Friday, July 24, 2009

Kiralik Adam finished, started a new book

Remember Me? (2008) Written by Sophie Kinsella

It is one of those light books and I have read her The Undomestic Goddess, Can You Keep A Secret? Shopaholic & Baby and honestly I can't remember whether I have read The Secret Dreamworld of a Shopaholic or not (and no, I have not seen the film) And all these books left nothing but minor traces in me though I remember enjoying reading them and being entertained, as I'm with this book now. When I googled it to find out the publication date, I have come across Remember Me, by Mary Higgins Clark, another writer whose books entertain me while read but don't stay with me for long (except in Mrs. Clark's case Love Music, Love to Dance)

ETA: I forgot to say something about Kiralik Adam, and just as well since it was not really worth mentioning.

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