Monday, October 20, 2014

The Perfect Sense

The Perfect Sense  I only chose this film because of the lead pair. I love Eva Green (she looks so Charlotte Rampling) her appearance, especially her face, appeals to me. And I love Ewan McGregor. He is one of my all time faves. And it is about two people who fall in love.

So what went wrong with this viewing? First off it was too real looking. I had to turn away from the intimate scenes because they looked, well, so intimate. I felt uncomfortable. The chemistry was too real. Anyway the story is actually a science fiction one where people start to lose their sense starting with the sense of smell, followed by taste, followed by hearing and finally sight. Meanwhile an epidemic expert and a chef (whose specialty is fish).

Anway this one didn't appeal to me and ended up being a downer.

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