Monday, July 20, 2009

Pride -(and War & Peace)


It is very good but I can't seem to warm up to the characters while still in the Long Vacation after glow. It was a mistake to start this but when my dvd of Kismet Konnection didn't play I grabbed to Pride for comfort.
Haru is very different from Senna and credit to Kimu Taku to play them so well. But I can't seem to warm up to him, he has lots of baggage... But then again who doesn't? Aki on the other hand is not someone I instantly liked as I did Minami.

Finally Tolstoy started to tell us what happened to the characters starting with Pierre, who is at last free of his inner and outer troubles and even met Natasha and there seems to be a mutual attraction. Princess Marya wants this to happen since she likes both of them.

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