anyway this is recommended if you like rom coms or comedies. Or Hawaii (even if it was just in Turtle Bay Resort in Oahu).

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