Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Lost and Found and Cat on a Hot Tin Roof

Lost And Found (1996) Directed and written by Ching Ngai Lee.
I can't believe the thing I remembered about this film was Michael Wong playing bag pipe! It is such a good film that wooden acting by both Michael Wong and Kelly Chan has not ruined it at all. Kelly having that beautiful, natural looking face probably helped, and Michael is very easy on the eyes too. But the real gem in the film is Takeshi Kaneshiro. Everything he does is spot on. I liked this film even better the second time around. HK films rock!

Last night as I was looking into my "to read" pile, I discovered plays by Tenessee Williams. Of course I started reading Cat on a Hot Tin Roof and I'm amazed by how good the play is. I have to watch the film now - and I love films from Williams plays. I keep reading Chekov's stories too.

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