Saturday, August 1, 2009

Frozen Flower

Frozen Flower (2008) Directed and written by Ha Yu

This box office success in S.Korea was indeed a good film and not just because it has great art direction. It made me compare the dynamics of sex and power. In the film the King is in love with his chief bodyguard/lover. He is the passive one in their love making. Since he is unable to make love like a man he orders the bodyguard to sleep with the queen and produce an heir for the throne (his rule is threathened with the excuse of the lack of an heir). The bodyguard only made love to the king all his life and it is the first time he makes love to a woman and what do you know? He is actually a hetero and furthermore falls in love with the Queen who duly reciprocates his feelings. King is so upset with the whole thing that he destroys the poor the bodyguard and the Queen with her misguided love and compassion helps the King to do just that.
So the bodyguard is the dominant party in both sexual relationships but he ends up being crushed by the royalty. Why is it so important to get what one wants? True love is not about ownership, is it?
The controversial sex scenes were indeed really explicit. The man to man ones include french kissing and kind of yuck... And the make up was really not very good. The actors looked a lot better in the special features.

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