Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Pride And War & Peace

Last night I simply couldn't help but watch four more episodes of Pride. Long Vacation is still more my kind of drama but Pride has its good points. Acting is not as good but the writing is great, despite the bad subtitles, most probably translated from Chinese to English (the way they do for Turkish subs).

Episode 5 got me cry like a baby, a side story for the goal keeper of the hockey team Blue Scorpions. He accidentally hit and killed a boy and trying to make up for his mistake for 12 years playing hockey, since the dead boy was playing hockey. Haru tried to snap him out of the guilt with the help of his teammates but to no avail. Then he visited the parents of the boy and asked them to forgive the goalie. And they both did. His mother even gave him the boy's hockey charm.

Meanwhile the OTP was going so well, filled with mutual love and understanding. Even the visit from his mother asking for money only helped to strengthen their relationship. But I simply can not like these two as much as I did Sena and Minami, and can't help but compare since I left no breathing time between the dramas. Aki is a great lady but she feels so matronly (not looks wise) and Haru is really difficult despite having a golden heart.

The dead coach's wife told Haru something that made me think. Haru said to her that most women like gentle men (gentle is really not the right term but closest) but the widow corrected him saying that some women like gentle men since they are not gentle themselves. But some women who are gentle feel more at ease with men who are hard to get along. Haru is such a man and despite the fact that I think he'd make a great friend I simply can't imagine myself being in a relationship with him. Sena on the other hand is very gentle and I love him to bits. So I guess based on the J-Drama logic, I'm hard to get along with and not gentle- heh.

Also Aki's boyfriend showed up right after the couple made love and both of them were so happy! Natsu (the names in Japanese refer to seasons, Haru: spring, Aki: Autumn and Natsu: Summer) asked to meet but Aki told him that she will not be there. And Haru made a spare key of his flat to give to Aki. But that old drama chestnut happened and they both waited in front of the other's house and couldn't meet. Haru came to the brigde but before Aki was able to say anything he talked as if wanting to end the relationship. Aki was crying and walked towards Natsu. That's where the episode ended...
Side effect of this drama: Queen's "I Was Born to Love You" constantly plays in mind - good thing I love Queen.

War & Peace alternates between historical comments and fictional events. There is an eight year time jump in the story and Nikolay got married to Princess Marya. Cleared his not deceased father's debts without selling his wife's properties and even turned into a succesfull farmer and increased the income of the estates and adding to them.
Natasha and Pierre are also married. But the book hasn't ended yet so I'm expecting more information.

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