Monday, August 3, 2009

K-20 and Amat

K-20 (2008) Directed and written by Sato Shimako (adapted from the novel written by Kitamura So)

The story is in AU Japan and the hero is a mixture of Batman and Robin. The villain is suitably villainous. The female character was very good since she was the smartest of them all and furthermore she has figthing and other skills. I didn't like the actress much though for the silly reason that she looked stupid with the air goggles. But Takeshi Kaneshiro has got to be the most handsome man in the world. And he is a good actor. It gives me such a delight just to look at his face and his dimple when he smiles. The villain was Toru Nakamura, a capable actor and he doesn't seem to age!!!
Today I have started a new novel (took a break from the short stories). It is a Turkish novel called Amat (I really have no idea what it means, it is the name of a ship). The novel is a period piece in 1600, an Ottoman ship going on the Aegan sea. The writer is Ihsan Oktay Anar and his language is a delight in many many Ottoman words... I'm enjoying it as much as I did enjoy the two novels of his I have read. (Puslu Kıtalar Atlası - lit.trans. Atlas of Hazy Continents and Suskunlar - lit.trans The Silent(s))

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