Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Jumong XXV - XXVI

Jumong is back on in my life after a few days of absence and it got even better.

After Daeso made a deal with the Hyunto Governor, he returned to Puyo with the blacksmiths saying everyone that they were Josun immigrants he saved from Han, (only Prime Minister is in on the secret). The blacksmiths made very good swords noting the fact that they are not as good as Han swords but better than current Puyo swords. King was very pleased but Mopalmo (the manager of the iron chamber) is sad since the blacksmiths refuse to teach them the secret of making stronger swords.

Meanwhile Jumong travelled in the neighbouring Han territory and checked the conditions of immigrants out. He is very determined to continue his father's mission. And he told his comrades (Oi, Mari and Hyunpo) the facts about his birth.

In return to Puyo Jumong's mother told him that the reason she came to the palace after Jumong was born is to give him power in order to fufil his mission. She said that there is no one helping him now. Jumong had a meeting with the King and the King told him about Haemosu and his friendship with him. Jumong thanked him for looking after him and his mother but he also said he cannot forgive Daeso and Yuongpo for what they did. Meanwhile Daeso was also waiting to see the King but after Jumong left King refused to see Daeso. And he was furious.

Youngpo still thinks he is crown prince material and I kind of find him funny. He discussed with black market dealer what to do to win the competition now that Daeso is so far ahead with his new swords. Dochi (black market dealer) told him that everyone has a weakness and Daeo's is Jumong.

King held a meeting and made Jumong head of palace body guards. Apparently one of the most important positions in the palace. Jumong brought his comrades to the palace to include them in the bodyguard team and send the very unhappy Mopalmo to Keru to work on the secret of making steel swords. Sosunho took Mopalmo to Keru and soothed the Keru tribal chiefs who were disconcerted with Yontabal being away in Puyo for such a long time. Meanwhile Yontabal also made a deal with Hyunto governor about borrowing a blacksmith to learn how to make better swords. But as opposed to two faced Daeso who agreed to wed Governor's daughter in order to become the crown prince, Yontabal actually paid for this service of Han.

Meanwhile King had a meeting with Jumong and asked him not to hate Daeso and Youngpo since he, the King is the guilty one because he couldn't protect Haemosu as he should have.

The Queen and Court Minister (who is also Queen's brother) really want Daeso to officially become the Crown Prince. But Jumong mother talked to the King and explained that he sent Yeomiul away in order to reduce the shrine's authority but the new sorceress is on Queen's team along with Salchoo chief Mara (also Queen's brother) and court minister. So making Daeso crown prince (hereafter CP) now would be like giving them wings.

So when the court minister applied to the King to decide on the CP matter (with the support of the Prime Minister) but King said he will decide on this matter later.

At the end of the meeting, Daeso approached the King with tears in his eyes asking him what more has he to do in order to gain the King's trust. This is how Episode 26 ended.

Lastly, as a side note: there is the matter of prophecy made by the most talented shrine maid and Yeomiul's protege. She told Yunhwa that Jumong has to leave Puyo for good otherwise he'll die. Yunhwa pondered over this and told the only sorceress Yeomiul has trusted that Jumong will leave Puyo but not now, and asked the prophecy to remain secret. The sorceress agreed to keep it a secret but reminded her that the gods will is that Jumong must leave Puyo.
Also one thing to note, in one of the past episodes Yeomiul asked one of the sorceresses whether they can feel and energy bloking theirs and whether it is Jumong or not. The sorceress replied that yes, she can feel the energy but she is not sure whether it is Jumong, although it is obvious that Jumong is a special person.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Jumong XXIV

Last night was not a very successful Jumong viewing since I kept falling asleep. Not because the episode was boring - anything but- I felt a little tired I guess.

Jumong took his loyal trio and went outside Puyo to see the world, meet people who knew his father (Haemosu) and find out more about the immigrants in order to complete his father's vision. Well he achieved those and the immigrants he met were in a pitiful condition running away from Han army.

Youngpo is pissed because no one takes him seriously despite the fact that he got rid of Yeomiul and Jumong. The ministers even applied to the King to end the competition now that Jumong is not in it anymore. But the King said the competition should go on.

Meanwhile Daeso wants to find out the secret of steel weapons to guarantee him to be Crown Prince so he agrees to marry Governor's daughter (GD) and he even meets her and she seems to be a real bitch.

Sosuhno and Yontabal are also in Hyunto to meet the Governor and buy the secret of steel sword making from the Minister who is visiting the area.

I got into some of the episode 25 and Jumong beat the Han Iron Army soldiers with his excellent sword skills and rescued the immigrants.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Tess of The D'urbervilles - End, Love and Longing in Bombay and Jumong Eps.XXI, XXII and XXIII

Tess of The D'urbervilles is a great novel and a good introduction to Thomas Hardy. But my fave of his is still Far From The Maddening Crowd - and Jude.

I have started reading Love and Longing in Bombay written by Vikram Chandra. I love this writer and his Sacred Games is a fave of mine although I like Red Earth and Pouring Rain too. Anyway the first story is really good, packs a punch and carries that certain VC flavour.

Meanwhile Jumong is going on full speed. I didn't watch the day before since it was my b-day and family stayed awake till after 23:00 at night.

And in these three episodes things really got interesting.

Stupid Youngpo hired assasins from Dochi to attack the shrine and kill Yeomiul (I will not call her sorceress now since she left the palace after surviving the attack and did a complete 180 degrees. Now she supports Jumong and is very very sorry for interpreting the signs wrong and harming Haemosu this way. She called the King a hypocrite and accused him of wanting Haemosu that because of his love for Yuhwa. Finally she pledged alliance to Yuhwa and more importantly to Jumong. She told the poor man everything and that Haemosu is his father not the King. She said not to trust Kumwa since he knew Daeso and Youngpo killed Haemosu but did nothing to punish them. Well she has a point of course and what she said it true but on the other hand I don't think Kumwa is that bad or dishonourable. He has his weaknesses for sure and any decent father would choose his son over his friend. But he definitely is a hypocrite.

Sosuhno turned Daesoo down very gently but firmly. He was so mad that I thought he was going to burst.

Youngpo also kidnapped Bouyong again and after getting rid of Yeomieul (she said she will suffer away for sometime because she needs to be punished for her sins but she made alliance with Yontabal before she went away) he has targeted Jumong.

Daesoo gets in touch with the Governor requesting the secret of making steel swords. The Governor said he will give it to him but on one condition. He has to marry Governor's daughter. He asked for some time before giving his answer.

While Jumong is trying to make sense of the mess his life has become - Daesoo, Youngpo and Queen are plotting against him although Youngpo didn't tell them any details on how he plans to get rid of Jumong.

So he calls Jumong and tells him to quit the competition or Bouyong is dead. He actually accepts and tells the King he wants out and that the eldest son should be the Crown Prince. Everyone is very suprised and our villains are so very happy. Although Daesoo suspects that there is another reason why Jumong has quit.

Sosuhno is more worried about Jumong loving Bouyong than his quitting of the competition. But as the 23rd episode ends Jumong visits Sosuhno tells him that he needs to go away for a while but he will always think of Sosuhno and offers the ring his mother gave him to her (Haemosu gave this ring to Yuhwa right before Jumong was consummated). Yuhwa told him to give it to the woman he loves so now we know and Sosuhno also knows (she was so full of emotion as she accepted it).

I can't wait to see what will happen now :)

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Jumong Episodes XIX - XX

After watching 20 episodes I concur with the S.Koreans that Jumong is a very good show and entertains in every episode.

The title character is so appealing in every way and the villains are nicely presented with one stupid and overacting, one smart and deadly and the others doing all the evil things in the name of their country's well being.

Now Jumong is the hero and is given the tast of being King's Special Envoy and delivering a message to the Hyonto Governor. He of course excels at this being of the same mind with the King and showing the stupid Governor his place. Sad thing for Daeso is that this was the time he decided to visit the Governor himself to secure his support for him being the Crown Prince (he thought that he might be upset since now Puyo doesn't have the salt problem and hence Han will not be able to use this in their negotiations)

Daeso is also losing on Sosuhno front since she is so in love with Jumong. But she and her father asked for sometime in responding his proposal (he wants to marry Sosuhno). The Sosuhno went to Jumong and asked whether he will provide support if things get ugly once she turned Daeso down. Jumong said that he will never back down on his word. I wasn't quite sure whether that was a declaration of love since he mentioned his master's advice on protecting the woman he loves above all else.

Meanwhile the Queen is trying to overthrow the current Sorceress Yeomiul and replace her with one she knows will support Daeso in being Crown Prince. King gave his consent on whatever the Queen wants to do in that regard. Of course Yeomiul doesn't take this lying down and tried to struck an alliance with Yontabal. I don't know the outcome of it though.

Jumong's next step is to find a way to forge steel swords (the Puyo swords are weak weapons and in no way a match to Han's weapons). But the cunning black market dealer's aid found a weak spot in Jumong's trust circle. They tricked Oi into spying by keeping Bouyong under lock and key and pretending that they already sold her to a Han slave trader.
Jumong is looking into the matter but since Oi is madly in love with Bouyoung he just couldn't wait and agreed to be a syp and told about Jumong's intentions of developing steel swords to Youngpo and Deaso.

Youngpo really wants to be Crown Prince and like all the small minded petty people he is hatching plans in assisting Daeso in destroying Jumong and thinking of tricking Daeso and become Crown Prince himself. I would pity him if he was not that evil and stupid.

But Jumong finds out about Bouyong's imprisonment and rescues her and Oi seeing that Jumong really kept his word and such a vailant leader confesses everything and asked to be allowed to go away. I really liked Jumong's reaction here. He went down on his knees in front of Oi and apologised for dealing with the Bouyong issue this late. It takes a great man to do that and Oi and the rest of the trio are really impressed.

The black market dealer got upset after finding out that Bouyong is released and right guessed that Oi will not be their spy anymore but thought that Jumong will be angry with Oi after finding out what he did. So he decided not to tell the Princes about the recent developments. Yet another big mistake since the last scene of episode 20 showed Oi giving information to the princes and Jumong secretly watching them. Go Jumong!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Jumong - 9More Episodes (Spoilers galore!)

Jumong is consuming me with its goodness and I cried and cried and cried at the episode Haemosu died.

I plan on doing a three episode update but didn't even think of going next to a computer on weekend so here is a short version of what happened at 9 episodes further:

Kumwa and Yuhwa both grieved for Haemosu but poor Kumwa went beyond grief learing that Deasu is the one who killed Haemosu (of course he took 200 soldiers to help him since he is no way even near to Haemosu's level of martial arts). It seems that everyone gets away doing bad things and calling it "for Puyo". The Sorceress though is in a bad situation now since Kumwa can not forget the fact that she kept Haemosu as a prisoner for 20 years and never told anybody.
So he decided to seperate religion and state sort of and treats the Sorceress really bad.

After finding out that Haemosu taught Jumong martial arts Kumwa decided it is fate and thought of a way to make Jumong the Crown Prince (CP) without angering everyone.

He decided that three princes will compete for the title. Of course evil Daesu didn't like it and Youngpo didn't either. Jumong though understood the King and decided to look for something to help Puyo with outside the palace.

So he started to work for Yontabal.

Han is giving Puyo grief since they have the salt (apparently a very precious item that is much like money in the financial side of things) and threaten to stop the salt trade whenever they want to control Puyo.

Daeso went to solve the crisis but governor of Hyunto (representing The Han) refused to even see him. So the little shit actually took Haemosu's head and given it to him in exchange for re starting the salt trade. He is such a jerk and devoid of any morals what so ever (it is all "for Puyo" anyway).

Meanwhile Jumong is far sighted enough to realise that the salt problem has to be dealt by finding an alternate supply. And he does research after hearing her mother mention something she heard from his father (leader of the Haebek tribe).

This is again taking too long so after lots of things happen here is where we stand at the end of Episode 18

Jumong saves the day by finding a great salt source and man enough to give Sosuhno equal credit.

Sosuhno is head over heels in love with Jumong.

Deaso is shocked by Jumong's arrival and his accomplishment.

Buyong (this girl used to be a shrine maid but got kicked out because Jumong hit on her and they were locked at a store room by mistake - this is the early, player Jumong). She is now a slave of a bad black market dealer and Jumong asked him to release her, he told he'd need 10.000 coins for her and her two younger siblings for their freedom. Jumong is trying to make some money to save her. He treats her very kindly but I doubt that it is love on his part. Sosuhno is jelaous of her though.

Yuongpo is pathetic in his evil attempts and this actor has a way of contorting his face when he is really evil, I find this really funny.

The Sorceress is desperate to get the shrine involved in political decision making process but Kumwa is having none of it.

Sayong, this hermaphrodite tactitian employed by Yontabal is an interesting character. I like him very much.

Wootae, Yontabal's bodyguard has feelings for Sosuhno but whether they are romantic or brotherly is not clear at this point.

Yontabal got Kumwa's permission to produce swords in Keru (by offering salt at a crucial time). Smart fellow, this Yontabal).

Looking forward to:

Jumong getting deserved recognition for his efforts.
Daeso's reaction of Jumong success.
How Sosuhno will turn Daeso down (she sort of implied that Daeso's feelings were reciprocated and took the jewels he gifted her).

Of course I have not forgotten Tess of the D'urbervilles and loving more and more with each page.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Jumong (Eps.I -IX) and Tess of The D'urbervilles

I expected some of the dvds I purchased in India to not work but I have tried Wanted - didn't work and then gave Dus Kahaniyaan a try and it didn't work either. Seriously what is wrong with the Indian dvd manufacturers? Even the pirated goods are better than these... Anyway after that I have Chandni Chowk to China a try and it worked brilliantly but I fell asleep before the intermission - not that the film is bad, in fact I liked it better than I thought I would. But I just lost some heart after the first two films didn't work. I suspect Dus Kahaniyan will not work at the computer either since that is a rather large blot on the disc.

Then my Jumong dvds have arrived! All the four volumes in their nicely packaged, quality glory.
I have watched the first three episodes when they came out in the Goong dvd but it was some time ago so I re watched them and got into the story.
Now these series are 80 episodes and after watching 9 of those I'm really into the story. It develops at a leisurely pace with flashbacks even at this early stage. The actors are all good and Song Il Gook is really handsome with those cheekbones and lovely full lips. His performance is decent too. The leading lady is acted by Han Hye Jin and she is ok I suppose these series are all about Jumong. And I plan on telling all about it here because I like reading this sort of stuff and hope to enjoy writing about it as well.

What happened so far is that we get to watch two episodes before Jumong becomes 20 years old all of a sudden with a "20 Years Later" note on screen.

Haemosu is a descendant of Ancien Josun which was invaded by the Hans many years ago and now divided into tribes and small kingdoms. Haemosu's dream is to unite all these and invade the land back. Hans treat their guys and immigrants bad and do not hesitate to kill them etc.

Haemosu is not only an excellent warrior, he is a very charismatic leader as well. The crown prince of Puyo Kumwa is his best friend and totally believes his cause and helps him out to achieve it.
One of the lead characters is Lady Yuhwa to whom Kumwa fell for at first sight but she is not interested (mostly due to the fact that Kumwa is already married and has a baby son). Yuhwa is the daughter of the chief of one of the tribes.
Of course she meets Haemosu, in fact, she saves her when he was badly wounded and hunted like an animal by Han troups who understandably want to get rid of him.
After Yuhwa saves him they start to like eachother but Heamosu being the righteous hero he is decides to leave to save her and her tribe from danger. Alas as soon as he left Han soldiers attack the tribe and kill them all - leaving only Yuhwa alive to be publicly executed as an example.
Yuhwa is saved by Kumwa and brought to the palace - of course his wife Won doesn't like it since it is obvious that her husband is in love with Yuhwa.
Meanwhile Haemosu hears about all these from another tribe chief he met on the road and he decides to join them to the city where Yuhwa will be executed. The Chief, Yontabal is also one of the main characters of the drama. His wife is pregnant and when they were attacked by some robbers Haemosu saves everyone with his amazing fight skills. So Yontabal, who is a clever man, changes his original decision to sell him of to the Han authorities (yeah he figured out that this migrant is Haemosu very early on) since he saved his wife, his daughter and his business.
Haemosu and Kumwa are united and Kumwa also unites him and Yuhwa since he values Haemosu above anything else in his life, his life included. So he convinces his father, the King to help Haemosu to form a united front against Han. And everyone is willing to come together since Haemosu is that kind of guy.

But Puyo as a kingdom wants power for itself and Prime Minister and the Sorceress have no trouble convincing Kumwa's father, the King, to betray Haemosu. So Haemosu is captured and blinded by Han soldiers and Yuhwa is pregnant with Haemosu's baby. Kumwa saves Haemosu from execution but when escaping Haemosu is shot by arrows and falls into a river.

Thinking that he is dead Yuhwa is devastated but Kumwa offers to take her as a concubine and raise the child as his. Yuhwa doesn't accept this offer out of love and loyalty to Haemosu but Prime Minister and the Sorceress order a general to assasinate Yuhwa and the baby since the Sorceress believes that Jumong can be a danger to Puyo (she sees a vision of a three legged crow).

The General before killing Yuhwa and the baby tells her that The King betrayed Haemosu and just as he was going to slash them he is struck by lightning (no kidding!) but before that Yuhwa asks him if Kumwa was in on this plan and the general says no.

Yuhwa then decides to go the palace as a concubine and agrees to raise Jumong as a prince of Puyo.

Jumong turns out to be player with a kind heart with no interest in martial arts at all. But his elder half brothers, the idiotic Youngpo and the smart and dangerous Daeso try to kill him during a journey to see some sacred bow (Jumong ends up breaking that bow). But they couldn't succeed since Sosuhno saves him. Sosuhno is daughter of Yontabal, and she was born during the attack saved by Haemosu.

Anyway, Yuhwa asks Jumong to learn martial arts and be the crown prince since she has a mission for him to achieve (Haemosu's vision and also a bit of a revenge I suppose).

Ok this is taking too long so yadda yadda yadda and

Now Jumong is together with Haemosu (he was being held by the Sorceress in a secret prison for 20 years) he is teaching him martial arts.
Sosuhno is interested in Jumong and this interest grows after he saved him from a villain.
Daesu is also interested in Sosuhno and Sosuhno is also a bit of interested in him.

At the end of episode 9, during a beautiful sunset, Jumong finally tells Haemosu who his father (he thinks he is son of Kumwa) is and that the brothers who want to kill him are the other two princes of Puyo. Imagine Haemosu's shock.

Apart from Jumong, I'm very very much into Tess of The D'urbervilles. Thomas Hardy is such a great writer.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


I have just watched TV all day and I think I'm finally getting my fill.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Life In A Metro and You Don't Mess With The Zohan

Life in a Metro (2007) Directed and written by Anurag Bassu, dialogues by Sanjeev Dutta.
It was an OK film, nothing really special though. I liked one of the stories and one of them was heavily "inspired" by The Apartment.

You Don't Mess With The Zohan (2008) Directed by Dennis Dugan, written by Adam Sandler, Robert Smigel and Judd Apatow.
I saw that on TV and re watched it. I've found it just as funny the second time.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Smart People (and TV which is not very smart of me)

Smart People (2008) Directed by Noam Murro, written by Mark Poirier
It was ok, one of those U.S human dramas about intelligent people. I was not bored since I actually enjoy most of those.

I have taken a couple of days off and my family is on a trip to Spain so I have the TV all to myself. Usually I don't watch that much but now I'm definitely indulging on it. Watching everything from Nigella to Project Runway and giving Tess of The D'urbervilles a rest.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Thank You - End, The Great Gatsby-End, Tess of the D'urbervilles

I'm starting to get lazy. This happens everytime I try to keep a diary of sorts.

Anyway, I have finished Thank You and it was good to the last drop!

I have also finished The Great Gatsby and as far as I'm concerned it deserves every praise it gets.

I have not seen any films yet. Started Aitraaz but the disc gave up on my somewhere near the half of the film. Not particularly sad about it but I would have finished it if it worked I suppose.

I have started to re read Tess of the D'urbervilles, it is not a wonder I'm enjoying it since Thomas Hardy is one of my favorite writers.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Thank You

Thank You is still going great with some logical plot points (along with the 'only in a drama' moments that I love). Poor little heroine is going through really rough times... The scenes I love best are when people do unexpected good things. Brings tears to my eyes.

Meanwhile The Great Gatsby is a great novel indeed. I guess I had to be more mature to really appreciate it and I'm, fully.

Monday, November 30, 2009

More Thank You and The Great Gatsby

I have to force myself not to exceed three episodes of Thank You last night, of course it being 01:30 a:m helped. I can't get enough of this show.

God willing I have decided to read The Great Gatsby next and started it. I have read it years ago and it didn't mean much to me then but it is an all time of one of my all time fave writers Murakami Haruki, so I have decided to give it another chance and so far so good.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thank You, Outsourced and The Englishman's Cameo - End

Last night I have watched three more episodes of Thank You and I love it. The sign of a K-Drama to my own heart is that I want to watch the next episode right away and I constantly experience it during Thank You.
I have also rewatched

Outsourced (2006) Directed by John Jeffcoat, written by George Wing, John Jeffcoat.
A great film which depicts India really well, of course it teases with its quirks but it does it the other way around for Americans too. Good story telling, even my mother was really into the film.

I have finished The Englishman's Cameo and despite the fact that I figured out one of the suprises (I'm getting kind of good at this) I liked it very very much and it feels very good to be able to tell it to the writer :)

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thank You

Last night I have started to watch yet another Korean TV drama.

Thank You (2007) Directed by Lee Jae Dong, written by Lee Kyung Hee
The first three episodes were really good. I liked both the leads (Jang Hyuk as the male lead and Gong Hyo Jin as the female lead) and the comic side plots. The main story is very interesting too and thank God that the little kid is not of the annoying variety (sometimes they can be so you know).

Friday, November 27, 2009

An Englishman's Cameo

I have not been watching films lately, well I tried to watch Satte Pe Satta but fell asleep towards the end.

I started a new book called "The Englishman's Cameo" written by Madhulika Liddle and it is very entertaining. Good mystery giving details of Mughal life in 1600 India. A very clean prose with detailed descriptions. A book to my own heart. I was a bit worried since I read the writer's blog on old films and enjoy it a lot but the novel is much much better than the blog.

Monday, November 23, 2009

A Couple of Films and Doors Open - End

I have been away for one night and didn't feel like logging in yesterday. I have watched

Love Aaj Kal (2009) Directed and written by Imtiaz Ali
I loved it despite the fact that the male lead (Saif Ali Khan) was too old for the role and the female lead doesn't have anything else but her good looks (which are a bit disturbing btw). The story is one we know and love and it was told beautifully. I actually was in tears while watching a song during past segment. Good work.

Made of Honor (2008) Directed by Paul Weiland, written by Adam Sytzkiel, Deborah Kaplan and Harry Elfont.
It was a lame rom com. Not worth one's time.

And I have finished Doors Open which was a good book,still I missed Rebus a lot while reading it.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Forbidden Love - Random Episode

Last night I have watched a Turkish show on TV called Ask-ı Memnu (lit.trans.Forbidden Love). It is adapted from a classic Turkish novel of the same name. It is not that nice a show but this episode was alright with lots of intrigue, betrayal and of course love.

Doors Open is going good but I miss Rebus.

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Fracture (2007) Directed by Gregory Hoblit, written by Daniel Pyne and Glen Gers

I liked it a lot and kind of had a crush on the lead character while watching the film. Ryan Gosling is not my type but he is a good actor. Anthony Hopkins gave his usual performance, good technique with some flair.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Veer-Zaara and Doors Open

Veer - Zaara (2004) Directed by Yash Chopra, written by Aditya Chopra.
This is a melodrama classic and I cried buckets of tears in this second viewing. Shahrukh and Preity were great and Rani is always welcome as far as I'm concerned. I love the soundtrack too and the songs really brought even more tears. Fantastic film, if one likes melodrama that is.

I have started to read Doors Open written by Ian Rankin. It is not a Rebus novel (those are my fave) but it is very interesting all the same.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Kaminey and Q & A - End

Kaminey (2009) Directed and written by Vishal Bhardwaj, other writing credits include Abhishek Chaubey, Sabrina Dhawan and Supratik Sen
I loved it. To my suprise even the actors I don't care for (Shahid Kapoor and Priyanka Chopra in this case) were excellent and the cinematography with its muted colours and that clean look I like the best was excellent as far as I'm concerned.

I also finished Q & A and liked it a lot, especially the ending. It is a good book and the film did the idea justice but told a different story altogether.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Kambakkht Ishq

Kambakkht Ishq (2009) Directed by Sabir Khan, written by Ishita Moitra and dialogues by Anvita Dutt Guptan.
This film turned out to be a dissapointment. It was lazy and silly but I liked one of the songs (Bebo Main Bebo) and Akshay Kumar is good eye candy. Actually it was a waste of two good actors.

Meanwhile Q & A is going brilliantly. It is a very good novel that pulls me into its world.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Seeker: The Dark Is Rising

The Seeker: The Dark Is Rising (2007) Directed by David L.Cunningham, written by John Hodge adapted from a novel by Susan Cooper.
Nothing to mention much really. Saw it on TV and stuck to it till the end.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Page 3

Page 3 (2005) Directed and written by Madhur Bandharkar, additional writing credits to Nina Aurora,Sajeev Dutta, Manoj Tyagi
It was OK and certainly not as depressing as Chandni Bar and not as out there as Fashion. It was watchable but there is something fake about this director that doesn't really fit his so called realistic films.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Q and A

Last night I was busy loading up all the India & Nepal pictures so didn't have time to watch a film. Felt really sleepy and went to bed at 22:30...
I have decided to start Q & A written by Vikas Swarup and enjoying it very very much. I wanted to read it before watching Slumdog Millionare, adapted from this novel but I couldn't find the novel in Istanbul. So watched the film first. It didn't really matter though since the book is different from the film. The idea is there but the events are different so far.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Dil Bole Hadippa and 2 States - End

Dil Bole Hadippa (2009) Directed by Anurag Singh, written by Java - Aparajita
It is an OK rom com. Rani is fantastic as usual, she even made me cry at some stupid scene but I can't warm up to Shahid. His happy expression is so unappealing.

I have finished 2 States and loved it just as much as Five Points Someone. Now on to a new book but I'm wondering whether to continue with the Indian theme and start Q and A or shall I return to Ian Rankin...

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Return from India

I have returned from an excellent trip to India (and Nepal)yesterday. Apart from visiting the historical places and getting a feel of the country I have also read books and watched films (two at night in the hotel room, two on the return flight). Of course I went a bit channel crazy over there and gave the remote controls at the hotel room good work outs. Now on to what I have read

The Bridesmaid - written by Ruth Rendell
I love the writer and I love this novel as much. I have seen a French film adaptation of it some years ago but, as usual, the novel is much better (although kudos to this film too)

Vurun Kahpeye (lit.trasnlation "Hit the Bitch") - written by Halide Edip Adivar
I have read this novel - like every Turkish girl who likes the Republic and the independence war) but I liked it better when an adult. It is a bit of a propaganda but effective prose nevertheless. Halide Edip Adivar is a good novelist. Maybe I'll re read some of her other novels too.

What I Talk About When I Talk About Running - written by Haruki Murakami
I rarely read non fiction but when it comes to Murakami, who am I to resist. And I'm very happy that I did.

Five Points Someone - written by Chetan Bhagat
Bought it while in Nepal and it was the perfect choice since a) one of my favorite Indian directors, Rajkumar Hirani made a film inspired by it and b) it was great time pass while waiting at the crowded and mismanaged Kathmandu International Airport.

At the moment I'm reading 2 States by the same novelist, I bought in anticipation of a good reading while waiting at the airport (this time Indra Ghandi airport in New Delhi) but it turned out I met an interesting lady in the Smoking Room and had a wonderful chat. And the films on the flight were interesting... It is a good -sort of- follow up to Five Points Someone so I'm still happy :)

Now on to the films

Lady Hawke (1985) Directed by Richard Donner, written by Edward Khamara, Michael Thomas, Tom Manckiewitz, David Webb Peoples

This was a good rewatch since everything about the film were as good I remembered. Loved both the leads and was even able to tolerate Matthew Broderick (yeah I don't like him).

The Thomas Crown Affair (1999) Directed by John McTiernan, written by Alan Trustman, Leslie Dixon, Kurt Wimmer.

I love this remake and think it better than the original. Great leads with tonnes of chemistry, a killer soundtrack, lovely visuals and a nice going rythm.

Scandal Makers (2008) Directed and written by Kang Hyok Cheol.
Great entertainment. The director played me like a puppet, I laughed and cried exactly when he(or she) wanted me to. The male lead was great, I have not liked him this much since My Sassy Girl.

Looking For A Star - Yau Lung Hei Fung (2009) Directed by Lau Wai Keung, written by Cindy Tang, James Yuen and Louis Koon Nam.

This had potential but turned uninteresting towards the end. It is one of those rom coms where the side stories are a lot more interesting than the main one. Good thing I like Shu Qi since Andy Lau was his usual self.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Mr.India and Cards On The Table - End

Mr.India (1987) Directed by Shekhar Kapur, written by Salim--Javed
This film is delightful, I laughed, I cried and had a great time. Sridevi turned out to be an excellent performer and her HawaHawai song was a blast. Anil Kapoor was not annoying and the kids were lovely. Amrish Puri made a great villain. I'm hush hua!

I have finished Cards On The Table and loved it as I did all Ms.Christie's book. The killer turned out to be a suprise yet again.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Jab We Met

Jab We Met (2007) Directed and written by Imtiaz Ali.
This is a great rom-com. And it held up excellently in the second viewing too. In fact I liked it even better.

Tonight I plan on finally giving Mr.India a try (if insaallah the disc works that is). Anil Kapoor & Sridevi, here I come!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Cards On The Table

I have started to read an oldie but a goodie today. I like Agatha Christie, a very focused writer and my fave is Hercules Poirot, little Belgian detective. Oddly I never warmed up to Miss Marple but I have decided to read some of the novels where she is the murderer catcher.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Malice - End

I have finished Malice and I liked it. I'm beginning to see the appeal of Ms. Steel. She is a good story telling. The prose is a little dry for my taste but I enjoy it nonetheless.

Monday, October 26, 2009

The Girl of His Dreams - End and Malice

I have finished The Girl of His Dreams last night and it was the most depressing Brunetti novel I have read. It is a good novel but not one that will make you feel light hearted post reading. Now started Malice by Daniele Steel.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Chak De India

Chak De India (2007) Directed by Shimit Amin, written by Jaideep Sahni
I like this film just as much as I did in the first viewing. SRK is a great entertainer and the film has a pro female message. In this day and age it is easy to forget how many ways women are opressed around the world.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Sting

The Sting (1973) Directed by George Roy Hill, written by David S. Ward

It was a great film. Loved everything about it most of all the rythm and Paul Newman. I used to think Robert Redford was so dreamy but he sort of paled in comparison to Paul.

It is a great pleasure to know nothing about a film and watch it and like it this much.

Friday, October 23, 2009

The Girl of His Dreams

Last night I started reading another one of Donna Leon's Guido Brunetti series. This is called The Girl of His Dreams and it is good as usual. Despite the fact that I don't really like neither the detective nor his family, I find them good and compassionate characters and Ms.Leon's descriptions and literary suggestions are always welcome. Brunetti used to read Roman history, now he is reading Greek classics. And despite the fact that Henry James is not a writer I enjoy (excluding Washington Square which is great) I like Dickens although not as much as his wife Paula does.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Big Sleep and If Only You Could See Me Now - End

The Big Sleep (1946) Directed by Howard Hawkes, written by William Faulkner, Leigh Brackett and Jules Furthman
I liked it very much but the big part of it is Mr.Bogart who was excellent. Every nuance, every mannerism, every smile was spot on. I don't see what the big deal is with Ms.Bacall though. She kept flaring her nostrils and it annoyed me. She is very beautiful though.

I finished If Only You Could See Me Now and I'm a bit embarrassed but I cried. It is a silly book really nothing special but somehow I was touched towards the end. The second good purchase of the second hand book fair.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

If Only You Could See Me Now - Still

Last night I caught up in the computer's web and then felt so tired that I couldn't watch a film. I'm strangely reluctant to watch Mr.India. Everytime I intend to, I change my mind and watch something else. It is probably Anil Kapoor...
What I did was read more of If Only You Could See Me Now, it is very light, a bit preachy (about Carpe Diem, not abandoning our imagination, not being afraid to dream etc.) but also entertaining.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Dil Ka Rishta and If You Could See Me Now

Last night I have watched

Dil Ka Rishta (2003) Directed by Naresh Malhotra, written by Shabbir Boxwalla, Vrindra Rai, Naeem Sha
The only good thing to say about it is that Aishwarya Rai is so beautiful, she is a sight for sore eyes.

I have also started reading Cecelia Ahern's 'If You Could See Me Now'. I got it very cheap at the second hand book fair and the only thing I know about her is that she wrote a book called P.S: I Love You which Hollywood made a film out of, which I have seen and liked a lot. The book is going good so far and I'm enjoying it. Apparently I like Irish.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Khabi Khushi Khabie Gham & The Empty Chair - End

Khabi Khushi Khabie Gham (2001) Directed and written by Karan Johar.
This the third time I watched this film and I like it just the same. It is an excellent melodrama with a stellar cast who do their fame justice. With three films on his belt (all of them I have seen more than once) Mr.Johar is one of my favorite directors.

I have finished The Empty Chair and even though I thought I was a bit used to Mr.Deaver's twists, he managed to suprise me yet again with so many twists and they all made sense too. I liked just as I did the previous Lincoln Rhyme novels.

Sunday, October 18, 2009


Casablanca (1942) Directed by Michael Curtiz, written by Julius J.Epstein, Philip G.Epstein and Howard Koch.

Today I was looking for something good on TV and I came across Casablanca. It somehow touched me more than when I watched it the first time. Something to do with being more mature I guess. I love this film and Humphrey Bogart even more now.

Saturday, October 17, 2009


Lagaan (2001) Directed and written by Ashutosh Gowariker

I was planning to watch Veer-Zaara again but strangely the dvd didn't play (although it did when I first watched it) and I decided to re watch Lagaan. The first impression stayed the same, it is an allright film, entertaining but there is something lacking... I don't really know what but it is lacking just the same.

Friday, October 16, 2009

The Empty Chair

Last two nights I was very tired so only read some of The Empty Chair, another Lyncoln Rhyme novel written by Jeffrey Deaver. I like this character and I like Mr.Deaver's prose. The book flows very well.

Also I got it for an extremely cheap price (along with some other treasures) at a second hand book fair :)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Bride Hunt - End

I liked The Bride Hunt very much despite the fact that the three main female leads are not the sort of people I'd like in real life. I don't mind reading more Jane Feather books.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Mother India

Mother India (1957) Directed by Mehboob (Khan), written by Wajahat Mirza and S.Ali Raza.
I would have liked this film more if I hadn't known about the private lives of its two leads. Not saying anymore for the fear of spoiling it for anyone who may stumble here by accident.

The Bride Hunt just got "racy" and I can't help but laugh at the descriptions of the sexual acts. I still like the other stuff so will not give upon it.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Then She Found Me and The Bride Hunt

Then She Found Me (2007) Directed by Helen Hunt, written by Alice Arlen, Victor Levin and Helen Hunt. Adapted from Elinor Lipman's book.
It was an OK film, nothing special but not that bad either. I liked that Helen Hunt didn't do any plastic surgery.

I also started a so called romance novel -but not of the racy kind-. It is written by Jane Feather and called 'The Bride Hunt'. So far I'm enjoying it very much since it describes the clothes and more importantly, the food.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

My Best Friend's Girl, The Maltese Falcon and The Lost Symbol - End

Last night I have finished The Lost Symbol and I liked it very much despite being quite familiar with the formula. No suprises for me but I was entertained nonetheless.

And today was the day of resting and watching films on TV. The first was

My Best Friend's Girl (2008) Directed by Howard Deutch, written by Jordan Cahan
Ok this was bad, really bad. Dane Cook is not a rom com lead, maybe he is ruggedly handsome in real life but he doesn't look good on camera. Oddly enough he is not that bad an actor. But he just doesn't work. I like Kate Hudson, mostly because I like her mother very much and I also loved her debut film, Almost Famous. She is OK here but I was wondering what was she doing in this stupid film.
I got lucky in the second film

The Maltese Falcon (1941) Directed and written by John Huston, adapted from Dashiel Hammet's novel
I liked it a lot. Not only it was visually very very pleasing, great composition but also it was written very well and acted just as good. And Humphrey

Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Ugly Truth

The Ugly Truth (2009) Directed by Robert Luketic, written by Nicole Eastman, Karen McCullah Lutz, Kirsten Smith

It was not as good as I was expecting it to be. The problem I think is Katherine Heigel, who is not a bad actress but certainly not suited to rom com genre. Gerard Butler did well though. All in all not a bad timepass but nothing special.

Friday, October 9, 2009

The Lost Symbol

Last night I read The Lost Symbol and it is going great. If the prose and the rythm of the novel is good than a formula novel can be very entertaining (for instance Mary Higgins Clark)

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Angels & Demons and The Lost Symbol

I'm at an inadverdent Don Brown kick at the moment. Last night I have watched Angels and Demons and today started to read his latest book The Lost Symbol.

Angels and Demons (2009) Directed by Ron Howard, written by David Koepp, Akiva Goldsman, adapted from Dan Brown's book of the same name.
I loved it. It is a lot better than the book and very very entertaining.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Improbable - End

I have finished Improbable today, reading a hefty portion last night and even though I like it I'm not as in love with it as everyone else I talked about it.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Life on Mars, Episodes VII and VIII

Last night were episodes seven and eight of Life on Mars, now I'm sort of hooked but will not immediately look for the second season. If I came across a deal of the dvd, I do not plan on giving it a pass though.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Life on Mars - Episodes V and VI

I have cried during episode five of Life on Mars. I'm really into the series now and like the lead character Sam Tyler very much.

Meanwhile Improbable is going good but I'm somehow distant towards this book, time flows while reading but I don't feel the urge to read it and do nothing else.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Life on Mars Episodes III and IV

Last night was Life on Mars again and I liked these two episodes much better. The drama and the police action were well integrated and the pace was better too.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Life On Mars

Last night I watched two episodes of Life on Mars, a British TV show and despite loving the concept and the art direction (sets and costumes were great) and the actors, I'm probably spoiled by the USA TV cop shows which are more focused. So far there is not a balance in Life in Mars between the drama and the police cases which our heroes have to solve. And I don't think it is an editing problem.

Friday, October 2, 2009

30 Days of Night and Improbable

30 Days of Night (2007) Directed by David Slade, written by Steve Niles, Stuart Beattie, Brian Nelson (adapted from the comic by Steve Niles and Ben Templesmith.
I liked it. Clean and decent cinematography, focus on the action and yes there are some faults, some jarring but overall it is a good and interesting horror film. I wish the Twilight lovers would see it and maybe their perception of vampires may change a bit.

I have started Adam Fawer's Improbable and so far it is a good action novel but I have yet to see the special something which made it a huge bestseller in Turkey (almost everyone I know has read it)

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Titus and The Mayor of Casterbridge-End

Titus (1999) Directed by Julie Taymor, adapted by Julie Taymor from Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus.
It is an interesting film, very violent and visually excessive but in a showy stylistic way. The actor who played Aaron, Harry Lennix was very impressive and left an impact with his performance. I have seen him in other things, mainly TV shows but never this impressed. He stood out among all the other good actors.
Well also I needed subtitles for this one.

I finished The Mayor of Casterbridge and it is a great novel. Not only exciting and interesting but also literarily nourishing.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Sleuth (2007) Directed by Kenneth Branagh, written by Harold Pinter (from Anthony Shaffer's Play)
This film is a waste of everyone's talents, except the set designer.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

All About Eve

All About Eve (1950) Directed and written by Joseph L.Mankiewicz
It isust as good as everyone says and I had a ball watching it. Furthermore I think it will not only stand to multiple viewings but also will be even more enjoyable. Bette Davis was so good. I love her and Anne Baxter was good too. And Marilyn Monroe was smashing even at a small part.

Meanwhile I'm halfway through The Mayor of Casterbridge and enjoying it more and more with each new page.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Beautiful Life - End

Last night I have watched the last four episodes of Beautiful Life and I was not ready when the melodrama hit me with full force. I cried, and I cried and I cried and I cried - at one point I was sobbing loudly (usually it is the silent tears). Takuya Kimura character was so real and the whole thing was so heartbreaking. The female lead Ms. Takako Tokiwa if I'm not mistaken is also very good but everything and everyone else revolved around Kimu Taku, I loved this character and even though Sena is still my favorite Shuji comes a very close second.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Beautiful Life IV, V, VI, VII

Last night I indulged myself with four episodes of Beautiful Life. The dialogues in this drama are so like real life but at the same it keeps its fiction taste. The plot is very melodramatic but the way they handled it is so matter of fact.
And Takuya Kimura... He is so good. I have seen five characters he has acted so far (two in a film) and they are all very different but at the same time their mannerisms are not that dissimilar. I don't know how to describe it but he totally won me over many times over and I would love to be looked at the way he looks at his female leads. Fave Kimu Taku character so far to me is Sena in Long Vacation.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Beautiful Life I - II - III

I have started to watch Japanese drama Beautiful Life and it is wonderful. Takuya Kimura is the main lead and as usual he is simply fantastic. Not only a good actor but one with tons of charisma, charm and that certain quality that makes you love him. He is not conventionally handsome but there is something about him. The female lead, Takako Tokiwa is also very good. The three episodes just went by despite the fact that I worked overtime, was very tired and sleepy.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Dirty Dancing

Dirty Dancing (1987) Directed by Emile Ardolino, written by Eleanor Bergstein
I love this film despite multiple viewings, still remember the two times I saw it in theater and how the crowd cheerd when Patrick Swayze showed up for the final dance scene. It is still just as good after all these years.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

The IT Crowd Season III and The Mayor of Casterbridge

The IT Crowd third season is hillarious, every episode is very good but my favorite is "the elders of internet" (the title is different).
The Mayor of Casterbridge is going very well. I love how Hardy describes the surroundings and the accents are defined in such a great manner, it is as if I can hear the characters speak.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo - End, The Mayor of Casterbridge

Last night I have finished The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo and today I started The Mayor of Casterbridge. Thomas Hardy is one of my favorite writers and this is one of the novels I haven't read yet. It started with a bang and now I'm very curious about what is going to happen next (yeah I managed to stay away from spoilers, even when classics are concerned!)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The IT Crowd

Experienced problems with blogger so again multiple days in one entry:

22 September 2009
Last night I have watched the second season of The IT Crowd and it was also very good.
Meanwhile The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo is going great and I'm deeply into it.

21 September 2009
Last night I have watched the whole season 1 of The IT Crowd, which is a hillarious British sitcom. I laughed out loud all night. There is something about British humour that really appeals to me.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Propose Oishii and The Girl With The Dragon Tatoo

Since blogger has problems I just will post the missing days in this one

19 September 2009
There are problems with the blog and I was not able to post anything. Today was the last day of Ramadan and thank God that I was able to fast all through it :)
Last night I watched three more episodes of Propose Oishi and I didn't get any better. The only thing I really like is the UST between the OTP. Everything in the show is so obvious and UST works with that approach but not much else.

18 September 2009
Last night I have watched another episode of Propose Oishii and it was more of the same. Hero rescued our heroine from an unpleasant situation and promptly rejected by the love of his life. He cried but found some consolation in the soup she made for him. Really we all know a rom com is a formula but most of the time one tends to forget it and gets captivated with the story. Not this time. Also the male lead looks like a high school kid.

17 September 2009
I was not able to write anything due to some internet set up misunderstanding I've had but thank God it is resolved. Meanwhile I started Propose Oishii and now understand why this show is not very popular. The story is about an older woman (who is not yet thirty) and a younger man. The woman is a good chef who wants to open her own restaurant someday and the man is the only son of a conglomarate owner. So far it is something we are used to but they cater so many romantic kinks in such a blatant and awkward way that one feels a bit insulted. There were scenes from Pretty Woman, My Name is Kim Sam Soon and Lovers in Paris. I've decided to stick with it since it is entertaining (thought not the way they meant to be I suspect) but it just in not a good show.
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, on the other hand, deserves all the good reviews so far. I'm enjoying it very much.

15 September 2009
Two shipments arrived today thank God. So now I have a small selection of goodies to choose from. Ok I already started to read The Girl With The Dragon Tatoo which is so far promising. And I think I'll go for the Japanese Propose Oishii, too bad there aren't much info on this one on net. I just chose it based on the synopsis. I love looking at food so I hope I'll like it.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Worlds Within - End, The Water's Lovely - End

Last night I watched the last four episodes of Worlds Within and finally got into the drama with Gyuho's break up scene. He was crying in the car and I was crying in my room. I also was eager to find out what happened to everyone else. Junyong is my favorite character and even though Jioh was a good guy, one that I would at least feel sympathy towards but Hyun Bin doesn't agree with me. Someone else in that role and I would have wept over the main OTP too.

I would have loved to watch the workings of TV drama productions but instead I got annoyed since they didn't integrate it to the drama well. Otherwise I loved the screen play. And kudos to Song Hye Kyo, lovely actress, top notch.

I also finished The Water's Lovely tonight and it was good to the last drop. I should read more Ruth Rendell books.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Worlds Within Ep: 10, 11 & 12

Watched three more episodes last night and I love the lead actress and I like the show a bit better but still no marathon desire.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Worlds Within Episodes 7, 8 and 9

Worlds Within is still the same after three more episodes. Lead female is all kinds of beautiful and she is a fantastic actress and all the side characters are nicely executed and the male lead is a nice guy but I can't warm up to Hyun Bin. His performance is not so good. Also the show sometimes feels like a lesson on drama productions which would have been very interesting to a person like me but apparently not when it is fed to me with a spoon.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Worlds Within Episodes 5 & 6

Worlds Within 6th episode was really sweet. The scenes in which the OTP just hang out in the house watching films, reading manhwa and then cleaning were really entertaining to watch and I came this close to loving the show but there is still something that is holding me back.

The Water's Lovely, on the other hand is fantastic, I still have no clue on who the murderer is.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Worlds Within Episode 4

Worlds Within fourth episode was not that much different from the others. I like this drama A LOT better than Cain and Abel but considerably less than all the other K-Dramas I have seen. I was able to stop at the end of episode. Normally I marathon, sometimes even when I have to go to work next day. But on the plus side I like the morals of this drama. Good work ethics are promoted. Love is lacklustre. OTP does not have chemistry (I understand that they are together in real life). Ok let's see what tonight will bring (I'm still hoping to madly fall for this drama since I like the female lead character very much).

I'm still loving Ruth Rendell and have no idea what is going to happen next in the book!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Worlds Within Ep.3 and The Water's Lovely

Worlds within third episode was without any suprises. I'm still not wowed and the insider info/critique is annoying. The problem I'm having is that the story is not flowing. I hope that this will change since I want to like this. It is not bad in the way Cain and Abel was bad. In fact it is not bad at all. I just can't get into it. But I'll keep trying.

Ruth Rendell is a writer I like a lot and The Water's Lovely is very entertaining so far.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Worlds Within 1 & 2

I finished two episodes of Worlds Within (aka The World They Live In or something, I'll just stick with what it says on the dvd box). So far it is interesting. I have not watched a Korean drama like this. Stayed away from spoilers and I don't really have much of a clue of what is going on. The OTP is very off so far. Obvious that they like eachother and there is UST but also they feel comfortable together in their current situation doing nothing to change it to better. Also they work together which can be big obstacle. I love the leading lady, Song Hye Kyo, she is not only one of the most beautiful women I have seen but also a good actress. I have watched her in two other dramas and the charaters were all very different. The leading man, Hyun Bin, on the other hand is a turn off so far. I just can see him acting and he doesn't look good. Also he gives nostril shots which I don't really like in an actor (except Song Kang Ho). I'm hoping to warm up to him.

Monday, September 7, 2009

This Charming Man

I have finished This Charming Man and loved it to bits. It is hard to decide which book to start now that I'm on such a fiction high. I think I'll go with Ruth Rendell's The Water's Lovely but may turn to Haruki Murakami's What I Talk About When I Talk About Running - I love Murakami but this book is not fiction and I don't know how appropriate it will be to self, reading while going on the treadmill during lunch break at work (now that I'm fasting I take speed walks on lunch break)

Worlds Within has arrived thank God and can't wait to give it a go since it is highly recommended by a blogger I regularly read. Let's hope that I like it as much!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

The Man Who Cried

The Man Who Cried (2000) Directed and written by Sally Potter,
It was not a good film but I liked it. Clean and nice visuals, good costumes and excellent actors. The storytelling part was the weakest and it hurt the whole film.

Meanwhile This Charming Man is so good that I think it is her best novel.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

My Sister's Keeper and I'm Legend

My Sister's Keeper (2009) Directed by Nick Cassavettes, written by Jeremy Leven and Nick Casavettess, adapted from Jodi Picoult's novel.

It was a weepie film and I wept, and wept, and wept.

I'm Legend (2007) Directed by Francis Lawrence, written by Mark Protosevich and Akiva Goldsman, adapted from Richard Matheson's novel.

I liked it. Will Smith is hot and a good actor.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Suhaag and This Charming Man

Suhaag (1979) Directed by Manmohan Desai, written by Khader Khan, Prayag Raj and K.K Shukla
I loved it. There is not an iota of logic in the film but it is very very entertaining. Amitabh Bachchan is so sexy in this film despite dubious fashion choices.

I finished Stephen King's Just After Sunset and started Marian Keyes' This Charming Man. It is very very entertaining, Mrs.Keyes is a very good writer and so far there is not one book of hers that I didn't enjoy (I think I have read them all)

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Maine Pyar Kya

Maine Pyar Kya (1989) Directed and written by Sooraj R. Barjatya, story by S.M Ahale

I was eally suprised as it dawned on me that one of my favorite films Nuvvostanante Nenondantana is a remake of this film! I had no idea.

Anyway this film is a total trip, and the whole WTFness escalates towards the end. But it was very very entertaining (I hope they intented the film to be like this but I suspect they were not aware how ridicilous the whole thing looks)It is a long film full of songs and a disembodied "I loooove youuu" comes out at every opportunity and sometimes "twinkle twinkle little star" - not kidding yaar. Oh also music director must have loved the intro The Final Countdown since it is often repeated too! And one must not forget the dove (I nearly fell out of bed when we get to watch dove's memory!!!!)

The actors were good and the performanes totally in sync with the film's tone. Heroine's glycerine tears to Salman's Zoolander looks were hillarious.

And I'm such an easy crier that despite all the fun I had, I couldn't help but shed a couple of tears in the end.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Jism (2003) Directed by Amit Saxena, written by Manesh Bhatt and Niranjan Iyengar

I finished it last night and it was ok. Nothing to write much about except that Bipasha Basu and John Abraham are very good looking people.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Namak Halaal

Namak Halaal (1982) Directed by Prakash Mehra, there aren't any writing credits at IMDB and I don't remember the name shown in the credits.

I liked it a lot. Amitabh Bachchan is an exceptional actor, both comedic and drama and that is rare. I loved the story, the costumes and most of all that jubilant naivete old Indian films have. The songs were good too. Kishore Kumar and Amitabh is a good match.

Monday, August 31, 2009

No Smoking

No Smoking (2007) Directed by Anurag Kashyap, written by Raj Singh Chaudhary, Anurag Kashyap

I loved this film to bits. Not only the cinematography was just to my heart's content, I liked the story and the whole cast. Kudos to Anurag since I think this is John Abraham's best performance. If this was the only film I have seen him in, I'd have taken him as a very talented actor. And Paresh Rawal is exceptional. The songs were also very good especially the last one. This film is not everyone's cup of tea but it sure made this viewer very happy.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Kalifornia and Oye Lucky! Lucky Oye!

Kalifornia (1993) Directed by Dominic Sena, written by Stephen Levy and Tim Metcalfe
It was better than I expected. It is one of those films Americans do very good. Juliette Lewis shined. Brad Pitt's accent was bad though I think he would have been better in David Duchovny's part.

Oye Lucky! Lucky Oye! (2008) Directed by Dibakar Banerhee, written by Divekar Banerjee, Urmi Juvekar and Manu Rishi
I liked it very much. Lucky is an interesting character and Abhay Deol was perfect for the part. Paresh Rawal is the real hero in this though- acting wise.

Oh I almost forgot, last night I watched

Paap (2003) Directed by Pooja Bhatt, written by Manesh Bhatt, J.P Dixit and Nirenhan Iyengar

Inspired by Witness, it was not bad but a bit pretensious and the romantic scenes were not good.
I liked the first song Intizar though.

Friday, August 28, 2009

13 B

13B (2009) Directed by Vikram K.Kumar

This is the second Indian horror film I have watched and I liked them both very much. Clean cinematography, neat camera tricks and a nice story with good actors. I was a happy viewer.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Nuvvu Nenu Prema

Nuvvu Nenu Prema (?) Directed and written by Krishna.

I got this Telugu film without really knowing anything about it other than that it is starring Surya (who is a hot Telugu or Tamil actor but not that hot for me to want to watch all his films). The film ended up being a bad one. I enjoy watching over the top action scenes Tamil Ghajini was great for instance but this one I could see the wires and not just in one cut either. I spotted them at least three times one even lasted more than a second. I need to learn to screen cap. The two female leads are fine but all in all the story was huh? variety and this was not a good blind purchase.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

New York

Thank God that I decided to use some of my annual leave since I couldn't get up for my pre fast meal last night. I watched:

New York (2009) Directed by Kabir Khan

This is one of those so so films, not really good but not really bad either. It was just not a fulfilling film. It has a good story, nice message and a bit of lip service. The actors were the same as the film: so so. The cinematography on the other hand was very good and the action scenes handled nicely. But there were few of them since this is not an action film. Anyway it didn't put me to sleep.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Cain and Able - End and a few films

I have not been able to write since Ramadan and laziness. Now I have to catch up.

I'm still reading Stephen King's short stories and it is going fine.

Finally finished Cain and Able today and sadly I admit that it was not a good purchase. No matter how cute So Ji Sob is. And he is cute. Also he is a decent actor but something didn't gel in this drama. I didn't even cry. Ok at one point I shed a few tears but it is mostly due to Han Ji Min's acting. She was crying so bad (and for a good reason too) that it got to me. But this is a 20 episode drama and it is filled with sadness. Anyway I don't recommend this and I'd be happy to give it to someone who'll appreciate it more than I did.

I have watched more than half of Speed Racer and I liked it much better than the rest of the world did. Also re watched Keeping The Faith and liked it just as well as I did the first time. Hmmm what else? Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian. This film was stupid and long but my cousin's twelve year old wanted to watch it and we watched it with him. I also watched a few episodes of Law and Order: Criminal Intent. I like this show and both of the male leads. I have a soft spot for Jeff Goldblum since Jurassic Park.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Cain and Abel Episodes III - VI

Cain and Able is not so good. There are so many plot holes that it is simply not possible to really care for the characters. The production values and the cast is excellent and I love the fact that China was one of the locations so far but I can't get into the story. Having written all these, I still watched three episodes last night despite the fact that I had to wake up and go to work! Addiction...
The villain is a bit funny rather than hateful or pitiful. He leaves his adopted brother in a Chinese jail knowing that he would be deported to Noth Korea and for what? For a hospital and a girl who deeply loves the brother in jail. And the villain has a brain tumor.

Stephen King is such a good writer.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Cain and Abel Episodes I to almost III

I have started Korean TV drama Cain and Abel and so far into almost three episodes. I managed to fall asleep at the final minutes of the third episodes. Not because the drama is bad, I was just very tired and too stubborn to quit watching. So far we have two doctors who are almost brothers. One is the natural born son the other is adopted but loved very much by the father. Hopefully I'll write more in the upcoming days since Ramadan is starting on Friday and instead of sipping ice tea and having a smoke I'll be fasting :)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

8 X 10 Tasveer

8 X 10 Tasveer (2009) Directed and written by Nagesh Kukunoor
I loved it but it is neither a good film nor a successful one. But the clean, tidy, uncluttered cinematography is a treat and I enjoyed watching it.

The Korean drama I have ordered finally arrived thank God. And I'm looking forward to it. It is called Cain and Abel and presumably tells a story of revenge. Revenge theme always appealed to me in fiction, maybe because I find it so useless and unrewarding in real life.

Two stories later Stephen King continues to delight me.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Andaz Apna Apna and Just After Sunset

Andaz Apna Apna (1994) Directed by Rajkumar Santoshi, written by Rajkumar Santoshi and Dilip Shukla
It was hillarious and I laughed out loud throughout the whole thing. Everything in it was in tune and the silly comedy totally worked.

I started Stephen King's short stories. The book is called Just After Sunset and I'm so far in the second story and loving it. It reads as if it is the old King and he is one of my all time favorite writers.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Heart and Soul - End

It ended very nicely and as usual I kept wanting to read more! Thanks Ms. Binchy :)

Saturday, August 15, 2009

This is Spinal Tap

This is Spinal Tap (1984) Directed by Rob Reiner, written by Christopher Guest, Michael McKean, Henry Shearer, Rob Reiner

I saw this today and the film is a riot, especially if you are into rock, which I am.

Also Heart and Soul is going great, and it is especially good if you read other Binchy novels since some of the characters are also in this one.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Garam Masala

Garam Masala (2005) Directed by Priyadarshan, written by Priyadarshan, Neeraj Vora
It was a well executed farce but I didn't really like the story and one of the main leads, John Abraham was not on par with the two others, Akshay Kumar and Paresh Rawal. This sort of weak link i the cast can take a lot from a comedy genre such as this one.

Heart and Soul is going great, it is not even halfway yet and I have already shed tears...

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Chupke Chupke and Heart & Soul

Chupke Chupke (1975) Directed by Hrishikesh Mukherjee and written by a bunch of people including Gulzar, Upendranath Gangury, D.N Mukherjee, Shakeel Chandra, Mohini N. Sippy and Biren Tripathy (some of these people share different credits such as story, dialogue writer etc.)
I liked it very much despite not knowing Hindi and most of the humour is language based. It is a sweet story and gentle comedy with an excellent cast.

I also started Heart and Soul written by Maeve Binchy and the beginning doesn't dissapoint. But then again I'm a fan and read most of her books my favorite being Circle of Friends. I like her optimistic, no nonsense prose and end up with a duly warmed heart after each book.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Ambition and Punishment - End

I finished it today and it was good to the last page.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Aviator (and Ambition and Punishment)

The Aviator (2004) Directed by Martin Scorsese, written by John Logan.

I liked it very much but then again I love the film making of Martin Scorsese especially his use of light. And Leonardo DiCaprio is a wonderful actor (and a great looking man). The film lost some of its goodness due to the presence of the known characters, if they were not so in your face (to be honest I have no idea how to do that since this film is based on real events and people) then one would not compare the actors to the stars since even though they all did a good job, it kind of took away from the film.

Meanwhile Ambition and Punishment continue to be good. The satire, like all good satires contains some sincere emotions as well and these are like the salt of a good dish.

Monday, August 10, 2009

All About Eve 19-20 End & Crazy/Beautiful

I have finished All About Eve last night and I even cried to the fate of Young Mi. I don't know whether to believe she lost her memory really but she seemed in peace with herself and stopped doing bad things to people. Stupid OTP got together in the end but I really didn't care for them.

I also watched

Crazy/Beautiful (2001) Directed by John Stockwell, written by Phil Hay and Matt Manfredi.

Second viewing and I liked it even better this time. Jay Hernandez is not only good looking but a good actor too and same goes for Kirsten Dunst.

Also watched half of Sabrina remake and I still like it.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

All About Eve 11-18 & Jerry Maguire

Yeah I was watching All About Eve until 5 o'clock in the morning. And I really don't know why. It is just not that good a show but the lost dvds played in the computer and I could watch everything. Young Mi is most definitely crazy now. And things don't look very good for her. The OTP finally cleared their misunderstandings and now happily together. Woo Jin played a good part in getting them back together.

I have also rewatched Jerry Maguire and the fact that I didn't like it as much as the first two viewings did not stop me from crying. Tom Cruise, I finally admit to myself, is a good actor.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

All About Eve 7-10

Watched a four episodes of All About Eve last night. Now that I'm half way through this drama is good but not sensational. I don't think I'll suffer from any withdrawal symptoms. One reason for that is the characters. I don't feel close to any of them. I never liked a villain (except Snape, Zuko and the one in Old Boy but then again only one of them turned out to be a real villain) and Young Min is suitably evil to hate but at the same time pathetic and slowly going mad. Sun Mi is a nice girl but she is too indecisive for my taste. Woo Jin is a good guy but there is nothing special about him. Hyung Chul is great looking and charismatic but he is also a bit kiro (I really don't know how to translate that word to English). For what its worth I like the comic side plot but there is not enough of it.
I'm going to stick with it though since it looks like I don't remember much about my first viewing and I'm curious whether the dics will play on the laptop or not. Also a drama store mixed up my order. Instead of Beautiful Life and Delicious Proposal Japanese Drama I got Beautiful Days and Delicious Proposal Korean drama!!!

Friday, August 7, 2009

All About Eve 5-6 and another novel

Episodes 5 & 6 were decent. Sun Mi won the host competition by popular vote and Young Mi was furious. She put acetone in her face water but best friend of Sun Mi used it instead (I'll call her BF from now on). Sun Mi understood that Young Mi is the one who did this but no one believed her since she had no proof. On the day of the host competition Dad and Mom had a small accident without any injuries and Young Mi heard this while Woo Jin and Horny Friend were talking on the phone with Dad and Mom. She made Sun Mi believe that the accident was serious so poor Sun Mi rushed to the hospital while Young Mi became the host in the second half of the show. Sun Mi blamed her but again no one except Mom believed that Young Mi knowingly misinformed her. Mom tried to break Woo Jin and Young Mi up since she hates Young Mi for good reason but Young Mi made Woo Jin drunk and took him into a hotel room and they spent the night together. Later Young Mi pretended that she got an abortion and with this she has won victory over Mom and Mom had to accept that Woo Jin will marry her after one year. Young Mi is scary and the actress plays her such that sometimes she resembles those evil ghosts in scary Asian films.
Meanhwile Hyong Chul returned to Seoul since his father is very ill and we understand that his family actually owns MBS. Sun Mi is glad that her friend is back and since she doesn't know that he is in fact owner of one of the prominent TV stations in the country, tries to get him find a job. Sun Mi and Young Mi apply for a job in MBS and they both pass the test.

I have started a novel called Hırs ve Ceza (lit. trans. Ambition and Punishment). It is written by Ayca Sen who is a DJ, columnist, singer and this is her second novel. I loved her first one and this one is even better. The story is about a woman who quits her job to become a writer. It is a very funny satire and I'm enjoying it very much.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

All About Eve Ep.1-4 and Amat

All About Eve is a nice drama. It didn't leave that much of an impression and the cinematography is not really that good but the story is interesting and the dynamics are good. This time the rich and spoiled girl is not the evil one. Sun Mi is nice and friendly, in love with her father's girlfriend's son for years. Her mother died when she was young but her father is a really good guy who takes care of her and although in a steady relationship with a woman Sun Mi likes. Woo Jin is the son of that woman (I'll call her Mom) and they would have made a good couple, he wants to be a cameraman and she a newscaster. But he only sees her a sister.

Enter Young Mi, a woman whose father was a part time worker in a village and he dies while working for a project for Sun Mi's dad. Dad is impressed with Young Mi's hard working and ambitions to make something of herself. She is to go to the same university as Sun Mi. Feeling guilty for her father Dad decides to help Young Mi out by letting her stay for free at Woo Jin's and his horny friend's studio. But since Young Mi is a very beautiful young woman he decides it would be better to hide this from his girlfriend and Sun Mi. Woo Jin agrees and befriends Young Mi. But of course this secret doesn't remain a secret for so long since Mom visits often and one day sees them talking.
Anyway the main guy meanwhile is London staying away from his dad since he left him and his mother when he was a teenager and remarried. He hates his dad but in general not a bad guy at all.
What happened is that now Young Mi and Woo Jin are in love, Sun Mi went to England to get away from them. Met Hyong Chul (the main guy) there and returned back to declare her love to Woo Jin. But Woo Jin told her that he is in love with Young Mi.
Young Mi is an ambitious woman. Her mother left her when she was young and her father was a drunkard. She studied hard though and decided to be a newanchor. She also had a relationship in the village with a shady guy who followed her to Seoul. She tried to end the relationship but the guy threatened to beat Woo Ji (the guy is a gangster and he operates a bar) if Young Mi does not work in the bar drinking with guys and kissing them on their cheeks. Young Mi's activites are known to Mom who never liked her. And she doesn't want Woo Ji to go out with her. Young Mi is very jealous of Sun Mi and her lucky life, rich loving father, an uncle who is a senior in MBS (a TV station). Meanwhile this Uncle and his co anchor lady are good friends with Hyong Chul. Anchor Lady even is sort of in love with him and visits him in London but he gently tells her that he doesn't plan on loving anyone. But he meets Sun Mi and even though it is not yet love, there is a good friendship and some affection between them.
In the university there is a competition for hosting a show - both girls study mass media- and they both want to be the host of the show now.

I have finished Amat and enjoyed it very much. A mix of myth, fiction, religion with a dose of symbolism and the little details of life in the Ottoman Empire, it is a delightful read. According to the book Amat is the pronunciation of hebrew word Emet which means the truth.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

All About Eve and Amat

All About Eve (2002) This Korean TV Drama is one I have seen a while ago but two discs in the set refused to work and I ended up watching the ending but four episodes before that I was not able to see. Now I'm giving this presumably Malay set another chance in the computer and I started from the beginning. This is a loved drama starring Jang Dong Gun and Chae Rim as the OTP and there is the evil girl who is also the lead. And a good secondary guy. I'm planning 2 episodes a night and so far our OTP didn't even meet yet!

Amat is still going great and it got even more interesting.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Naked Kitchen

The Naked Kitchen (2008) Directed by Hong Ji Young and written by Hong Ji Young and Lee Kyong ee

It looked like rom com but turned out to be one of those gentle films that go nowhere. I don't mind those really but this one was odd and I ended up not liking it except the make out scene in the gallery which unlucky for me was at the beginning of the film.

This was not the actors' fault though since all three leads and secondary characters were very good - as usual with the Korean actors. And congrats for the costume and hair department for making Shin Min Ah, one of the most beautiful women in Asia to look unintentionally ugly.

Thank God that Amat is going great. I'm halfway through and enjoying every page.

Monday, August 3, 2009

K-20 and Amat

K-20 (2008) Directed and written by Sato Shimako (adapted from the novel written by Kitamura So)

The story is in AU Japan and the hero is a mixture of Batman and Robin. The villain is suitably villainous. The female character was very good since she was the smartest of them all and furthermore she has figthing and other skills. I didn't like the actress much though for the silly reason that she looked stupid with the air goggles. But Takeshi Kaneshiro has got to be the most handsome man in the world. And he is a good actor. It gives me such a delight just to look at his face and his dimple when he smiles. The villain was Toru Nakamura, a capable actor and he doesn't seem to age!!!
Today I have started a new novel (took a break from the short stories). It is a Turkish novel called Amat (I really have no idea what it means, it is the name of a ship). The novel is a period piece in 1600, an Ottoman ship going on the Aegan sea. The writer is Ihsan Oktay Anar and his language is a delight in many many Ottoman words... I'm enjoying it as much as I did enjoy the two novels of his I have read. (Puslu Kıtalar Atlası - lit.trans. Atlas of Hazy Continents and Suskunlar - lit.trans The Silent(s))

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Rough Cut

Rough Cut (2008) Directed and written by Hung Jang

I liked it despite its flaws and this is mainly because of its two great leads, Kang Ji Kwan and So Ji Sub. They made me care for the not really well drawn (and a bit cliché) characters and I wanted them both to be happy. Also I didn't care for the lighting but it may be due to the cheapo vcd of it I purchased.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Frozen Flower

Frozen Flower (2008) Directed and written by Ha Yu

This box office success in S.Korea was indeed a good film and not just because it has great art direction. It made me compare the dynamics of sex and power. In the film the King is in love with his chief bodyguard/lover. He is the passive one in their love making. Since he is unable to make love like a man he orders the bodyguard to sleep with the queen and produce an heir for the throne (his rule is threathened with the excuse of the lack of an heir). The bodyguard only made love to the king all his life and it is the first time he makes love to a woman and what do you know? He is actually a hetero and furthermore falls in love with the Queen who duly reciprocates his feelings. King is so upset with the whole thing that he destroys the poor the bodyguard and the Queen with her misguided love and compassion helps the King to do just that.
So the bodyguard is the dominant party in both sexual relationships but he ends up being crushed by the royalty. Why is it so important to get what one wants? True love is not about ownership, is it?
The controversial sex scenes were indeed really explicit. The man to man ones include french kissing and kind of yuck... And the make up was really not very good. The actors looked a lot better in the special features.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Tenessee Williams and Kunal Kohli

I have finished reading Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (both versions) and I loved both of them very much.

Also last night I have watched special features dvd of Fanaa. Loved Kajol and Aamir once again and I like Kunal Kohli - yeah I even liked Thoda Pyaar Thoda Magic. Actually I think my least fave film of his is the one that everyone loves Hum Tum.

Thursday, July 30, 2009


Fanaa (2006)Directed by Kunal Kohli, written by Shibani Bahtija

This film is actually a lot better the second time. Because now I know what will happen, started to cry at the beginning.. Beautiful music, excellent cinematography and two leads who are perfect actors who also appreciate and excell at "filmi" acting. I enjoyed the film very very much.

Still reading Chekov.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Fighting for Love

Fighting for Love (2001) Directed by Joe Ma, written by Yi Han Chow, Oi Wah Lam and Joe Ma
This is an old favorite of my starring Tony Leung Chiu Wai and Sammi Cheng. It was not as loved by the audiences but there is something good in this rom com. I especially like the beginning.

I have finished Cat on a Hot Tin Roof only to find out that Elia Kazan directed the third act differently and now I want to read the different third act but I have already started the story The Peasants by Chekov which is very good, oh well...

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Lost and Found and Cat on a Hot Tin Roof

Lost And Found (1996) Directed and written by Ching Ngai Lee.
I can't believe the thing I remembered about this film was Michael Wong playing bag pipe! It is such a good film that wooden acting by both Michael Wong and Kelly Chan has not ruined it at all. Kelly having that beautiful, natural looking face probably helped, and Michael is very easy on the eyes too. But the real gem in the film is Takeshi Kaneshiro. Everything he does is spot on. I liked this film even better the second time around. HK films rock!

Last night as I was looking into my "to read" pile, I discovered plays by Tenessee Williams. Of course I started reading Cat on a Hot Tin Roof and I'm amazed by how good the play is. I have to watch the film now - and I love films from Williams plays. I keep reading Chekov's stories too.

Monday, July 27, 2009

The Proposal, Dry Wood Fierce Fire and Chekov

The Proposal (2009) Directed by Anne Fletcher, written by Pete Chiarelli
It is an OK film, nothing really impressive but it was enjoyable and I was entertained. Sandra is nice.

Dry Wood Fierce Fire (2002) Directed by Wilson Yip, written by Kwok Chin Kin, He Gu, Eileen Yeung

This film is special to me since it is the first Hong Kong film I have watched at a Hong Kong cinema. I can't help but enjoy it at every viewing. Miriam Yeung is very lovable and I love how Louis Koo makes fun of his own good looks.

Meanwhile Remember Me is finished and I'm reading Chekov's short stories which are delightful. This is a book I read from time to time. Chekov is a bit gloomy at times and stories are not really that dramatic but his sense of humour and the wonderful prose sucks me in and I find myself sometimes laughing and sometimes pensive.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Kabei, Our Mother

Kabei, Our Mother (2008) Directed by Yoji Yamada, Written by Yoji Yamada, Hiromatsu Emiko, adapted from the authobiography of Nogami Teruyo.

I liked it very much despite the fact that the lead actress looked a bit old for the title role. I liked the set design and art direction and also the chemistry among the cast. This director handles melodrama and his actors well. Twilight Samurai is still my fave among his films followed closely by Bushi no Ichibun, I liked Kabei better than The Hidden Blade.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Kismat Konnection

Kismat Konnection (2008) Directed by Aziz Mizra, written by Vibha Singh and Sai Kabir (there are lots of other people credited in imdb, but I suspect most of them are to do with lyrics and dialogues.

This one suprised me in a good way. I didn't expect to like it as much as I did. I don't really care for Shahid Kapoor and Vidya Balan, despite being a good actress does not really impress me. I liked the story in all its predictability and a decent rom com. It reminded me a bit of that Lindsay Lohan film about luck. And some parts reminded of KANK, not plot wise but visually. And I admired Karan Johar even more. Anyway this is a nice story with a good message.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Kiralik Adam finished, started a new book

Remember Me? (2008) Written by Sophie Kinsella

It is one of those light books and I have read her The Undomestic Goddess, Can You Keep A Secret? Shopaholic & Baby and honestly I can't remember whether I have read The Secret Dreamworld of a Shopaholic or not (and no, I have not seen the film) And all these books left nothing but minor traces in me though I remember enjoying reading them and being entertained, as I'm with this book now. When I googled it to find out the publication date, I have come across Remember Me, by Mary Higgins Clark, another writer whose books entertain me while read but don't stay with me for long (except in Mrs. Clark's case Love Music, Love to Dance)

ETA: I forgot to say something about Kiralik Adam, and just as well since it was not really worth mentioning.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Pride (End) and a new book

I finished the last four episodes of Pride last night and I loved everything about it. The ending was also to my utmost satisfaction.Looks like romance and drama are the genres I prefer in J-Dramas. They are different from Korean dramas, my favorites, the production values are not as good and they have a different, less melodramatic feel. But when they are good, they are really good. I actually read someone else's meta on Pride this morning and I cried even while reading that since every emotion Pride caused me feel are still raw. I still like Long Vacation better but Pride really was an excellent purchase. And Halu finally won me over!

I have started to read this Turkish novel called Kiralik Adam (trans. Rental Man) 2009, written by Yazgulu Aydogan, a newspaper coloumnist. The story tells the relationship between a successful business woman who reached her fifties and a forty year old male escort who has started doing this when he failed at his finance career. It is the usual, generic prose, easy read but also touches some social sexual issues women in Turkish society suffers from. The guy is chosen by a group who are introducing sex terapy to women who are suffering mental sexual problems vaginismus, repulsion due to abuse etc. The business woman tries to understand and was jealous at first but when she saw how the man suffers since it is a tough job that takes a lot from him, she understands and actually wants him to continue sex terapy and give the escort business for good. Also he is out in society escorting women from her social circle and people think that he is cheating on her.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

War And Peace (End)

This novel which according to Tolstoy cannot really be considered as one, is amazing. The fiction parts were captivating and so alive. The historical fiction parts were interesting too but his prose comes truly alive when describing a hunt, a ball or the feelings and interactions of the fictional characters. No wonder everything in it rang so sincere since after reading the novel I have learned that Tolstoy was an aristocrat who has actually been in a war (Crimean wars) and after being in the society chose to live in the country. This was an amazing experience despite the fact that I had to carry the whole thing around and probably made some arm muscles doing that :)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Pride And War & Peace

Last night I simply couldn't help but watch four more episodes of Pride. Long Vacation is still more my kind of drama but Pride has its good points. Acting is not as good but the writing is great, despite the bad subtitles, most probably translated from Chinese to English (the way they do for Turkish subs).

Episode 5 got me cry like a baby, a side story for the goal keeper of the hockey team Blue Scorpions. He accidentally hit and killed a boy and trying to make up for his mistake for 12 years playing hockey, since the dead boy was playing hockey. Haru tried to snap him out of the guilt with the help of his teammates but to no avail. Then he visited the parents of the boy and asked them to forgive the goalie. And they both did. His mother even gave him the boy's hockey charm.

Meanwhile the OTP was going so well, filled with mutual love and understanding. Even the visit from his mother asking for money only helped to strengthen their relationship. But I simply can not like these two as much as I did Sena and Minami, and can't help but compare since I left no breathing time between the dramas. Aki is a great lady but she feels so matronly (not looks wise) and Haru is really difficult despite having a golden heart.

The dead coach's wife told Haru something that made me think. Haru said to her that most women like gentle men (gentle is really not the right term but closest) but the widow corrected him saying that some women like gentle men since they are not gentle themselves. But some women who are gentle feel more at ease with men who are hard to get along. Haru is such a man and despite the fact that I think he'd make a great friend I simply can't imagine myself being in a relationship with him. Sena on the other hand is very gentle and I love him to bits. So I guess based on the J-Drama logic, I'm hard to get along with and not gentle- heh.

Also Aki's boyfriend showed up right after the couple made love and both of them were so happy! Natsu (the names in Japanese refer to seasons, Haru: spring, Aki: Autumn and Natsu: Summer) asked to meet but Aki told him that she will not be there. And Haru made a spare key of his flat to give to Aki. But that old drama chestnut happened and they both waited in front of the other's house and couldn't meet. Haru came to the brigde but before Aki was able to say anything he talked as if wanting to end the relationship. Aki was crying and walked towards Natsu. That's where the episode ended...
Side effect of this drama: Queen's "I Was Born to Love You" constantly plays in mind - good thing I love Queen.

War & Peace alternates between historical comments and fictional events. There is an eight year time jump in the story and Nikolay got married to Princess Marya. Cleared his not deceased father's debts without selling his wife's properties and even turned into a succesfull farmer and increased the income of the estates and adding to them.
Natasha and Pierre are also married. But the book hasn't ended yet so I'm expecting more information.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Pride -(and War & Peace)



It is very good but I can't seem to warm up to the characters while still in the Long Vacation after glow. It was a mistake to start this but when my dvd of Kismet Konnection didn't play I grabbed to Pride for comfort.
Haru is very different from Senna and credit to Kimu Taku to play them so well. But I can't seem to warm up to him, he has lots of baggage... But then again who doesn't? Aki on the other hand is not someone I instantly liked as I did Minami.

Finally Tolstoy started to tell us what happened to the characters starting with Pierre, who is at last free of his inner and outer troubles and even met Natasha and there seems to be a mutual attraction. Princess Marya wants this to happen since she likes both of them.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Drillbit Taylor

Drillbit Taylor (2008) Directed by Steven Brill, written by Seth Rogen, Kristofor Brown

It was a decent passtime mostly due to Owen Wilson. I like this actor somehow. I stress on somehow since I can not actually say what specificly is so special about him. Anyway this entertained me on some level.

Also I watched a rerun of a TV programme where one of my favorite directors, Nuri Bilge Ceylan was interviewed. I liked him and his films even better after the interview. He is so aware of what he wants to show in his films, so precise in his decisions...

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Long Vacation, Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince and Fantastic Four, The Rise of the Siver Surfer

Ok we go from bad to good.

Fantastic Four: The Rise of the Siver Surfer (2007) Directed by Tim Story, Written by Don Payne, Mark Frost adapted from Marvel Comic of the same name created by Stan Lee
This is just a stupid film with very good special effects. Nothing worth mentioning.

Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince (2009) Directed by David Yates, Written by Steve Kloves adapted from the novel of the same name written by J.K Rowling
I loved it. Sure it is a condensed version of the novel, with most of the Snape bits gone but I liked how the director gave all the emotions and interactions, the cave and the horcrux scene was wonderful, so was Hermoine's birds.

Long Vacation (1996) Directed by Nagayama Kozo, Suzuki Masayuki, Usui Hirotsugu. Written by Kitagawa Eriko

I did a marathon of this drama last night. 7 episodes and I couldn't stop until I finished it. It was really good. Especially Kimura Takuya as Seno and Yamaguchi Tomoko as Minami. Everything in it felt real in that drama sense and I invested in the characters. And the kissing scenes were fantastic especially the last one - I admit to rewinding. This is the first J-Drama I really liked (so far I have seen Gokusen, Hana Yori Dango (1) and Nodame Cantabile).

Meanwhile I still read War and Peace but I'm losing that special excitement. It is more to do with the continous comments on the war and critisim of what the various historians wrote about it. I wish we could go back to the characters. Still, I'm curious about what's going to happen to Natasha, Marya and Nikolay.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Long Vacation and War & Peace

Last night we had guest over for dinner and there was not time to engage in any reading or viewing. But I read more of War And Peace and eagerly awaiting for more of Long Vacation
First W&P, Petya died and Rostov family is in great pain. The poor thing was so eager to be included in action that he was reckless and killed instantly by a bullet to the head during an attack. This attack in question saved Pierre who was taken prisoner by the French Army. Meanwhile Natasha and Princess Marya became close friends united in their pain for Andrey. Natasha is feeling guilty since she thinks Andrey misunderstood her and gave up on living in order for her not to be tied to an invalid for her life. But with Petya's death she needed to return to life to take care of her mother who is beyond consolation. But her health declined all through this and now she is returning to Moscow with Princess Marya to see a doctor.
Tolstoy is a great writer but I enjoy the trials and turbulations of the characters more than reading the stages of war and his theories about what actually happened. War is my least favorite genre and even though I do read everything with curiousty I'm more eager and into the book when we returned to our characters.
Now on to Long Vacation: This drama is my fourth J Drama and currently my favorite since the people in it are not behaving like manga characters and I like our lead pair with their more real to life issues and interaction. The actors are both good and Kimu Taku is georgeous.
Currently our OTP is sharing a flat and interfering with each other's life. Her brother Shinji is a great pianist but preferes to just "hang out".

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Long Vacation & War And Peace

Long Vacation turns out to be as good as everyone says it is. I'll write longer when I find more time.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

War And Peace - Volume IV, Part II, Chapter 14

Last night I couldn't write, we were invited to a balcony BBQ and came home late. I eagerly started to read but then ..... Prince Andrey DIED!!! It came as a total shock and sadness sweeped over me. How could this happen? I thought his wound was healing but then suddenly his will to live and his love lost over the peace of death. At least he made up with Natasha, forgave her, declared his love and get to see Princess Marya and his son Nikolay. Leo Tolstoy how could you? I really was rooting for this OTP.

Meanwhile Sonya was sure that my Prince will live and written a letter to Nikolay freeing him of his promise to marry her, thinking that since Natasha and Andrey are getting married their siblings will not be able to (the law was such in Russia at those times). But now Andrey is dead and Nikolay is free... I don't really like Sonya that much but can't help but feel sorry for her.

Tonight I hope to start another J-Drama, which is called Long Vacation. I like Takuya Kimura a lot and hope that I will be included in the vast majority who loves this drama.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Ikigami and War & Peace

Ikigami (2008) Directed by Takimoto Tomoyuki, adapted from Mase Motorou's manga by Takimoto Tamayuki, Akimatsu Sasaki and Yatsu Hiroyuki

This film hit me with all its unexpected melodrama. I checked the plot up which is how the government injects everybody when they enter elementary school and one of thousand kids is inserted with a capsule that will kill him in the appointed time (somewhere between 20 to 25 years old). The victims receive a notice called ikigami 24 before to sort their affairs out. I was expecting some kind of an action thriller but the whole thing is about the thoughts and lives of the victims. It really produced tears and I was captivated with the whole thing. The actors were good the cinematography generic with some nice compositions that show up at unexpected times.

War and Peace still captivates me and now the battle of Borodin is just started. The night before Pierre and Andrey met and talked about war. Andrey remembered Natasha and could not sleep since he still misses her and probably his happiness when he was with her. I do agree that what Natasha did was bad, but everyone makes mistakes and she was unexperienced and let her passions conquer her feelings and reason. Now she regrets what she has done. And even though Prince Andrey is my literary crush and I really want him for myself, I hope that he and Natasha will somehow end up together. And I'm so glad that I have not read anything about this novel since not knowing adds to the pleasure (also I realise how I totally forgot everything I learned about world history!)

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Hum Hain Rahi Pyar Ke

Hum Hain Rahi Pyar Ke (1993) Directed by Manesh Bhatt, Written By Robin Bhatt, Aamir Khan, Sujit Sen

This was an enjoyable film. But I do not really like Juhi Chawla and contrary to popular belief I do not think they are a good jodi. Yes, I have seen Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak, a sweet film, but I think somehow Juhi makes Aamir look really short. He is not like that with Urmilla or Kajol... The story again is one of those "only in fiction" types. It is good natured and entertaining though.

I had to take a break from War And Peace since I fell asleep as soon as the film was over.