Thursday, October 30, 2014

The Fountain

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Despite liking Darren Aronofsky films very much, I was never really interested in The Fountain (and The Wrestler). But seeing it as an option on Dvdigi, I decided to give it a shot. Apparently the actors are important to me since I don't really care for Hugh Jackman except when he is Wolverine and Rachel Weisz is not one of my favorites either. And I remembered that the film was a huge box office flop.

Now that I have watched it, I actually ended up liking it very much. Yes even Hugh Jackman and Rachel Weisz since good directors usually can make an actor act better. This film is an interesting mix of high budget and personal. The budget it mostly used in computer generated effects which looked great since there were not many sets and not a lot of cast. It seems personal since the story is told in a way that the story teller thinks everyone would understand everything as they watched. I'm probably off the mark but I understood and felt as I watched the story of a man who tries to save his beloved wife from death in three different times and places. The above photo is an examply of lush visuals that are not only for us to look in awe but serve the story too. Hugh Jackman was so good and Rachel Weisz (actually a decent actor, one of those I don't know why I don't like) never looked better. I felt for the man and the question of life and death busied my mind throughout and afterwards the viewing.

It is certainly ambitious and not very viewer friendly but one of those films that will grab you if you are on the correct wavelength. Thank God I was.  

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