Thursday, October 2, 2014

King of Ambition

King of Ambition -whose photo is again sideways and refuses to rotate for some reason- is a drama I only picked up because there was not anything else I wanted to watch. I don't really care for Kwon Sang Woo and despite the fact that Soo Ae is a good actress, she seems type cast. And the show's writer was accused of plagiarism twice. The first time he was released from the charges since two people can think of a similar plot (The drama was being compared to Nice Guy) otherwise the writers of Nice Guy may have had to pay hefty fees to writers of Turkish melodrama writers. The second time he was accused of plagirising another writer. I didn't really read these stories since I was not interested in the show as it aired.

But I was pleasantly surprised. Having no expectations, I delved into the unexpected makjang pool of: a despicable villain whose ambitions in life causes unhappiness, no tragedy, in every life connected to hers, family secrets, twin brothers not knowing they exist and more. And I loved it.

First off, a good villain who you love to hate is a good thing to have in a revenge drama. Joo Dae Hae is such a villain. And the best thing is that her ambitions and how they way she became who she is explained in detail. Of course she is evil but this character has the chance to be acted by a good actress and this caused me to feel sorry for her more than I care to admit.

Our hero is the good guy. I love good guys. The better than man, the more I fall for him (but this is of course valid if the good guy is the hero, the secondary guys are almost always good guys). And Kwon Sang Woo reminded me what I ilked him at the beginning and why I disliked him after watching Running Wild. The man is a melodrama actor. When he tries to go mad with anger and lash out, he can't do it. He can't to comedy either. But he CAN do drama and he is a master of tears. Ok here it is, I have cried and cried during this show. I even surprised myself.

There is an idol called U-Know (I think the Korean name will be Un Ho) as the secondary guy and I'm sorry to say that he was not up to it. His plastic surgeried face disturbed me among actors who had their natural faces and the poor kid had to chance against Soo Ae (who is a good actor but not really a generous one, she'll steal the screen if she can and with him she always could). That doesn't mean I didn't cry when he
SPOILER died, horribly. Evil Joo Dae Hae, why did you let him die?????

Anyway the show ended in a satisfactory manner and I shed even more tears.

This is not only melo but worse, makjang melo and if you are into that, I can happily recommend.

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