Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Return from India

I have returned from an excellent trip to India (and Nepal)yesterday. Apart from visiting the historical places and getting a feel of the country I have also read books and watched films (two at night in the hotel room, two on the return flight). Of course I went a bit channel crazy over there and gave the remote controls at the hotel room good work outs. Now on to what I have read

The Bridesmaid - written by Ruth Rendell
I love the writer and I love this novel as much. I have seen a French film adaptation of it some years ago but, as usual, the novel is much better (although kudos to this film too)

Vurun Kahpeye (lit.trasnlation "Hit the Bitch") - written by Halide Edip Adivar
I have read this novel - like every Turkish girl who likes the Republic and the independence war) but I liked it better when an adult. It is a bit of a propaganda but effective prose nevertheless. Halide Edip Adivar is a good novelist. Maybe I'll re read some of her other novels too.

What I Talk About When I Talk About Running - written by Haruki Murakami
I rarely read non fiction but when it comes to Murakami, who am I to resist. And I'm very happy that I did.

Five Points Someone - written by Chetan Bhagat
Bought it while in Nepal and it was the perfect choice since a) one of my favorite Indian directors, Rajkumar Hirani made a film inspired by it and b) it was great time pass while waiting at the crowded and mismanaged Kathmandu International Airport.

At the moment I'm reading 2 States by the same novelist, I bought in anticipation of a good reading while waiting at the airport (this time Indra Ghandi airport in New Delhi) but it turned out I met an interesting lady in the Smoking Room and had a wonderful chat. And the films on the flight were interesting... It is a good -sort of- follow up to Five Points Someone so I'm still happy :)

Now on to the films

Lady Hawke (1985) Directed by Richard Donner, written by Edward Khamara, Michael Thomas, Tom Manckiewitz, David Webb Peoples

This was a good rewatch since everything about the film were as good I remembered. Loved both the leads and was even able to tolerate Matthew Broderick (yeah I don't like him).

The Thomas Crown Affair (1999) Directed by John McTiernan, written by Alan Trustman, Leslie Dixon, Kurt Wimmer.

I love this remake and think it better than the original. Great leads with tonnes of chemistry, a killer soundtrack, lovely visuals and a nice going rythm.

Scandal Makers (2008) Directed and written by Kang Hyok Cheol.
Great entertainment. The director played me like a puppet, I laughed and cried exactly when he(or she) wanted me to. The male lead was great, I have not liked him this much since My Sassy Girl.

Looking For A Star - Yau Lung Hei Fung (2009) Directed by Lau Wai Keung, written by Cindy Tang, James Yuen and Louis Koon Nam.

This had potential but turned uninteresting towards the end. It is one of those rom coms where the side stories are a lot more interesting than the main one. Good thing I like Shu Qi since Andy Lau was his usual self.

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