Thursday, October 30, 2014

Grudge Match

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Grudge Match was on dvdigi and it was that kind of day (a bank holiday in the middle of the week), so I said why not? I'm not a fan of Stallone's scary reconstructed face but I liked him in the first Rocky and the first Rambo. And I love Robert De Niro and think him a great actor who actually has aged well even if he doesn't choose his projects well but then again does he need to? Anyway this is one of those not so well chosen projects but I liked it a lot. First of the cast is good. I like old Alan Alda, I liked John Bernthal, and don't remember seeing him in anything else.

This is one of those films in which the characters find what they are looking for (lost love, family affection) and I ended up not only liking it but also shedding a few tears over it.

Of course it is not Ryu Seung Wan's Crying Fist (another film where you root for both of the opponents and want them both to succeed and tear your heart out during the final game. This one is light and frothy and you just know that everything's going to be alright.

I understand this film was not a success when it was released but I ended up liking it a lot. 

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