Thursday, September 3, 2009

Maine Pyar Kya

Maine Pyar Kya (1989) Directed and written by Sooraj R. Barjatya, story by S.M Ahale

I was eally suprised as it dawned on me that one of my favorite films Nuvvostanante Nenondantana is a remake of this film! I had no idea.

Anyway this film is a total trip, and the whole WTFness escalates towards the end. But it was very very entertaining (I hope they intented the film to be like this but I suspect they were not aware how ridicilous the whole thing looks)It is a long film full of songs and a disembodied "I loooove youuu" comes out at every opportunity and sometimes "twinkle twinkle little star" - not kidding yaar. Oh also music director must have loved the intro The Final Countdown since it is often repeated too! And one must not forget the dove (I nearly fell out of bed when we get to watch dove's memory!!!!)

The actors were good and the performanes totally in sync with the film's tone. Heroine's glycerine tears to Salman's Zoolander looks were hillarious.

And I'm such an easy crier that despite all the fun I had, I couldn't help but shed a couple of tears in the end.

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