Monday, October 27, 2014

Match Point

Match Point is a film I have watched in theater years ago with my sister. SPOILER! Our protagonist, who is actually the villain of the film gets away with everything in the end. And by everything I mean two murders (one of a pregnant woman) and lying and cheating his way into wealth and privilidge.

Ok I can't help it, I love Woody Allen's films. Even the not so well liked ones such as Everyone Says I Love You. This one is not an exception. Despite the presence of Jonathan Rhys Meyers. This actor has this way of making his eyes intense which does not work in his favour as far as I'm concerned, he is the caucasian female version of Shin Se Kyung. He used to be nice actor, I remember him fondly in Bend in Like Beckham. I don't know what happened to him. He stars as Henry VIII in The Tudors and that is one of the reasons I was not particularly interested in the show because they showcased the whole intense eye thing in the trailers (brrrr, such a turn off ).
Scarlett Johanson is one of the successes as far as the unreasonable dislike of actors goes. I used to dislike her and her bovine features and for some reason didn't like her at all. Well Woody Allen changed this too. Not in Match Point but I liked her in Barcelona Barcelona and have liked her since, even films in which I didn't like her the first time I watched them, I like her now. Very good no? I wish this could happen to every actor who can act.

One minor thing about this one. Costume department didn't do a good job. The shirts JRM wore in the film were too big for him. Now he is a little guy (yeah Henry VIII and him?? Well, I'll have to get over it) but the least they could do was get him some shirts that actually fit after he became rich and was able to afford them. 

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