Friday, October 17, 2014

The Likeness

The Likeness   No Jagten didn't turn me off film (or maybe it did?) it is just that I have been lucky to come across novels that made me want to curl up and read them and do nothing else (best with this are cups of warm tea with honey and sunflower seeds -seeds still in the shells-).

The Likeness is the second novel by Tana French. I really liked the first one In The Woods and this one follows up one of the characters in the first one. Cassie Maddox is still suffering from the after effects of the case that was told in the first one.

This is one of those novels that slowly pulls you in and then you don't want to stop reading.

Also the four/five academics in this one reminded me of Donna Tart's The Secret History (in a good way of course).

There was a little teaser for the third novel called The Secret Place which the hero is yet another character from the second book. I think I'm hooked. 

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