Monday, October 20, 2014

A Fistful of Dollars

A Fistful of Dollars It was a mellow Sunday, started with picking olives from the two trees in our backyard and then lazing about which brought to mind Sundays of my childhood. There was one national TV channel (B&W) and there were always western films on Sundays. And they were my father's favorite. So I wanted to play a tribute and since western (especially old westerns) is not my favorite genre, I decided to watch a spagetti western, in fact the film that started this term. A Fistful of Dollars is a remake of excellent Yojimbo and I had a ball with it. First off, I love Clint and he was great in this one. Also there was dubbing which brought a nostalgic air to the whole thing. And I love the close up shots, long takes and real looking faces of the actors. All in all, this one is something I'd probably rewatch.

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