Wednesday, July 15, 2009

War And Peace - Volume IV, Part II, Chapter 14

Last night I couldn't write, we were invited to a balcony BBQ and came home late. I eagerly started to read but then ..... Prince Andrey DIED!!! It came as a total shock and sadness sweeped over me. How could this happen? I thought his wound was healing but then suddenly his will to live and his love lost over the peace of death. At least he made up with Natasha, forgave her, declared his love and get to see Princess Marya and his son Nikolay. Leo Tolstoy how could you? I really was rooting for this OTP.

Meanwhile Sonya was sure that my Prince will live and written a letter to Nikolay freeing him of his promise to marry her, thinking that since Natasha and Andrey are getting married their siblings will not be able to (the law was such in Russia at those times). But now Andrey is dead and Nikolay is free... I don't really like Sonya that much but can't help but feel sorry for her.

Tonight I hope to start another J-Drama, which is called Long Vacation. I like Takuya Kimura a lot and hope that I will be included in the vast majority who loves this drama.

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